
"Everyone has their own dreams ..."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-11-25 10:37:22
  Every person dreams of something. A desire can be small, large, feasible, real, or fantasy. Perhaps there is no person on earth without a dream. A dream is our thoughts, desires, strength, meaning of life, interest in life, it is our “motivator”. Participants of the distance video-presentation competition "Everyone has their own dreams ..." After all, a dream is...

Within the framework of the regional project “Moral lessons of life“, an online meeting will be held on the Zoom platform with the owner of the national project " 100 new faces of Kazakhstan” Asan Zholdasov

Category: Regional project "Moral lessons of life"
Date: 2020-11-25 09:53:10
Within the framework of the regional project “Moral lessons of life“, an online meeting will be held on the Zoom platform with the owner of the national project
✅ On 25.11.2020 at 15: 00, within the framework of the regional project “Moral lessons of life“, an online meeting will be held on the Zoom platform with the Director of the school of additional education "Pythagoras", the owner of the national project " 100 new faces of Kazakhstan” Asan Zholdasov!

24.11.2020 года с участием заведующей методического кабинета ГУ «Городской отдел образования города Балхаш» Бектургановой А.О., заместителей директоров по УР школ города, в режиме онлайн посредством платформы ZOOM заместитель директора по учебно-методичес

Category: News
Date: 2020-11-24 12:21:52
24.11.2020 года с участием заведующей методического кабинета ГУ «Городской отдел образования города Балхаш» Бектургановой А.О., заместителей директоров по УР школ города, в режиме онлайн посредством платформы ZOOM заместитель директора по учебно-методичес
24.11.2020 года с участием заведующей методического кабинета ГУ «Городской отдел образования города Балхаш» Бектургановой А.О., заместителей директоров по УР школ города, в режиме онлайн посредством платформы ZOOM заместитель директора по учебно-методической работе Харламова Светлана Александровна выступила с аналитическим отчетом по теме «Зона ближайшего развития методической...
Author: School №4

"The national tenge is a symbol of the country's independence»

Category: Educational process
Date: 2020-11-24 12:03:09
On 24.11.2020, a thematic lesson was held with students of the 6th grade "Ulttyk tenge-El tauelsizdiginin Belgisi". During the thematic lesson, students were provided with information about the history of the origin of tenge, as well as a video clip on the topic. The first tenge denomination was presented and explained who is depicted there. A quiz of questions and answers was held wit...

Қашықтықтан физика, математика, информатика мұғалімдерінің шығармашылық байқауы

Category: Байқау
Date: 2020-11-24 09:46:56
Қашықтықтан физика, математика, информатика мұғалімдерінің шығармашылық байқауы
  Қарағанды облысы білім беруді дамытудың оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен 2020 жылдың 12 қарашасында, қашықтықтан физика, математика, информатика мұғалімдерінің шығармашылық байқауы өтті. Шығармашылық байқауға ЖББ №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектебінің физика пәнінің мұғалімі Махмет Кенже Саятұлы  қатысты. Екі  бөлімнен тұратын байқауда өзінің кісіби шеберлі...
Author: School №16

Individual entrepreneur dadanbayev Chingiz Serikbolovich held a remote business lecture on the subject for students of the Lyceum school” Basics of entrepreneurial business "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-11-24 08:52:29
Individual entrepreneur dadanbayev Chingiz Serikbolovich held a remote business lecture on the subject for students of the Lyceum school” Basics of entrepreneurial business
✅ 23.11.2020 individual entrepreneur dadanbayev Chingiz Serikbolovich held a remote business lecture on the subject for students of the Lyceum school” Basics of entrepreneurial business " on the Zoom platform!

Results of the video presentation competition "Everybody has their own dreams ..." ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-11-23 22:52:41
Results of the video presentation competition
    Every person has a dream. Each has its own dream and is original in its own way. And dreaming, as you know, is useful! Participants of the remote video-presentation competition “Everyone has their own dreams ...” could tell about their dreams. The competition was held by the Zhas Ulan children's and youth organization at the schoolchildren's palace in the city...

Traditions and Customs

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-23 22:48:02
Within the framework of the special project "Traditions and Customs" of the "Spiritual Revival" program, in the section "Unique cuisine of the Kazakh people" of grade 6 "A", the parents of secondary school No. 6 of the Sayak village began a challenge for national dishes.
Author: School №6

One family - one book

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-23 22:45:14
Within the framework of the action "One family - one book" Berik Yerkezhan, a student of the 3rd "A" class of MSO "Secondary school No. 6 of Sayak village", together with his family sang Abai Kunanbaev's song "Bright moon on a calm night", father Bitleuov Askhat and Ibrayev's mother Makpal Sang the song "Autumn".
Author: School №6

One family - one book

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-11-23 22:38:40
Books are not only works of art, but also works of a wide variety of genres. In this regard, during the action "One family - one book" Kasym Zhanel, a student of the 6 "A" class of the MSO "Secondary school No. 6 of the village of Sayak", together with his family demonstrated the translation of "Ant and Locust" by Abai Kunanbayev through the shadow theater...
Author: School №6

Do you know your rights?

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-23 22:29:57
On November 20, the head of the library of our school Igembaeva A.K. with pupils of grade 5b "Do you know your rights?" spent an hour of classes on this topic. Purpose: to give students an idea of their rights, to form a person who respects the law. Introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Author: School №6

Help yourself and others or safety in an emergency

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-11-23 22:27:35
On October 19, 2020, 5 classes a / b / b together organized and conducted an educational game "Help yourself and others or safety in an emergency". The goal of the cognitive game is to take care of yourself and others in the current conditions of quarantine; is to help in emergencies without being selfish.
Author: School №6

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