
On April 30, 2020, on the ZOOM platform in secondary school No. 24, a workshop was held with subject teachers.

Category: New
Date: 2020-04-30 21:47:29
On April 30, 2020, on the ZOOM platform in secondary school No. 24, a workshop was held with subject teachers.
On April 30, 2020, a workshop was held on the ZOOM platform in secondary school No. 24 with a subject teacher. During the seminar, experienced teachers Saduov B.E. geography teacher, Ospanova Zh.N. teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, Sambetova D.N. primary school teacher shared their experiences in organizing distance learning. Ospanova Zh.N. performed explanatory work with the presen...
Author: School №24

On April 30, an online concert was organized at KSU "Secondary school No. 24 in Balkhash"

Category: New
Date: 2020-04-30 20:24:18
On April 30, an online concert “Kazakhstan is a place of unity and peace!” Was organized at KSU “Secondary school No. 24 in Balkhash” with the participation of schoolchildren and teachers. In the concert program, students sang along with teachers, and students of grades 1A and 0b read verses. Many thanks to all the students and teachers who took part !!!! # ОOB_1Mamyr - m...
Author: School №24

Дайджест дистанционного обучения: учим и учимся

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 18:19:33
Дайджест дистанционного обучения: учим и учимся
30 апреля 2020 года Ведущая школа № 4 г. Балхаш провела  городской он – лайн вебинар по теме «Дайджест дистанционного обучения: учим и учимся». Согласно мониторингу городского отдела образования каждая школа активно включилась в процесс обмена опытом работы педагогов на платформе Zoom.    Дистанционный формат работы ориентирован на сохранение уклада традиционно...
Author: School №4

О проведении СОР и СОЧ

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 18:11:25
О проведении СОР и СОЧ
30 апреля 2020 года состоялось  он – лайн совещание с педагогами школы в платформе ZOOM. Были рассмотрены вопросы проведения суммативного оценивания за раздел и четверть в 1 – 10 классах и контрольных работ в 11 классе согласно Приказу МОН РК № 135 от 08.04.2020 и № 168 от 30.04.2020гг. Учителям даны  методические рекомендации по составлению работ, дозировке и времени прове...
Author: School №4

On the eve of the holiday, Uldana, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of the national dishes of the Azerbaijani people - dyushbara ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 16:35:31
On the eve of the holiday, Uldana, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of the national dishes of the Azerbaijani people - dyushbara ...
    Azerbaijani cuisine is one of the oldest and most diverse in the world. National dishes of the country mainly consist of milk, meat, flour and vegetables. There are different ways of cooking. Lamb, poultry, river and sea fish, fruits and vegetables are often used in Azerbaijani cuisine. In addition, various spices and aromatic herbs are widely used: Vasari, green and black bas...

The main dish of the tea table is baursak ... Student 3 of the A class on the eve of May 1 - Friendship Day of the peoples of Kazakhstan, prepared bauyrsaks ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 16:27:31
The main dish of the tea table is baursak ... Student 3 of the A class on the eve of May 1 - Friendship Day of the peoples of Kazakhstan, prepared bauyrsaks ...
    The main course of the tea table is the baursak. The word "baursak" in the Kazakh language means fraternity. Baursak is also considered the most nutritious and plentiful among bakery products. Baursak - the first thing that is served on the table with a treat of tea and koumiss. One of the national dishes of the Kazakh people was prepared by a student of grade 3 A on...

On the eve of May 1 - the Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Tolegen Ainaz, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of Korean dishes with her mother ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 16:21:31
On the eve of May 1 - the Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Tolegen Ainaz, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of Korean dishes with her mother ...
    On the eve of May 1, the Day of Friendship of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Tolegen Ainaz, a 2nd grade student, cooked one of Korean dishes with her mother. Korean cuisine is usually spicy. Koreans add a lot of spices to their food. That is why the colors of their dishes are orange-red. Korean cuisine is not so rich in spices. Often garlic and pepper are used in different proporti...

A meeting was held under the director for teachers of boarding school № 2 on the platform ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-30 16:08:02
A meeting was held under the director for teachers of boarding school № 2 on the platform ...
    On April 30, a meeting was held under the director for teachers of boarding school № 2. The meeting was organized on the platform. Agenda Issues: 1. Instructions for carrying out SAY and SAT, dates. Sakharieva M. M. 2. Organization of work on career guidance. Suleimenova M. N. 3. Various questions. The relevant information was provided on the agenda, teachers a...

«Бірлік пен татулық мекені- Қазақстан!» атты сынып сағаттары #ООБ_1Мамыр

Category: The event
Date: 2020-04-30 15:35:16
«Бірлік пен татулық мекені- Қазақстан!» атты сынып сағаттары #ООБ_1Мамыр
28-29.04.2020ж «Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін типтік мектеп-интернаты»КММ-нің 1-9 сыныптар арасында интернет желісінде «Бірлік пен татулық мекені- Қазақстан!» атты сынып сағаттары өтті.Бұл күн - әрбір қазақстандық үшін Отанға деген сүйіспеншілік пен патриоттық сезімнің, азаматтық борыш пен жалпы ұлттық келісімнің мерекесі. Халық бірлігі мерекесі күні ел азаматтары ұлт...

Admission to the 1st class

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-04-30 14:49:54
From June 1 to August 30, 2020 via the electronic portal mektep. residents of the village will be able to send an application for admission to the 1st class. Required documents: 1. The health passport of the child 026 2. Form 063 3. Photo of a child 3×4
Author: School №6

Immortal regiment

Category: 75 years of great Victory
Date: 2020-04-30 14:05:34
Author: School №6

1-may day of unity

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-04-30 14:00:58
Author: School №6

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