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Participation in the Championship of Karaganda region on chess.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 05:48:10
Participation in the Championship of Karaganda region on chess.
Four pupils of chess group of Pupil’s Palace (coach Alimzhanov S.A.)  took part in the championship on chess on 4-6.10.2013 in Karaganda city.           Neltai Akizhan (school №8) became the Champion of Karaganda region by the results of championship.          Nesep Dana, Ydyrysov Dulat (s/g №7) t...
Author: Department

The tournament on mini- football for the Cup of town’s akim.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-10-08 05:42:40
 The tournament on mini- football for the Cup of town’s akim.
The town tournament on mini-football for the Cup of town’s akim on 3 age group(pupils, students, collectives of physical training) was conducted from 16.09.2013 to 06.10.2013.          Awarding of teams planned for 10.10.2013.          Certificates were prepared, 3 cups, diplomas and medals on categories pu...
Author: Department

The concert program "Balkhash, you are my song"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:55:29
The concert program
The holiday concert “Balkhash, you are my song”, which devoted to the celebrating of Town’s Day was held on the square of Independence on 20.09.2013. Town school’s pupils took part in this concert program. Dance number and wonderful songs of our countryman about Motherland and native town were presented by them. Colorful costumes, charmed melodies, nice dance will lea...
Author: Department

The twon debate twornament "Balkhash - territory of future", "What youth can do for native town?"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:49:06
The twon debate twornament
Friendly meeting of debate tournaments “Balkhash- the territory of future”, which devoted to the 76th anniversary of Balkhash town was held by initiation of the town Children maslikhat in the Pupil’s Palace on 18.09.2013. 5 teams of town schools took part in the debate tournament: in the Kazakh league -3, in the Russian league – 2. Rezolution of debate tournaments: &ldq...
Author: Department

The town competition of youth corresponds “Balkhash in notes of youth corresponds”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:37:13
The town competition of youth corresponds “Balkhash in notes of youth corresponds”
The town competition of youth corresponds, devoted to the 76-anniversary of Balkhash town “Balkhash in notes of youth corresponds” was held in the Pupil’s Palace in order to forming of Kazakhstan patriotism and activation of work of school press-centres.          The judge commission includes: corresponds of the town newspaper “Se...
Author: Department

«Қазақстан - байтақ елім»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:31:49
«Қазақстан - байтақ елім»
On the eve ofthe "Day of the language" in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" PI "preschooler - BGMK" September 19, 2013 a competition was held readers "Kazakhstan - baytaқelim" amongchildren and their parents. Participants and winners were awarded with certificates and gifts. Competition readers completed the overall song "Zhasa...
Author: Department

Working with parents

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-30 06:28:04
Working with parents
In kindergarten,"Zhuldyz" PI "Preschooler-BGMK" has become a tradition every year, in the fall to hold the competition "The Gifts of gold autumn", among the parents of the pupils. So this year, parents of students amazed everyone with its originality and imagination.
Author: Department

“Zhuirikten zhuirik ozar zharyskanda”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-11 10:21:28
“Zhuirikten zhuirik ozar zharyskanda”
The 14th republican Abai’s reading was conducted on 05-07.09.2013 in East Kazakhstan region, Abai district, at Zhidebai mausoleum. A pupil of the 9th form of Balkhash town school №25 after Y.Altynsarin Shesh Mukhamedali was rewarded with the 2nd degree diploma by the 3rd nomination “Zhuirikten zhuirik ozar zharyskanda”.
Author: Department

Отбасы күні

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-11 05:28:09
                                                   Отбасы күні
Балдырған балабақшасында қыркүйек айының 5мен 7аралығында отбасы күні аталып өтілді.Бұл күндері балабақшамызда «Менің үйім,менің отбасым» Атты естиярлар мен ересек топтар арасында суреттен жарыс болды.Онда балалардың суреттерінен-ақ ата-аналарына деген ыстық махаббаты,олардың білімі тұрды. Сонымен қатар «бақытты балалық шақ» атты фото көрме де болды.Суретте кішкентай...
Author: Department

«Family day»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-10 09:11:01
  «Family day»
Kindergarten acts as a socio-pedagogical environment integrating the interests of the family, the school and the child. And problems are solved important: to promote mutual emotional location between the parties, the emergence of a trust; give parents and teachers experience of interaction with each other, improve parenting skills. 6 September 2013  in the kindergarten «Er -Tostik&raq...
Author: Department

Good luck, child!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-09-04 10:43:34
Good luck, child!
The solemn meeting which devoted to the holiday “The Day of knowledge” was held in the preschool group of school №15 on 03.09.2013. The first day of children, who, for the first time entered school gates began with greetings and singing the anthem of the country. The solemn meeting was continued by saying congratulations to the school principal K.Dubirbekova who wished to childre...
Author: Department

«Сапалы білім мен тәрбие – Қазақстанның мемлкеттік саясатының басымдылығы»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2013-08-26 03:49:15
«Сапалы білім мен тәрбие – Қазақстанның мемлкеттік саясатының басымдылығы»
2013 жылдың тамыз айында Балқаш қаласы білім мекемелері ұстаздары үшін «Сапалы білім мен тәрбие – Қазақстанның мемлкеттік саясатының басымдылығы» атты тамыз кеңесі болып өтті.             Он алтынша тамыз күні №2 лицей, №5,9,10,16 және 17 орта мектептерінде пән бойынша секция отырыстары ұйымдастырылды. Секция отырыстарынд...
Author: Department

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