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«Traditions is wealth»

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-04 10:03:03
«Traditions is wealth»
   Tradition is a manifestation of the historical, social, cultural, professional, traditions, customs, behavior, teaching and upbringing of the people from the father to the child.      It is a tradition that has been accumulated for hundreds of years in accordance with the nationality, people, religion and belief, lifestyle, and national structure.     &n...
Author: School №5

«Healthy body healthy mind»

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-04 09:54:20
«Healthy body healthy mind»
     Human health is the wealth of society. Everyone should consider how their health can be strong. The healthy person is in a good mood and always enthusiastically engages in work. Our people say that "healthy is the soul." The future of our homeland, its admiration in the hands of young people. In order to develop this direction, school activities are held.   &...
Author: School №5

March 8 International Women's Day "

Category: «Казахстанские родители ХХІ-века»
Date: 2019-04-03 22:20:44
March 8 International Women's Day
Mothers and daughters of white hearts, celebration of dear girls. In the kindergarten "Baldyrgan" there were presentations devoted to this day. The children sang, danced and played interesting games for mothers.


Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-04-03 21:25:48
On the occasion of "March 22 Great Day of Nation", our kindergarten played "Khantalapai", one of our national games among adult children.

March 1 - Thanksgiving!

Category: «Казахстанские родители ХХІ-века»
Date: 2019-04-03 21:12:32
March 1 - Thanksgiving!
03/01/2019 a concert dedicated to this day was held in the kindergarten "Baldyrgan", where the kids thanked their homeland, the President, for a peaceful and peaceful life in Kazakhstan. They thanked their parents, teachers, and kindergarten workers for their happy childhood. At the end of the holiday, awarding of parents took an active part in the life of the kindergarten.

March 1 - Thanksgiving Day!

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-04-03 21:06:43
March 1 - Thanksgiving Day!
On the eve of Thanksgiving Day on 01.03.2019 in the kindergarten "Baldyrgan" there was a solemn ceremony "I sincerely thank you". Heads of State NA Nazarbayev Expressing gratitude to Nazarbayev for creating conditions for a peaceful day, as well as parents, educators and kindergarten staff. At the end of the morning parents were awarded with letters of gratitude at the kinder...

«Қауіпсіз интернет» республикалық ақпараттық компанияның іс-шара жоспары

Category: safe school
Date: 2019-04-03 15:14:27
«Қауіпсіз интернет» республикалық ақпараттық компанияның іс-шара жоспары
«Қауіпсіз интернет» республикалық ақпараттық компанияның іс-шара жоспары Өткізу уақыты: 2019 жылғы 04 сәуір – 17 сәуір аралығы  Ақпараттық компанияны ұйымдастырушылар: ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігі Балалардың құқықтарын қорғау комитеті, облыстардың, Астана, Алматы қалаларының білім, ішкі саясат басқамалары, ішкі істер департаменттері, үкіметтік емес ұйымдар...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Research is the main factor in the development of professional skills of the teacher"

Category: methodological advice
Date: 2019-04-03 14:35:47
"Research is the main factor in the development of professional skills of the teacher" 01.04.19 in accordance with the plan of methodical work in high school, "the relevance of research in professional development of Teachers." methodical meeting on the topic: Hello, autumn gold. In section i of the "teaching laboratory" contest, held sertap groups of teachers wor...
Author: Lyceum №2

VII Т.Ғ.Мұстафин атындағы облыстық «Математикалық бәйге»

Category: Our Congratulations!
Date: 2019-04-03 14:27:19
VII Т.Ғ.Мұстафин атындағы облыстық «Математикалық бәйге»
  Жарайсыңдар! 29.03.2019 ж. күні Қарағанды қаласында «Дарын» мамандандырылған мектеп-интернатында VII Т.Ғ.Мұстафин атындағы облыстық «Математикалық бәйге» өтті. Сайысқа Қарағанды облысы мен Қарағанды қаласындағы барлығы 18 команда қатысты. Сайыс қорытындысы бойынша Абай атындағы №2 лицейдің «Болашақ» командасы бас жүлдеге ие болып, сайыс кубогын ж...
Author: Lyceum №2

School history-local museum "Mәңgіlіk el"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 11:36:29
School history-local  museum
1. Corner dedicated to S.Seifullin (manuscripts, audio recordings, artistic and applied products created from the writer's works, stands telling about relatives and comrades, Saken songs) 2 Corner of the Great Patriotic War (front letters, a sample of soldiers' uniforms during the war, weapons samples used in the war, collections of poems and writings of students about the Great Patrio...

Information on the environmental campaign of the contest “The best house for birds”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-04-03 10:59:26
Information on the environmental campaign of the contest “The best house for birds”
    According to an old tradition, every year, when birds returned from warm countries, people built birdhouses and other nesting sites. This not only helps the birds to find their home, but also brings people closer to nature. So, on April 1, 2019, pupils from city schools took an active part in the environmental campaign “The Best House for Birds”, dedicated to the Intern...

02.04.2019 the city held a competition "the Cheerleader" organized by the city schoolchildren's Palace.

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 10:57:36
02.04.2019 the city held a competition
       02.04.2019 the city held a competition "the Cheerleader" organized by the city schoolchildren's Palace. The contest aims at educating the students of patriotism, unity, friendship, confidence. Our school, consisting of students in grades 5-6, participated in the "ovation", a dance group of girls "Cheerleaders" in the dance competition...
Author: School №5

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