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Congratulations to Bekarys and his leader Ilyas Tlekovich!

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 15:02:32
Congratulations to Bekarys and his leader Ilyas Tlekovich!
    Today, December 15, a student of the 11th grade of our school Suyindik Bekarys took part in the scientific and practical conference at the city level. The article "Problems of Traditional Kazakh Agriculture in the Works of Alikhan Bokeikhanov" was recognized as the best and won first place. Congratulations to Bekarys and his leader Ilyas Tlekovich!

A book exhibition was organized...

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 14:44:15
A book exhibition was organized...
    On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a book exhibition was organized in the school library, a distance drawing competition among students of boarding school № 2 was announced, and a video dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was also offered.  

Class hours were held on the topic "Kazakhstan - the territory of unity and peace" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 14:39:32
Class hours were held on the topic
    December 16 is one of the most important national holidays in our country. December 16, 1991 is the day when Kazakhstan opened a new page in its new history as an independent state. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this holiday and the new opportunities that it opens up for our people. The younger generation should also know the importance of the holiday and b...

Raids carried out ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 14:36:04
Raids carried out ...
    On December 11, 2020, a mobile group led by the social teacher of the school G. Kasimova (consisting of members of the council of mothers, fathers, a school inspector, an organizer of basic military training, physical education teachers) conducted a raid on entertainment centers, shops and basements in order to verify the facts of free movement teenagers on the streets at night w...

A quiz was held for the Independence Day ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 14:30:57
A quiz was held for the Independence Day ...
    Independence is the key to the formation of a nation and its existence as a sovereign state. Each nation has its own unique way of becoming an independent state. Our country has experienced many different historical events on the way to the formation of independence. Everyone knows that the people who have forgotten their history will cease to exist. The younger generation must r...

My Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 13:54:27
My Kazakhstan
From 11.12.20 to 15.12.20 at DDU Aigolek held holiday events dedicated to the Day of Independence, the purpose of which is the formation of moral and patriotic feelings in children, love for their homeland. It was an interesting and cognitive event, in which children took an active part. Preschoolers read poems about the Motherland-Kazakhstan, played folk games, sang songs.

Информация о проведении рейдовых мероприятий ОСШ №10 11.12.2020 года

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-12-15 12:38:32
Информация о проведении рейдовых мероприятий ОСШ №10 11.12.2020 года
В целях предупреждения и профилактики правонарушений среди несовершеннолетних, было проведено профилактическое мероприятие «Дети в ночном городе», в котором учавствовали: школьный инспектор – Байбусинова Д.О., социальный педагог – Сабитова З.Я., классные руководители –Жумагельдинова У.Т., Орымбекова Ж.К. 11.12.2020 года были проведены вечерние рейды. Были посеще...
Author: School №10

Information about the action on December 11, 2020 as part of the regional action "Children in the Night City".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-15 11:10:29
Information about the action on December 11, 2020 as part of the regional action
In December 2020-2021 academic year, a raid was carried out as part of the regional action "Children in the Night City". The purpose of the raid was to prevent crimes among students of schools and lyceums, as well as students and adolescents in need of supervision. School inspector Nurbek A.A. and the school-lyceum administration conducted night raids around the city.  School in...

Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан КГУ ОСШ №4- 2020 год

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 10:37:58
Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан КГУ ОСШ №4- 2020 год
Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан КГУ ОСШ №4- 2020 год    16 декабря – День Независимости РК. Этот праздник по праву считается символом свободы и могущества нашего государства. С момента обретения независимости наш народ блестяще продолжил великую историю Казахстана новыми достижениями и успешными преобразованиями....
Author: School №4

Түнгі қаладағы балалар

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-12-15 10:15:50
11 желтоқсан күні жоспар бойынша «Түнгі қаладағы балалар» рейдтік іс-шаралары жүзеге асырылды. Рейд мақсаты:түнгі уақытта кәмелетке толмаған мектеп жасындағы оқушылардыңата-анасының қадағалауынсыз көшеде жүруін, құқықбұзушылықтың алдын-алу мақсатында. Рейд барысында мектепішілік тіркеуде тұрған оқушылардың үйіне және 22:30-23:30 уақыт аралығында мектеп әлеуметтік педагогы, сынып же...
Author: School №6

Информация о проведении рейдовых мероприятий «Дети в ночном городе»

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-15 10:12:57
Информация о проведении рейдовых мероприятий «Дети в ночном городе»
Информация о проведении рейдовых мероприятий «Дети в ночном городе»   11.12.2020 г. социальным педагогом Калашниковой И.О. проведено профилактическое рейдовое мероприятие «Дети в ночном городе». Рейдовые мероприятия осуществлялись в вечернее время. В ходе проведения были посещены по месту жительства 4 учащихся состоящих на учете ГЮП, 3 учащихся состоящих на учете...
Author: School №4

"Түнгі қаладағы балалар"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2020-12-15 09:52:31
Кәмелетке толмағандарға қатысты ҚР заңнамасын сақтау, күн тәртібін тексеру мақсатында 2020 жылғы 11 желтоқсанда "Балқаш қаласы ЖББ №3 ОМ" КММ-де рейдтік іс-шара өткізілді. ЖББ №3 ОМ педагогтарының, әлеуметтік педагогтарының, ата-аналарының мобильді тобы 19:00-ден 22:00-ге дейін мектептің іргелес шағын ауданындағы көшелерді, көшелерді, жастар жиналатын орындарды патрульдеді.

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