The book is an invaluable wealth of mankind.

The book is an invaluable wealth of mankind.
The book is an invaluable wealth of mankind. It is a source of science, an educational tool leading to the highest level of education and culture. The poet Navoi wrote: "A book is a golden treasury that does not require payment for its wisdom," and the great Abai: "The beauty of knowledge is in a book, do not get tired of reading books to comprehend them." Such beautiful words are again proof that reading books is a major factor in human development.
In order to attract children to reading works of art, a 20-minute project “20 minutes with benefit” among students of our school started in September. Every Monday, students read books, share with their peers about what they read.
Дата: 12.10.2022, 12:29 Автор: №3 жалпы білім беретін мектебі