
"Secure Internet"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 12:05:20
     On April 11, a debate “Secure Internet” was held among students of 10th grades on the topic “The benefits and harms of the World Wide Web”. During the debate, schoolchildren shared their views on the benefits and harms of the Internet. The competition was held in the format of "Karl Popper". All participants were familiar with the terms of th...

Students in grades 5–9 wrote essays on the topic “The role of the Internet in my life” ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 12:04:03
Students in grades 5–9 wrote essays on the topic “The role of the Internet in my life” ...
    In the period from May 4 to 17, in the framework of the Safe Internet information campaign, pupils of grades 5–9 wrote essays on the topic “The Role of the Internet in My Life”. The main goal: to find out how students are aware of the concept of "Internet", the development of vocabulary, the ability to reveal the content. Pupils in their works w...

Excursion to the city greenhouse of Zelenstroy-T LLP ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 11:39:23
Excursion to the city greenhouse of Zelenstroy-T LLP ...
    As part of the school project "How greening the classroom affects students' health," our young environmentalists went on an informative excursion to Zelenstroy-T LLP. Our pupils learned much about indoor flowers, about their use for creating a comfortable respiratory and psychological environment. And also people learned what professions are engaged in such a beau...

Class hours on the topic “What is safe internet?”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 11:28:44
Class hours on the topic “What is safe internet?”...
    On April 12, class leaders spent class hours on the topic “What is safe internet?” The goal of classroom hours is to draw attention to the need to ensure their safety when working on the Internet, and to behave responsibly and safely in the network themselves. The lessons talked about the need to be aware of the main dangers of the Internet and to be able to avoid t...

“One place – one book”

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 11:06:06
“One place – one book”
     During   the action “One place – one book” there was a mass reading of the book by  the famous Kazakh writer and poet S. Seifullin “Тар жол, тайғақ кешу” (“The Storny Path”). On the 125th anniversary of Saken Seifullin, under the guidance of the  teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, Sharbekova G.K., a con...

«Тарихы сырлы, ертеңі нұрлы мекенім!»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-04-12 11:01:12
 «Тарихы сырлы, ертеңі нұрлы мекенім!»
Әркім өз туған жерімен, елімен мақтанады! Мектеп-лицейіміздің оқушылары Балқаш қаласының 82 жылдық мерейтойын құттықтаулар мен ашық хаттар арнаумен бастады. «Тарихы сырлы, ертеңі нұрлы мекенім!» атты салтанатты саптық жиында мектеп-лицей оқушылары сүйікті қаламыздың туған күінен арнап ән-жырдан шашу шашып, жүрекжарды құттықтауларын арнады.

Қарағанды коммерциялық колледжі on- line режимінде конференция

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-04-12 10:59:45
Қарағанды коммерциялық колледжі on- line режимінде конференция
2019 жылдың 10 сәуір күні сағат 12.00 де Қарағанды коммерциялық колледжі 2018-2019 оқу жылындағы білім беру ұйымдарының түлектері арасында кәсіптік бағдар беруге және түсіндірме жұмыстарын жүргізу мақсатында on- line режимінде конференция өткізді. On-line конференцияға мектеп-лицейдің 9-шы сынып оқушылары қатысып, колледждегі мамандықтар жөнінде өздеріне көптеген қажетті мағлұматтар алды....

Parent meeting on career guidance ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 10:40:10
Parent meeting on career guidance ...
      On April 11, the boarding school № 2 held a meeting in conjunction with parents of 9th grade students dedicated to career guidance work. The school psychologist acquainted parents with the results of psychological diagnostics, carried out with pupils of the 9th grades, told about what professions students are interested in and how they have a predisposition. The meet...

Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню становления города КГУ ОСШ №4 г. Балхаш – 2019 год

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-12 10:25:21
Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню становления города КГУ ОСШ №4 г. Балхаш – 2019 год
В общеобразовательной средней школе № 4 прошли мероприятия, посвященные Дню становления города. Среди учащихся среднего и старшего звена проведена линейка «Балхаш – любимый город!», в вестибюле школы оформлен тематический стенд. В течение дня библиотечным  центром школы проведены информационные минутки. 11 апреля – знаменательная дата для жителей нашего города. В...
Author: School №4

“Nauryz duman tamasha”

Category: НАУРЫЗ - 2019
Date: 2019-04-12 09:52:06
 “Nauryz duman tamasha”
On April 10, 2019 the event “Nauryz duman tamasha” was organized with the aim of propaganda national games, also popularization of customs and traditions of Kazakh people. The event was held among pupils of pre-school groups. During the event pupils showed their creative abilities, agilities and speed in national games.          
Author: School №16

Сайлау - 2019

Category: Сайлау - 2019
Date: 2019-04-12 09:39:23
Сайлау - 2019
Author: School №16

Competition "Expressive reading" dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of Balkhash town

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2019-04-11 16:59:41
Today in our kindergarten there was a competition "Expressive reading" dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of Balkhash town. The competition was attended by the Second Small Group and the Middle Russian Group. The event was held at the highest level. The children recited poems and were awarded letters of thanks.

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