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From February 8 to 13, a week of legal literacy "Legal Navigator"was held at secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash.

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-12 23:52:39
From February 8 to 13, a week of legal literacy
From February 8 to 13, a week of legal literacy "Legal Navigator"was held at secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash. During the week, class hours were held among the students on the topic: "My rights", "tolerance-the way to peace", "rights and obligations of the student", cognitive, business games "me and my rights", tests on the Kahoot program. Drawing contests were held among primary school student...
Author: School №9

2021 жылғы 8 ақпан мен 13 ақпан аралығында Балқаш қаласының "№10 жалпы білім беретін мектеп" КММ-де "құқықтық навигатор"құқықтық сауаттылық апталығы өткізіледі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-02-12 23:44:53
2021 жылғы 8 ақпан мен 13 ақпан аралығында Балқаш қаласының
Қарағанды облысының білім беруді дамыту оқу-әдістемелік орталығының жоспарына сәйкес функционалдық сауаттылықты дамытуға арналған "Зейін" облыстық жобасы шеңберінде 2021 жылғы 8 ақпан мен 13 ақпан аралығында Балқаш қаласының "№10 жалпы білім беретін мектеп" КММ-де "құқықтық навигатор"құқықтық сауаттылық апталығы өткізіледі. 12 ақпанда жоспарға сәйкес мектеп оқушыл...
Author: School №10

"Man and humanity" for the 7th grade

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-12 23:21:44
Teacher of self-knowledge of KSU "General education school No. 9" Baykezhan A. K. lesson on the topic "Man and humanity" for the 7th grade
Author: School №9

A parent meeting was held on the topic "The Rights of the Child in the Family"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 21:48:25
A parent meeting was held on the topic
     On February 12, within the framework of the Legal Navigator Legal Literacy Week, a parent meeting was held on the topic "The Rights of the Child in the Family". Purpose: to explain to parents the importance of children's rights. Strengthening civic responsibility. In whatever conditions the family lives, all children living in it have equal rights. It is in th...

A survey was conducted among students in grades 5-7 on the topic "Legal literacy" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 21:38:32
A survey was conducted among students in grades 5-7 on the topic
    On February 12, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", a survey on the topic "Legal Literacy" was conducted among students of grades 5-7. In order to check the legal literacy of students, a questionnaire was compiled, consisting of 15 questions, monitoring was carried out on the answers of students. Monitoring showed that students a...

A screening of the film "Deniskin's Stories" and the cartoon "Smeshariki" were organized ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 21:21:32
A screening of the film
    On the 5th day of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", a screening of the film "Deniskin's Stories" was organized among students in grades 5-8. After watching the film, the students shared their impressions of the film, considering some of the situations from the film. The guys liked him so much that they tried to compare him with the character from...

A meeting with the school inspector was held among students in grades 9-11 ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 21:08:23
A meeting with the school inspector was held among students in grades 9-11 ...
    On February 12, within the framework of the legal literacy week "Legal Navigator", a meeting with a school inspector was held among students in grades 9-11 to provide legal advice on the topic "Meeting with a specialist." During the meeting, E. M. Zhukin read out to the students a report “Criminal liability of minors in accordance with the Criminal Code&...

Pupils of grades 2-4 took part in the photo exhibition "The world through the eyes of children" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 21:04:07
Pupils of grades 2-4 took part in the photo exhibition
    From 8 to 12 February, within the framework of the Legal Navigator week of legal literacy, pupils of grades 2-4 took part in the photo exhibition “The World through the Eyes of Children”. During the event, organized with the aim of increasing thinking skills, developing the horizons of students, increasing interest in drawing lessons, various drawings were drawn. A...

A city seminar for informatics teachers "Basics of creating a website" was held ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:59:10
A city seminar for informatics teachers
    On February 12, Sh. A. Aliyeva, a computer science teacher at the Mikhail Rusakov sanatorium boarding school, held a city seminar for computer science teachers "Basics of creating a website." During the seminar held within the framework of the regional project "Webmaster", the speaker discussed the possibilities of programs related to web technologies such as...

A presentation of the next school magazine "Zhasyl Otan" took place...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:52:06
A presentation of the next school magazine
    A presentation of the next school magazine "Zhasyl Otan" took place at the Mikhail Rusakov sanatorium boarding school. The journal reflects the work of young ecologists in search, research, environmental protection and landscaping of our beloved school.  

Class hour on the topic "Law experts" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:48:28
Class hour on the topic
    On February 12, within the framework of the legal literacy development week "Legal Navigator" in the 4th "A" class, a class hour was held on the topic "Law experts". The purpose of this class hour is to develop legal knowledge, as well as foster patriotism and love for the Motherland. During the event, students are provided with information on the &q...

There was a competition for the publication of leaflets "School - the territory of the law"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:43:17
There was a competition for the publication of leaflets
    In order to implement the regional project "Zeyin", within the framework of the "Legal Navigator" week, organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, from 8 to 11 February 2021, a distance competition was held in our school among grades 8-9 on the topic "Mektep - aumagy". The purpose...

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