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The 4-week meal menu has been introduced in the lyceum for the organization of students' meals.

The 4-week meal menu has been introduced in the lyceum for the organization of students' meals.

The 4-week meal menu has been introduced in the lyceum for the organization of students' meals.

It is important to note the increase in the number of infectious diseases among school-aged children. 21.5 percent of adolescents under 14 years of age, ie every fifth young man suffers from overweight. Experts say that all of them are a problem of poor nutrition.

Starting from March 1 of this academic year, the 4-week menu was approved in accordance with the common standards of diet for pupils of our lyceum.

The uniform standard for proper nutrition of students has been introduced in the country for the first time. The four-week menu was developed jointly by the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition and the National Center for Health. All main food groups are added to the menu and based on each season.

On the menu, honey and milk twice a week, cheese, and lettuce - three times. Every weekly, Thursday - fried fish, cutlets, tephthalee. Different soups will be provided daily. And the second course is cow, chicken dishes.

Unified standards of diet are divided into three groups depending on age: 7-10 years - 840 kilocalories, 11-14 years - 951 kilocalories, and 15-18 years - 1020 kilocalories.

Date: 11.04.2019, 14:14 Author: Lyceum №2