
«Құқығым бар» атты бала құқықтарымен таныстыру сағаты

Category: Айлық
Date: 2021-11-01 11:21:38
«Құқығым бар» атты бала құқықтарымен таныстыру сағаты
As part of the celebration of the World Children's Day and the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kenzhebaeva Almagul Tleukulovna, a law teacher at the KSU "Comprehensive School No. 16" of the Education Department of the city of Balkhash, held an introductory hour for the 9th grade on children's rights.
Author: School №16

«Тілдарын» қалалық байқауы

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-11-01 11:11:11
«Тілдарын» қалалық байқауы
In order to implement the Program of Language Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, a city competition "Tildaryn" was held among young people fluent in three languages - Kazakh, Russian and English. Serikbek Ayana Zhasulanovna, teacher of English, was awarded a 1st degree diploma. Congratulations to our colleague!
Author: School №16


Category: Айлық
Date: 2021-11-01 11:05:39
Author: School №16


Category: Айлық
Date: 2021-11-01 10:49:19
Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 20 to November 20, 2021. The REPUBLICAN MONTH “CHILD RIGHTS-HUMAN RIGHTS” was announced. It was organized as part of the celebration of the World Children's Day and the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. W...
Author: School №16

«Ыбырай Алтынсарин – ұлы тұлға» атты тәрбие сағаттары

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-11-01 10:45:41
«Ыбырай Алтынсарин – ұлы тұлға» атты тәрбие сағаттары
Балқаш қаласы білім бөлімінің «№16 жалпы білім беретін мектебі» КММ-нде Тәуелсіздігіміздің 30 жылдығымен тұспа-тұс келіп отырған Қазақтың аса көрнекті ағартушы-педагогы, жазушы, этнограф, фольклоршы, қоғам қайраткері Ыбырай Алтынсариннің 180 жылдығына орай  «Ыбырай Алтынсарин – ұлы тұлға» атты тәрбие сағаттары өткізілді. Мақсаты: Алғашқы ұстаз, ұлы ағартушы Ыб...
Author: School №16

«Үздік өзін-өзі тану мұғалімі» Республикалық байқауының қалалық кезеңі

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-27 14:40:21
«Үздік өзін-өзі тану  мұғалімі» Республикалық байқауының қалалық кезеңі
On October 26, 2021, the city stage of the republican competition "The best teacher of self-knowledge" was held, organized by the education department of the city of Balkhash of the education department of the Karaganda region. The competition was attended by the teacher of self-knowledge of "Secondary school n.16" of the education department of the city of Balkhash Tuletaeva...
Author: School №16

Сабақ тоқтатылатын ауа райының жағдайы мен температуралық режимі

Category: Ақпарат
Date: 2021-10-25 14:08:22
                                                    Құрметті ата-аналар!       27.11.2020.ж. Білім Басқармасы мен Қа...
Author: School №16

"Take care of the school textbook"

Category: Акция
Date: 2021-10-21 14:15:30
On October 6-7 the campaign "Take care of the school textbook" was held. As part of the campaign, a check of the condition of school textbooks was organized, a conversation was held about the rules for the use and care of school textbooks. The students who had comments were announced the terms of their elimination.
Author: School №16


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-21 09:45:25
In the framework of the program for the implementation of the language politic in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, the " Olen sozdin patshasy..." Nomination Price was awarded to a student of the 9th G grade Kuantay Erasyl in the city competition of Abay readings “Ulylar ulysy - Abay”. Head: Rymkhanova A.R. Congratulations #wesupportourstudents
Author: School №16


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-19 10:17:11
For participation in the city competition of readers “Elin syigen erdin izi”, organized in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet, Candidate of Philological sciences Byrkit Yskakov, among students of grades 5-9, a student of our school of grade 5A Rzakhanova I Inzhu awarded a certificate. Head: Akhmetbekova A.S. 9th B grade student Ashil Zhanerke was awarded a certificate. Head:...
Author: School №16


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-19 10:04:45
For participation in the city competition of readers “Elin syigen erdin izi”, organized in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet, Candidate of Philological sciences Byrkit Yskakov, among students of grades 5-9, a student of our school of grade 3A Kalkenov Nurali was awarded a certificate. Head: Nygmanova S. T. 4th grade student Zhaksylyk Sultan was awarded a certificate. Head:...
Author: School №16


Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-10-19 09:57:32
In the framework of the program for the implementation of the language politic in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, the Grand Price of the city competition of Abay readings “Ulylar ulysy - Abay” was awarded to a student of the 10th grade Beksultanova Zhibek. Head: Kalykova A. Zh Congratulations #wesupportourstudents
Author: School №16

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