
An open lesson of the Russian language in the 2 "B" class on the topic "Analysis of the word in composition. History of school things "...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-06 14:35:38
An open lesson of the Russian language in the 2
     On December 6, in the 2nd “B” class, the primary school teacher N. Alexandrova held an open lesson of the Russian language on the topic “Analysis of the word in composition. The history of school things". This lesson was held as part of a decade of primary school. Lesson objectives: identify key words, fix words, answer questions; retell the story,...

Children's contest "Aygolek" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-06 14:15:01
Children's contest
    On December 5, dance groups of the sanatorium boarding school № 2 aged 6–9, 10–13 years old took part in the city competition of children's art “Aygolek”, organized to support young talents and identify creative talents among children and adolescents. In the competition, the dance group of our school aged 6 to 9 years old was awarded a diploma of the s...

The victory of our colleagues in the city song contest named after S. Kaldayakov ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-06 13:19:57
The victory of our colleagues in the city song contest named after S. Kaldayakov ...
     A modern teacher - innovative, creative, proactive, multifaceted ... On December 5, within the framework of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program, with the support of the Department of Culture and Language Development, according to the plan of the Balkhash Cultural and Leisure Center, was organized and held a song competition named after S. Kaldayakov. S. Kaldayako...

Regional forum of workers of preschool institutions.

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-12-06 11:27:20
Regional forum of workers of preschool institutions.
12/04/19, the regional forum of preschool institutions. In the kindergarten "Baldyrgan" an exhibition was organized on the theme "The influence of the kindergarten on children in the field of spiritual education."

Festive morning "December 1 - President's Day"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-12-06 11:20:43
Festive morning
In Balpassedkhash town, in the "Balzaldkhan" kindergarten in the group "Agzelken" festive morning "December 1 - President's Day"passed.

"Айгөлек" байқауы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-12-06 10:39:47
Қалалық "Айгөлек" балалар мен жасөспірімдер шығармашылық байқауында 6-9 жас арасында əн байқауында 2 ə сынып оқушысы Искакова Айару 2 дəрежелі дипломға ие болды. 1а сынып оқушысы Кендібай Кəусар "Əсем əуен" номинациясымен марапатталды.Көрермендерді қазақтың киелі домбырасының үнімен баураған,, Шабыт" ансамблі,, Көрермен көзайымы" номинациясына ие болды.

An informative hour “Code Hour in Kazakhstan - 2019” was held with students in grades 3-4 ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-06 09:53:15
An informative hour “Code Hour in Kazakhstan - 2019” was held with students in grades 3-4 ...
    On December 5, as part of the global initiative within the framework of the Global Computer Science Week “Code Hour in Kazakhstan - 2019”, the primary school teacher A. Aldakiyarova conducted a fascinating lesson with students in grades 3-4. The purpose of this lesson is to arouse the interest of students in the study of programming, a key skill of the 21st century,...

Debate on “The future of the country through the eyes of youth” ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-05 13:25:30
Debate on “The future of the country through the eyes of youth” ...
    On December 4, 2019, a debate was held at the boarding school № 2 among students in grades 9-10 on the topic “The future of the country through the eyes of youth”. The debate was conducted by a student of grade 9 Imanov Daryn. The speakers of both teams “Amanat” and “Bolashak” Ayaganova Bayan, Omarova Aisulu presented their point of view. This...


Date: 2019-12-05 09:43:12
Congratulations! For special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a significant contribution to the development of new technologies badge "BILIM TAKE SDG" Republican educational portal was awarded a creative and active teacher of the Lyceum, teacher of Russian language and literature of Bikulova Kenzhegul Mamyrbekova. We wish the teacher-innovator...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Talented youth"

Date: 2019-12-05 09:37:10
Оmirkhan Adilet Omarkhanovich, a music teacher of the Lyceum, took part in the Republican competition of arts and education and was awarded the Grand Prix. Congratulations!
Author: Lyceum №2

"Жас сарбаз" қалалық саптық байқауы өтті

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-05 08:53:05
    Тұңғыш Президент күніне орай "Жас сарбаз" клубтары мен сыныптарының тәрбиеленушілерін, алғашқы саптық жаттығулар арқылы, Қазақстан Республикасы Қарулы Күштері қатарында қызмет етуіне дайындау және Отан алдындағы міндетін тәрбиелеп, патриоттық сезімге баулу мақсатында 2019 жылдың 29 қараша күні Оқушылар сарайының ұйымдастырумен қалалық саптық байқауы өтті. Байқауға барлық...
Author: School №5

Шахмат жарысы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-12-05 08:47:30
Шахмат жарысы
Тұңғыш Президент күніне арналған қалалық шахмат жарысында мектеп-лицей оқушыларының орта тобы І орынға, ересектер тобы ІІІ орынға ие болды.

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