
"Жыл мұғалімі"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-18 08:51:08
Мектебімізде "Жыл мұғалімі" облыстық байқауының мектепішілік кезеңі қазан айының 9 - 11 аралығында өткізілді. Сайысқа қатысушылар ашық сабақтары мен сыныптан тыс іс - шараларын өз деңгейінде өткізіп, мектебімізден қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәнінің мұғалімі Айтқұлова Г.С. қалалық кезеңге жолдама алды. Қатысушыларға сәттілік!
Author: School №8

Information on attending the city event on emergency situations of the Balkhash district of KSU OSSh No. 4 - 2018

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-17 19:48:09
In order to increase students' knowledge about emergency protection and fire safety, on October 18, 2018, the Balkhash garrison showed an emergency emergency services equipment in the city of Balkhash. Pupils of 8 “B” class and their parents took part in this event. Under the guidance of the class teacher Amirkulova G.R. eighth-graders were able to get acquainted with the equipme...
Author: School №4

Information on the conduct of the decade from 10/04/2018 to 10/14/2018 devoted to the International Day of the Girls KSU OSSh №4 - 2018

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-17 19:43:09
October 11 is International Day of the Girl Child, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 2011 (resolution 66/170) in recognition of the rights of girls.          In this regard, a decade dedicated to the International Day of Girls was held at KGU OSSh No. 4 named after N.Krupa city of Balkhash. According to the plan, the school hosted events in wh...
Author: School №4

Open lessons on literary reading and self-knowledge ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-17 16:39:47
Open lessons on literary reading and self-knowledge ...
    On October 17, as part of the week of mastering the use of ICT, in the 3rd “A” class an open lesson on literary reading on the topic “Batyrlar zhyry” was held, namely, on Koblandy batyr. Read an excerpt from the work. The purpose of the lesson: to give children information about the epic of the batyrs and their exploits. During the lesson, the teacher us...

The results of the republican essay contest "If I were the president ..."

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-17 14:38:45
The results of the republican essay contest
In October, was held the Republican essay “If I were the President ...”. Objective: to engage students in creative activities, to identify and support gifted children, to stimulate their cognitive interests; identify and promote talented youth among students and students in different regions of the country. According to the rules of the competition, participants could send an e...

Стартовал областной конкурс "Жыл мұғалімі"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-10-17 09:34:03
В рамках областного конкурса "Жыл мұғалімі" с целью повышения статуса педагогической профессии, стимулирования профессионального мастерства учителей в учреждениях образования города Балхаш стартовал городской этап конкурса. 17 педагогов, прошедшие школьный тур с 16 по 27 октября 2018 года будут демонстрировать свое педагогическое кредо, творческую деятельность по обновлению содержания...
Author: Department

"The bright future of the Address"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-16 21:05:22
       On October 12, 2018 a meeting was held in the Schoolchildren's Palace on the theme of the discussion and explanation of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "Improving the Welfare of Kazakhstan: Prosperity and Prosperity". During the discussion, Ulans and senior trainers exchanged views on each direction of the...

Within the week of mastery in the use of ICT, were held open lessons on history and the Russian language ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-16 17:03:31
Within the week of mastery in the use of ICT, were held open lessons  on history and the Russian language ...
  Within 15-20 in our school is a week of skill in the use of ICT in the educational process. Ten lessons are planned for various subjects. On October 16, a history teacher conducted a lesson on the history of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Domestic and foreign policy of Abylaikhan” in the 8 Ә class. The purpose of the lesson: Objective: to form knowledge about the outstanding ru...

«Казахстанские родители 21 века: Стань примером своему ребенку»

Category: Конференция
Date: 2018-10-16 16:50:22
«Казахстанские родители 21 века: Стань примером своему ребенку»
«Казахстанские родители 21 века: Стань примером своему ребенку» On October 13, 14 a special conference was organized for parents of students 2–4 and 8–9 Grades. The conference is aimed at the formation and strengthening of family values. The program of the event consisted of several sections.      
Author: School №16

A meeting was held to introduce students to the article entitled "The Seven Wonders of the Great Steppe."

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-16 14:54:19
A meeting was held to introduce students to the article entitled
 On November 22, In the school gymnasium №7 named after S. Seifullin A meeting was held bto acquaint Nazarbayev with the article "Seven Wonders of the Great Steppe".Karibzhanov Yerzhan Turarovich, a history teacher, explained that the article was a project in the framework of the program "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal", explaining the content, goals and ob...

An open lesson in English on "Fundamentals of Cinema"

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-16 14:45:16
 An open lesson in English on
 Today, under the heading "Fundamentals of Cinema" in the 9A class "Physics - in the Environment", Balapanova G.Zh. conducted classes and provided pupils with the basicconcepts and concepts in English. During the classroom, students were able to defend posters in English, translate terms into English, perform tasks, and express special interest. The trainer Doskhan Riza...

October 9 "Teacher of the Year" competition

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-16 14:40:01
October 9
 On October 9th, our school hosted the first stage of the contest "Teacher of the Year" to improve the status of pedagogical profession and stimulate professionalism.The open lesson was held at the first stage of the competition. Open lessons were evaluated by the following indicators:the relevance of the type of occupation and thejustification for choosing methods and approaches...

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