
Pedagogical Council on the topic: "From conflict to the culture of pedagogical communication»

Category: School news
Date: 2019-04-04 16:05:38
Pedagogical Council on the topic:
Pedagogical Council on the topic: "From conflict to the culture of pedagogical communication»         Today we will talk about conflicts, their causes and solutions, we will learn to get out of conflict situations.   Conflicts are the norm.   If there are no conflicts in your life, check if you have a pulse.   One day the dis...

По вопросам организации питания

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-04-04 14:43:03
С 2014 года по инициативе депутатов и предложениям директоров школ выбор поставщика услуг, товаров по организации школьного питания выведен из системы государственных закупок в связи с имевшим место демпингом цен, влияющих на качество питания, а также отсутствием возможности осуществления непосредственного контроля директорами школ за поставщиками услуги. На сегодняшний день проработан порядок...
Author: School №8

Городской конкурс "Лучший педагог дошкольной организации"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2019-04-04 14:33:59
 Городской конкурс
29 марта  2019 года состоялся городской конкурс «Уздік педагог» среди работников дошкольных организаций города. Свое педагогическое мастерство и эрудицию продемонстрировали 6 воспитателей ДО. В конкурсе приняли участие воспитатели с многолетним стажем и молодые специалисты. Наш детский сад представила воспитатель Байгалыкова Айнур Баймухамедовна, которая  заняла 2 место. Ко...

On catering matters

Category: School news
Date: 2019-04-04 13:45:38
On catering matters
On catering matters       Since 2014, on the initiative of the deputies and the proposals of school principals, the choice of a supplier of services, goods for the organization of school meals has been removed from the public procurement system due to the dumping of prices that affect the quality of food, as well as the lack of the possibility of direct control of school p...

On April 4, the school hosted the line on the opening of the «Safe Internet» promotion...

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-04 13:00:03
On April 4, the school hosted the line on the opening of the «Safe Internet» promotion...
    On April 4, the school hosted the line on the opening of the «Safe Internet» promotion. The line was held by members of the school self-government. School propaganda team "Amanat" prepared their presentation about the "Safe Internet" campaign. We got acquainted with what is safe internet, what kind of action and what purpose it is held. Also briefl...

По вопросам организации питания

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-04 12:12:42
По вопросам организации питания   С 2014 года по инициативе депутатов и предложениям директоров школ выбор поставщика услуг, товаров по организации школьного питания выведен из системы государственных закупок в связи с имевшим место демпингом цен, влияющих на качество питания, а также отсутствием возможности осуществления непосредственного контроля директорами школ за поставщиками...
Author: School №4

Event "Safer Internet"

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2019-04-04 11:38:28
With 4 to 17.04.2019 year in municipal state institutions "School-boarding General type of  Balkhash town held the Event "Safer Internet". The purpose of this event is to form students ' rules of network communication, to know about useful sites and safe use of the Internet.

«Traditions is wealth»

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-04 11:03:03
«Traditions is wealth»
   Tradition is a manifestation of the historical, social, cultural, professional, traditions, customs, behavior, teaching and upbringing of the people from the father to the child.      It is a tradition that has been accumulated for hundreds of years in accordance with the nationality, people, religion and belief, lifestyle, and national structure.     &n...
Author: School №5

«Healthy body healthy mind»

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-04 10:54:20
«Healthy body healthy mind»
     Human health is the wealth of society. Everyone should consider how their health can be strong. The healthy person is in a good mood and always enthusiastically engages in work. Our people say that "healthy is the soul." The future of our homeland, its admiration in the hands of young people. In order to develop this direction, school activities are held.   &...
Author: School №5

March 8 International Women's Day "

Category: «Казахстанские родители ХХІ-века»
Date: 2019-04-03 23:20:44
March 8 International Women's Day
Mothers and daughters of white hearts, celebration of dear girls. In the kindergarten "Baldyrgan" there were presentations devoted to this day. The children sang, danced and played interesting games for mothers.


Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-04-03 22:25:48
On the occasion of "March 22 Great Day of Nation", our kindergarten played "Khantalapai", one of our national games among adult children.

March 1 - Thanksgiving!

Category: «Казахстанские родители ХХІ-века»
Date: 2019-04-03 22:12:32
March 1 - Thanksgiving!
03/01/2019 a concert dedicated to this day was held in the kindergarten "Baldyrgan", where the kids thanked their homeland, the President, for a peaceful and peaceful life in Kazakhstan. They thanked their parents, teachers, and kindergarten workers for their happy childhood. At the end of the holiday, awarding of parents took an active part in the life of the kindergarten.

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