Report on the provision of state. services

by KGKP DDU "Kunshuak" for 2018-2019.
State utility company "Kunshuak" preschool institution provides individuals with one type of public service "Acceptance of documents and enrollment of children in preschool educational organizations" in compliance with all the rules approved by regulations and Standards.
The state service "Acceptance of documents and enrollment of children in preschool educational organizations" is possible after you have entered the queue for kindergarten. The public service is provided on a first come, first served basis, without prior registration and expedited service. The result of the provision of public services: the child is enrolled in a preschool organization on the basis of an agreement concluded between the preschool organization and one of the parents or legal representative of the child, or a reasoned response to refuse to provide public services on the grounds established by paragraph 10 of this public service standard.
The number of state services for the admission of children provided at the Kunshuak pre-school in 2018 amounted to 68 children, for the first half of 2019 34 children. There were no violations in terms of the provision of public services. To inform parents in the building of the preschool institution, there is an information stand where standards and regulations of public services, samples of application forms are posted. There were no complaints about the quality and timing of services from the parents.
Date: 29.07.2019, 10:33 Author: Children preschool institution “Kunshuak”