
Conducted a single hour of integrity ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-17 16:00:51
Conducted a single hour of integrity ...
    To succeed in the fight against corruption, it is necessary from an early age to educate children in such aspects as rationality, honesty and justice. Consciousness is the high creative ability of the mind to comprehend completely new knowledge and comprehend the deeper meaning of truth. In order to instill such qualities with students on January 17, a single hour of integrity wa...

Training with teachers on the topic "Establishing cooperation between teacher and student" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-17 15:06:24
Training with teachers on the topic
    On January 16, at the school of our school, the psychologist Asylkhanova A. A. conducted a training with teachers on the topic “Establishing cooperation between teacher and student”. The purpose of the training is to establish cooperation between the teacher and the student, to assist in the knowledge of the teacher himself, and to become a student. During the train...

Облыстық онлайн ашық сабақтар

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-17 13:05:29
Облыстық онлайн ашық сабақтар
16 қаңтар күні «С.Сейфулин атындағы №7 мектеп-гимназиясы» КММ бастауыш сынып мұғалімдері облыстық онлайн ашықтар өткізді. Магрупбекова Мирагүл Кайырзадаевна 3«В» сыныбында «Қазақ тілі» пәнінен «Зат есім» тақырыбында,  Алдонгарова Лаура Умиралиевна 4 «Г» сыныбында  «Әдебиеттік оқу» пәнінен Ә.Тәжібаевтың "Толаға...

Holding an hour of Integrity

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2020-01-17 11:51:38
Holding an hour of Integrity
Within the framework of a single hour of Integrity, discussions were held on the following questions: “What is integrity?”, “What does it mean to be respectable?”, “To be respectable means constantly working on yourself.” The representative of the Tleulin School Board of Trustees M.K. talked with high school students about good, honesty, decency, as the main t...

Information about the " hour of reasonableness"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-17 11:28:56
Information about the
Regular events are held to develop the principles of honesty and decency among young people.   Educational hours were held in primary classes.  As part of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a solemn line "Elin suygen, Eli suygen Elbasy" dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the...
Author: Lyceum №2

17 января 2020 года в КГУ "ОСШ № 4" прошел единый час Добропорядочности для учащихся 7 классов.

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-17 10:43:53
17 января 2020 года в КГУ
17 января 2020 года в КГУ "ОСШ № 4" прошел единый час Добропорядочности для учащихся 7 классов. Лекцию провела социальный педагог Калашникова И.О., которая на примерах из жизни разъясняла ситуации, где участники ведут себя несознательно. Лектор призывал ребят к добропорядочности, отвественности.
Author: School №4

As part of the "Abay-rukhaniyattyn Altyn kazygy" and the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev project "Abay tagylymy", the city Olympiad named after Abay was held.

Category: Olimp
Date: 2020-01-17 09:31:47
As part of the
About 40 students from the city's schools took part in the Olympiad. At the Olympics. Abay's students also answered tasks from the life of the great poet and wrote essays. This Olympiad is of great importance for the formation of young people-the Abay. The results of the Olympiad and the award ceremony will be announced at the city scientific and practical conference of teachers "he...
Author: Lyceum №2

С целью воспитания у подрастающего поколения негативного отношения к коррупционным действиям, формирования умения противостоять коррупции, 17 января 2020 года в ОСШ№10 прошли часы общения, посвящённые Республиканскому Уроку Добропорядочности.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-17 09:01:10
С целью воспитания у подрастающего поколения негативного отношения к коррупционным действиям, формирования умения противостоять коррупции, 17 января 2020 года в ОСШ№10 прошли часы общения, посвящённые Республиканскому Уроку Добропорядочности.
        С целью воспитания у подрастающего поколения негативного отношения к коррупционным действиям, формирования умения противостоять коррупции, 17 января 2020 года в ОСШ№10 прошли часы общения, посвящённые Республиканскому Уроку Добропорядочности.       В интерактивной форме с применением дискуссии, викторины, решения ребусов, составления кластер...
Author: School №10

16 qańtar kúnі Ál-Farabıdіń 1150 jyldyǵyna jáne Abaıdyń 750 jyldyǵyna arnalǵan іs-sharalar aıasynda Balqash qalasynda "Adamgershіlіk jáne rýhanı tazalyq"atty pіkіr-saıys týrnırі óttі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-16 22:28:09
16 qańtar kúnі Ál-Farabıdіń 1150 jyldyǵyna jáne Abaıdyń 750 jyldyǵyna arnalǵan іs-sharalar aıasynda Balqash qalasynda
16 qańtar kúnі Ál-Farabıdіń 1150 jyldyǵyna jáne Abaıdyń 750 jyldyǵyna arnalǵan іs-sharalar aıasynda Balqash qalasynda "Adamgershіlіk jáne rýhanı tazalyq"atty pіkіr-saıys týrnırі óttі. Bіzdіń mekteptіń namysyn "Novoe pokolenıe" komandasy qorǵady: 1 spıker - Chýrıkova Arına, 2 spıker - Ogaı Nıkıta, 3 spıker - Sýngat...
Author: School №10

Теологпен кездесу

Category: Кездесу
Date: 2020-01-16 16:29:31
Теологпен кездесу
On 16th January, the students of 8th grade took part in a meeting with Rinat Rashitovich Kulbaev, a theologian at the center for the study and analysis of inter-confessional relations in Balkhash.
Author: School №16

Еріктілер көмегі

Category: Іс-шара
Date: 2020-01-16 16:26:09
Еріктілер көмегі
Volunteering At the initiative of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, 2020 became the year of the volunteer in Kazakhstan. On 16thJanuary, a group of volunteers from school №16 helped the kindergarten to clean the snow. The management of the kindergarten expressed their gratitude.
Author: School №16

A contest of drawings and posters on the theme “A World Without Terrorism”...

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-16 15:14:08
A contest of drawings and posters on the theme “A World Without Terrorism”...
    From January 14 to 16, in the sanatorium boarding school No. 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, as part of the school’s approved plan to counter terrorism and religious extremism, a contest of drawings and posters on the theme “A World Without Terrorism” was held. The competition was attended by students in grades 1-10. According to the results of the competition, t...

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