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Conference "Ecology and We"



 The XXVI regional scientific and practical conference "Ecology and Children" was held online. In total, 188 projects from schools of the Karaganda region were presented at the conference. Both of our projects, presented at the XXVI regional scientific-practical conference "Ecology and Children" under the scientific guidance of two teachers of the Lyceum, were successfully defended at this conference. These are: Akylbekova Zulfiya - 8B - topic: "Hydroponics in school conditions", scientific supervisor: Sadykanova B.Zh. - Biology teacher.

Grade 5B students: Merei Ozhanova, Asiya Seydygali, group project, topic: "Utilization of household waste and effective use in a flower garden", supervisor: Naskenova R.N. - biology teacher. Even during the defense, our students received a positive assessment from the conference jury. Results 19.10.2020 will be released after that date. Good luck to our students and leading teachers! You are welcome!

Date: 18.10.2020, 19:04 Author: Lyceum №2