
School Lyceum № 17 of Balkhash city in the 2020-21 academic year participates in the campaign "Bir Otbasy-bir kitap".

Date: 2020-10-10 10:29:55
School Lyceum № 17 of Balkhash city in the 2020-21 academic year participates in the campaign
School Lyceum № 17 of Balkhash city in the 2020-21 academic year participates in the campaign "Bir Otbasy-bir kitap". The purpose of the event is to attract the attention of the General public and the family to the problem of declining interest in reading, to the role of books in the formation of a person's personality, to support and develop reading culture. The campaign will be h...
Author: School №17

"Youth and journalism"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-10 10:20:28
✅On 09.10.2020, a dialogue platform on the Zoom platform on the theme "Youth and journalism" was held at Lyceum school No. 20 for students in grades 8-10, in order to open the way to the future of students who are inclined to literature and journalism. The open field was led by the leader of the school-Lyceum Pavlik Olzhas, a student of the 11th "A" class, who chose the speci...

"Mental health"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-10 10:16:09
✅ 09.10.2020 with students of grades 7-8 teacher – psychologist Karina.T "Mental health" talk about the ZOOM platform meeting with a psychologist on the topic. The purpose of the event: to provide information about mental health, what is mental health, to share knowledge about its importance, for the day of mental health on October 10. During psychological counseling, the fol...

" Take care of nature!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-10 10:10:50
✅From October 5 to 9, the school-Lyceum held the action " Take care of nature!" there was a craft contest. Students of grades 1-4 took an active part in the competition. Conclusion:  

"family hour"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-10 10:04:15
✅ Dear parents and students! As part of the regional Project "family hour" on the Instagram page of the Lyceum school on 09.10.2020 at 17:00, a live broadcast on the topic "Features of girls 'education" will be held. main speakers: Deputy Director for educational work-kamzina A ✅ School-Lyceum psychologists-G. Karina.T, A Eight ✅ A social pedagogue-M Isinova.B ✅...

"One family – one book"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-10 10:00:33
✅As part of the regional campaign "One family – one book", a drawing contest was held among students of grades 2-4 on the theme "Abai's legacy in the lyrics of nature", dedicated to the lyrics of nature by Abai Kunanbayev. The competition was attended by 9 students of the 2nd "A" class, 17 students of the 2nd "A" class.,The competition was a...

International Girls' Day

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-10-09 21:33:08
On October 10 at 15:00 there will be a live broadcast for parents and schoolchildren "INTERNATIONAL GIRLS 'DAY" within the framework of the regional project "Family Hour".
Author: School №6

Live broadcast by the school principal

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-10-09 21:26:50
Author: School №6

A live broadcast with parents on the topic "Raising girls - raising a nation"...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-09 21:04:20
A live broadcast with parents on the topic
    On October 9, within the framework of the concept of "Family Hour" at the boarding school №2 named after M. P. Rusakov, on the occasion of the International Day of Girls, there was a live broadcast with parents on the topic "Raising girls - raising a nation." Within the framework of this topic, the deputy director for educational work Amandykova A.N., social e...

The school stage of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2020"

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-09 21:01:07
The school stage of the competition
    October 9 at the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov held the school stage of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2020". 5 candidates took part in the competition. The candidates submitted their video tutorials, and the lessons of the two candidates were posted on the school's Facebook page. Two participants moved on to the next stage and prepared a vis...

City online seminar

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2020-10-09 16:19:55
Subject teachers of the Association of Natural Sciences and Mathematics held a seminar on "ZOOM" with the participation of teachers of urban subjects on the topic "ASSEMBLY OF ASSEMBLY, ASSEMBLY". At the seminar, teachers shared their experiences, divided teachers into session rooms, gave assignments and summed up the seminar.
Author: School №6

Family hour "Mother's place in society"

Category: Parent Community
Date: 2020-10-09 15:17:46
Family hour
Family hour "Mother's place in society" First of all, the deputy head of the school Adreisova Shynar Ardashevna spoke. The essence of life, the beauty of life is a woman. He is the root of life, the leaven of the family. Therefore, the place and role of women in society and human life is special. It is the duty of all mankind to honor the mothers who shook the cradle with one h...

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