
Hike to the city museum of local lore

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-10 21:31:58
Hike to the city museum of local lore
On October 8, preschool groups visited the city museum of local lore. Before visiting the museum, the teachers had a conversation and gave an idea of ​​what a museum is, and also fixed the rules of conduct in a museum. Children got an idea of ​​what a museum object, exhibit, exposition is, learned the rules of behavior in a museum. In a form accessible to preschoolers, they were told about the h...

The fourth day of the local history week

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-10 20:46:21
The fourth day of the local history week
The fourth day of the local history week began with the motto “How beautiful this world is”. In all age groups, during a walk, was organized a drawing competition on the asphalt "Boyau sirlary"

Happy anniversary, dear newspaper!

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-10 20:16:34
Happy anniversary, dear newspaper!
The oldest newspaper of the region "Ortalyk Kazakhstan" celebrated its 90th anniversary. The newspaper has a rich history and we have a lot to be proud of. Today, the media occupy an important place in the public for the exchange of information. Informed means armed, with this slogan we begin to acquaint children with the media

The third day of the local history week

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-06 21:30:29
The third day of the local history week
As part of the third day of the thematic week, it began under the motto "My Motherland is Kazakhstan". Teachers of all age groups held quizzes with children, where children were able to consolidate their knowledge about the First President, about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The second day of the local history week

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-06 21:14:41
The second day of the local history week
The second day of the local history week began under the motto "I love you, my native land!" In all age groups a thematic lesson "The Nature of the Native Land" was held, where children looked at illustrations, got acquainted with the sights of the city.

Local history week

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-06 20:29:21
Local history week
The Department of Education of the Karaganda region, the educational and methodological center for development and education, started weeks of literacy in preschool education. From October 04, 2021, in the kindergarten "Kunshuak", the city of Balkhash, a historical and local history week began, the purpose of which was to create conditions for the assimilation of local history knowledg...

"Teacher's Day"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-04 14:59:31
Teachers celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday of October in our country. This holiday unites people who daily devote themselves to the cause necessary for society and the country - raising and educating children, preparing them for life in modern society. There are no random people in this profession. A simple truth has long been known: teachers are people by vocation, who ha...

"Labor Day"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-10-04 14:46:41
Labor Day is celebrated on October 1. Labor Day is one of the youngest holidays in the calendar of Kazakhstan. It was officially established in 2013 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. Our kindergarten organized an event where employees could hear the recognition and appreciation of their work. The Department of Education and the Chairman of the City Committee of the Trade Union o...

Online - general parent meeting

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-09-24 08:55:43
Online - general parent meeting
September 23, 2021 in the organization of the KGKP "Kenshua Kindergarten" on the ZOOM platform, an online general parent meeting was held. There were 3 main issues on the agenda, such as: - About using the mobile application "Ashyq" - Sanitary and epidemiological requirements - Feedback from parents in the "question-answer" format. Parents took an active part, they...

"Language is the living soul of the people"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-09-07 09:44:41
Our kindergarten hosted an event called "The language of the living soul of the people", dedicated to the Day of Languages. The purpose of this event is to continue to acquaint children with the Motherland - the Republic of Kazakhstan. Expand and enrich children's ideas about people of different nationalities inhabiting our multinational state. To acquaint people of different natio...

"Travel to the Land of Knowledge!"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2021-09-02 14:34:58
An amazing and wonderful holiday Knowledge Day in kindergarten, perhaps not as solemn and exciting as at school, but no less important from this. A new phase begins in their lives: classes, conversations, holidays, helping to better know the world around them, learn something, get to know themselves, define their interests. On this day, the teachers arranged a real holiday for the pupils of the...


Category: Information
Date: 2021-08-06 20:08:22
In June - July 2021, in connection with the allocation of budgetary funds to the KGKP Kenshua Kindergarten, the current repair of the roof of the building was carried out, the contractor LLP "S-VIRTUS" Director Shishkov Zh.D. The repair was completed on time, with high quality, in good faith.

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