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Release - 2021

Release - 2021

The kindergarten graduation party is a special event for every child and his parents, this is the first step into adulthood. On the one hand, it is a joyful, long-awaited holiday, on the other, a little sad event. The teachers are happy that their pupils are moving to a new stage in life, and sad that they have to part with such lovely children who have already become their own. It seems that they have recently started going to kindergarten, but soon they will be future first graders. The graduation ball in the kindergarten in the group "Novators" and "Baldyrkan" was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The holiday began with a solemn release of graduates - the children somehow immediately matured: beautiful, smart, they looked like schoolchildren. During the entire matinee, they showed their knowledge and skills that they had acquired over the years spent in kindergarten: they sang many songs, recited poems, and made them dance. According to the established good tradition, the director of the kindergarten wished the graduates a good journey, successful studies and, of course, not to forget their native kindergarten. Each graduate was awarded medals and diplomas of kindergarten graduation. The kindergarten graduation ceremony was bright and memorable for the children. Good luck in your school life, dear graduates!

Дата: 1.06.2021, 14:58 Автор: Күншуақ