
«Шынайы өмір – виртуалды әлемнен жақсы» флеш-мобы

Category: safe school
Date: 2019-04-17 14:37:51
«Шынайы өмір – виртуалды әлемнен жақсы» флеш-мобы
«Қауіпсіз интернет» республикалық ақпараттық компанияның іс-шарасы бойынша өткізілген «Шынайы өмір – виртуалды әлемнен жақсы» флеш-моб ақпары                2019 жылдың 4 сәуірі мен 17 сәуірі аралығында ұйымдастырылған «Қауіпсіз интернет» республикалық ақпараттық компанияның іс-шарасы бойынша өткізілген...
Author: Lyceum №2

The first steps in science

Category: New
Date: 2019-04-17 14:19:14
The first steps in science
During the decade “Daryndylar shұғylasy - 2019” a 4th grade student Yerzhanzyzy Zarina took part in the scientific competition “The first steps to science” and won 2 prizes in experimental work within the project on the topic “Tester іlemi”.
Author: School №24

PROTOCOL No. 3 meetings of the Board of Trustees of 29 March 2019

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2019-04-17 14:08:28
PROTOCOL No. 3 meetings of the Board of Trustees of 29 March 2019
PROTOCOL No. 3 meetings of the Board of Trustees of 29 March 2019                                        Was attended by 11 people.                                      Invitee:     &...

Summing up the Week of safe Internet.

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2019-04-17 09:55:40
Summing up the Week of safe Internet.
15.04.2019. the lineup was held, at which were summarized the results of the contests of essays and drawings in the framework of the "Safe Internet" among students 3.5 and 9 classes. As a result of the activities, the Internet literacy of children, parents and teachers, awareness of the principles of Internet security, formed a sense of responsibility and respect for the interlocutors...

Debate tournament on the topic “The usefulness of the Internet is good or harm” ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-16 22:54:40
Debate tournament on the topic “The usefulness of the Internet is good or harm” ...
    On April 16, as part of the "Safe Internet" information campaign, a debate tournament was held among pupils of 8th and 9th grades on the topic “The usefulness of the Internet is good or harm” . The main purpose of the event: listen to the ideas and thoughts of students about the useful and harmful side of the world wide web, instilling creativity...

The Internet

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-16 16:30:20
The Internet
        The Internet is a huge computer network that unites millions of computer networks  around the world, although the concept of the Internet appeared at the end of the  twentieth century, it is rapidly expanding, resembling the speed of a high-speed  train. In 1957, after the launch of the Soviet satellite, the US Department of  Defense announced...

"Innovation in primary education" - discipline, methodological skills and source Aptana.

Category: methodological advice
Date: 2019-04-16 14:30:06
"Innovation in primary education" - discipline, methodological skills and source Aptana. 12.04 day in high school, "Innovation in primary education" on the basis of subject week of initial classes In grade 3 by subject G. makasheva.M. "Tapkyr Dostar" on the topic. The five stages of the competition "zerek Who?" "Make a word", "Who is faste...
Author: Lyceum №2


Category: News
Date: 2019-04-16 14:26:57
       On April 12, students of the 4th form of "School-gymnasium № 7 named after S.Seifullin" under the supervision of PsysenbayevaZhibekKazkenovna competed for writing essay "Zhaskalamger". The competition took place at Saken Museum. The pupils wrote an essay on "Saken - the Great Person". The competition was attended by 12 students. 1st place...

Information about events under the National Program “Healthy nutrition is the path to excellent knowledge” (April 2-11)

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-04-16 14:25:55
 Information about events under the National Program “Healthy nutrition is the path to excellent knowledge” (April 2-11)
In order to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating, promoting the creation of conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren the following activities were carried out: • The health corners and the information stand were set up in the lobby on the theme: “Healthy nutrition - the health of the future nation!”, • 04/08/2019 - class ho...

News methodological.

Category: methodological advice
Date: 2019-04-16 14:25:16
News methodological.
News methodological. And on the day of the Olympics 15.04 2 class " body and Transparent materials on the subject:" And Oreshkova.B. exchange of experience lesson. Use during the lesson, students grades, assignments are made with interest skills on picking.The contents of science physics supplemented by information deep mystery of the beginning of the first. A very interesting form o...
Author: Lyceum №2

Head of state Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev took part in the opening ceremony of the Year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-16 14:24:46
Head of state Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev took part in the opening ceremony of the Year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan
Before the opening ceremony, the leaders of the countries visited the exhibition "Heritage of the great Steppe", revealing the main provisions of the article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev "Seven faces of the great Steppe".   The exhibition presented masterpieces of ancient art of Kazakhstan from the funds of...

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