"Research is the main factor in the development of professional skills of the teacher"

"Research is the main factor in the development of professional skills of the teacher"

01.04.19 in accordance with the plan of methodical work in high school, "the relevance of research in professional development of Teachers." methodical meeting on the topic: Hello, autumn gold. In section i of the "teaching laboratory" contest, held sertap groups of teachers working on topics with a presentation and spoke, shared, indicating a practical point of view. "Method of multi-level differentiated instruction" M. Seitkalieva.G. G. Tukay. "Diology teaching method" N Pirimbetova.And Makatay.. "The gaming method of teaching" Students.T. Daniyarov N. And Yezhebayeva.With

Experience in section II of NICHES with the aim of increasing skills "Best master-class" "Best outdoor event" awards ceremony the results of the competitions are published. Section III presents information on the results of the week is natural-scientific cycle. In the work of the methodological Council, Methodist city Department of education Ainabekova KK Advisory Board Zhaksygeldina SH.T.

Date: 3.04.2019, 14:35 Author: Lyceum №2