
Olympics named after O. A. Zhautikov

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-30 14:55:20
Olympics named after O. A. Zhautikov
29.01. in the Lyceum with students in grades 7-8, an Olympiad in mathematics was held named after the scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, figure of his native land O. A. Zhautikov. In the first part of the Olympiad, Alzhan B. T presented a presentation on the biography of the great mathematician and his work. Oh Hello, Golden Autumn.A. Name Zhautykov Olympiad was...
Author: Lyceum №2

Educational hour "Nygmet Nurmakov-a fighter who served for the good of the people".

Category: Library
Date: 2020-01-30 13:32:37
Educational hour
The school held an educational hour "Nygmet Nurmakov-a fighter who served the people". During the event there were shown videos about Nurmakov Nygmet Normacol.
Author: Lyceum №2

Book exhibition " literature caused by time"

Category: Library
Date: 2020-01-30 13:28:12
Book exhibition
From an early age, the school prefers the initial stage of training to the ability to independently analyze the correctness or wrongness of reading, argue it and pass it on to another. And the great benefit of reading. According to scientists, the book shows that reading is useful not only for spiritual improvement, but also for physical health. In the foyer of the 2nd floor of the Lyceum was a...
Author: Lyceum №2

"A person who reads is a successful person" Bookdating

Category: Library
Date: 2020-01-30 13:21:00
Every day is linked to a social network. As you know, in our free time, we do not read books, use the phone and go to social networks.             Shakespeare said, " the Book is dear and dear to me." What is the role of books in modern society? Knowing that "extra knowledge is in the book", we rarely open the page-the truth.  ...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Алтын орда- қазақ мемлекетінің алтын қазығы"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-01-29 08:42:15
Алтын орда империясының 750 жылдығына орай "Алтын орда- қазақ мемлекетінің алтын қазығы" тақырыбында қалалық ғылыми тәжірибелік конференция мұражайда өтті.Мектебіміздің 9"в" сынып оқушысы Дюсен Жаннұр "Монғол шапқыншылығының әлеуметтік салдары" тақырыбында жобаны үздік қорғағаны үшін алғыс хатпен,жетекшісі Асемханова Г.Б сертификат берілді

"Talented youth"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-28 18:19:35
With the development of the dual and cultural kingdom of the United Kingdom, the most advanced socialization and the greater potential for further development of the country, the increase of the quality of life and the youth of the youth of the Republic In the competition you can find the section of all the winning nominations. In addition, the Dvortsa Shkolnikov provided the nursing staff of th...

The technique of "nitcography"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-28 18:17:01
 The technique of
January 25, 2020 in the Palace of Students held a master class on "Nitography techniques". Anyone could take part in this master class event. During the master class, participants were offered insights into non-traditional methods of fine art, including the technique of "nitrography." The work was unique and beautiful.At the end of the master class the head of the Fine Arts g...

"Let's follow the rules of the road!"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2020-01-28 13:18:06
On September 9, in honor of "Family Day", the psychologist of  clinic Kusaeva BT and GYUP ONPS OP inspector Tyrkesbayeva AE held "Let's follow the rules of the road!" for parents and children  During the event, children from the adult and preschool groups demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules. Specialists gave advice and reminders to parents on road safe...

Republican contest of art and education "talented youth"

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-28 12:34:52
Republican contest of art and education
On January 25, she took part in the Respublican contest of art and education talented youth, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev, and took the third place.

The 175th anniversary of Abai

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-28 12:26:27
The 175th anniversary of Abai
The event was held dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai

An open biology lesson on the theme “The structure of the human skeleton. Musculoskeletal system, its structure and functions "

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-28 10:39:16
An open biology lesson on the theme “The structure of the human skeleton. Musculoskeletal system, its structure and functions
     On January 27, Khamitova S.K. held an open biology lesson in the 8th “A” class on the topic “The structure of the human skeleton. Musculoskeletal system, its structure and functions ”within the framework of a decade of subject disciplines of the natural mathematical cycle. The purpose of the lesson: analysis and explanation of the structure and fun...

«МЕН ОФФЛАЙН» Республикалық кең ауқымды балалар акциясы аясында өткен іс-шаралардың ақпары.

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-28 07:59:43
«МЕН ОФФЛАЙН» Республикалық кең ауқымды балалар акциясы аясында өткен іс-шаралардың ақпары.
Негізгі мақсаты: – интернетке  тәуелділіктің алдын алу, кәмелетке толмағандардың Интернет белсенділігін бақылауға қатысты ересек интернет-қызметтерді пайдаланушылардың жауапкершілігін Интернет-пайдалану мәдениетін арттыру. «Бүгінгі таңда балалардың смартфоннан немесе планшеттен алшақтауына келісім бермеуі әр ата-анаға таныс жағдай. «Тағы да 5 минут, сосын болды...
Author: School №5

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