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“I love my city”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-04-08 06:58:34
“I love my city”
The news of the themed week       Balkhash is Motherland for everybody of us! With this theme in kindergarten “Bobek” was organized educational activity in senior and middle groups, and presentations was held with kids “I love my city” – devoted to the City day in 6 April 2015.     Teachers of  kindergarten ”Bob...
Author: Department

«Blossom and flourish my favorite Balkhash!»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-04-07 05:28:30
«Blossom and flourish my favorite Balkhash!»
 In the kindergarten "Alpamys", in the older age group, was held an event on the 6th of April, dedicated the Day of the city of Balhash.     Our hometown is 78 years old, and as in any birthday, today there have been the songs, rose up skyward salute of several hundred children's hands. Fairy-tale characters, games, dance and a good mood today were companion...
Author: Department

The information about the city competition of patriotic youth movement for the protection projects “My Kazakhstan”

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-04-03 08:12:08
The information about the city competition of patriotic youth movement for the protection projects “My Kazakhstan”
      With the aim of enhance patriotism and civic responsibility for the future of Kazakhstan teenagers, encourage and support school initiatives in solving social problems; realization of creativity and cultural exchanges between schoolchildren in the Palace of Schoolchildren March 27 held city competition of projects for the protection of “My Kazakhstan”.   &...
Author: Department

« Ер есімі – ел есінде»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-04-01 05:23:16
« Ер есімі – ел есінде»
On March 31 was holding an exhibition of children picture about The 70th year of the Victory Day which organized the secondary school №24. All are schools participated. The pupils of secondary school 24 began with anthem of Kazakhstan. Pupils were drawn the picture by theme of Victory Day. Juries obligated the participants and awarded with diplomas of I, II, III. I place Romanova Evgenia, seco...
Author: Department

Fun celebrate Nauryz!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-30 04:29:29
Fun celebrate Nauryz!
«Nauryz a holiday of Spring! The feast of cohesion and unity of our Motherland!»That motto in kindergarten “Bobek” was themed week, dedicated to Nauryz-2015. Preschoolers with educators and parents read poems, sang songs, played folk games, covered Banquet tables with folk treats the people of our Republic, the main dish each table was Nauryzkozhe. That’s were gra...
Author: Department


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 09:32:21
There was a holiday in the “Rucheyok” kindergarten. There was a funny holiday devoted to Nauryz. Children saw Kotem, Ata and Apa. Boys and girls read poems, danced and sang the songs. Children also played in different national games. Everybody got a sweet presents at the end of the measure. 
Author: Department

Municipal public state enterprise nursery «Жұлдыз»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 09:14:17
Municipal public state  enterprise nursery «Жұлдыз»
       In the 19 of   Marth in the  kindergarden  we celebrated  the  light  holiday  of « Welcome to, Nauryz». The holiday  were  held  in the small group and  middle  group.  Design  and  costume liked  guests. Parents and guests wished  success, well-being  in li...
Author: Department

"Қosh keldің Әz - Nowruz! »

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:51:00
In kindergarten "Er Tоstіk" in the middle group number 2 was praznichny matinee "Қosh keldің Әz - Nowruz! »        On the children's matinee tantsyvali, read poems, sang songs about the holiday "Nauryz". Played Kazakh national game "Arkan Tartu", "Koydy kamau." On a visit came Kydyr ata beauty Spring, Good Әzh...
Author: Department

Spring celebrity Nowruz!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:45:30
Spring celebrity Nowruz!
In the  kindergarten «ЕрТөстік» 20.03.2015 in the senior group held a  party  «Spring celebrity Nowruz!». Children  Kazakh dances, recited poems on kazakh and russion languages.  On holiday came Crow, Sun, Fox and Bear. After completion covered  table.
Author: Department

Competition «Zhigit sultany»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-20 08:39:56
Competition «Zhigit sultany»
On the eve of Nauryz, March 20 in our child care center "Akbota" under the direction of music director Dzhumatayeva K.K and caregivers and senior group Sheken J and Esimbekovoy A.T passed competition "Zhigit sultany" which was attended by five boys from the older group №8. The contest was held in six phases.  Objective: Improve and deepen the knowledge to educate child...
Author: Department


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-18 05:21:42
In kindergarten "Bobek" festive events dedicated to Nauryz holiday has already started today, March 17, 2015. Spring and Granny came to the holiday. The children in national costumes sang the songs and recited poems about Nauryz. Granny showed the custom “laying in the cradle”. Children and Granny sang a lullaby for baby. Spring with its kindly brought to children interesti...
Author: Department

Spring drops

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-03-18 05:13:55
Spring drops
In the kindergarten «Bobek»were children’s matinee dedicated to the celebration of loving mother’s day- the 8 of Marchfrom 4 to 6 March 2015. Preschoolers pleased mothers and grandmothers with their bright dances, childish humor, funny songs and scenes. Parents were very touched by kids, which were as real artists, children of senior groups are:  Stepan Spirin, Ser...
Author: Department

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