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Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-06-20 11:54:44
  Жетім балаларды, ата-аналарының қамқорлығынсыз қалған  балаларды Қазақстан Республикасы азаматтарының отбасыларына орналастыруға жәрдем көрсету жөніндегі ұйымдарды аккредиттеу үшін құжаттарды қабылдау туралы хабарландыру   ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігінің Балалардың құқықтарын қорғау комитеті жетім балаларды, ата- аналарының қамқорлығынсыз қалған балаларды Қазақстан...
Author: Department

Информация о готовности проведения ЕНТ по г. Балхаш

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-06-10 15:48:51
Информация  о готовности проведения ЕНТ по г. Балхаш
На территории города функционирует пункт проведения единого национального тестирования (ЕНТ), который расположен на базе КГУ «Школа-гимназия №7 им. С. Сейфуллина». На его базе проходят тестирование выпускники г.г. Балхаш, Приозерска, Актогайского района, ОСШИ «Зияткер». В соответствии с Правилами проведения тестирования и Алгоритма проведения ЕНТ готовность пун...
Author: Department

the Last bell rang in 13 educational organizations of the city for 307 pupils of 11th grades

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-06-03 11:35:08
the Last bell rang in 13 educational organizations of the city for 307 pupils  of 11th grades
On June 3, this year, the Last bell rang in 13 educational organizations of the city for 307 pupils  of 11th grades. Graduates were awarded certificates of General secondary education and diplomas for their achievements in studying and education. Special attention was paid to those who studied with "excellent"grades.        This year, 15 graduates b...
Author: Department

Congratulation of G. Agdarbekova, Head of the Department of Education of the City of Balkhash, on Children's Day

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-06-01 09:22:56
Congratulation of G. Agdarbekova, Head of the Department of Education of the City of Balkhash, on Children's Day
Dear children! Dear teachers! I heartily congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, International Children's Day.   Children are our wealth.  For their sake, we work and live, make plans and hope for happiness.  In order for these hopes to be realized, we adults must surround our children with attention and care, form a respectful attitude towards the past, and teach kindnes...
Author: Department

May 31 is the memory day of victims of political repressions

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-06-01 08:30:51
May 31 is the memory day of victims of political repressions
May 31 is the memory day of victims of political repressions. Theday is  dedicated to the innocent victims of Stalin’s regime from murders, hunger and deportation. We must not forget about the tragic pages of the history, we must remember. Videos  were prepared for students of city schools to watch, virtual tour throughthe worst camp of thattime. Hours of communication devot...
Author: Department

At the regional webinar in online mode on May 27, 2020, the Taşolpan kindergarten’s methodologist,

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-28 08:41:10
At the regional webinar in online mode on May 27, 2020, the Taşolpan kindergarten’s methodologist,
At the regional webinar in online mode on May 27, 2020, the Taşolpan kindergarten’s methodologist, EA Sadikova, shared her experience of working with colleagues in the preparation of a variable program in the magic world of stones and sand preschool group in order to develop creative potential, intellectual and cognitive activity of children in the process of various activities with a coll...
Author: Department

Білім және ғылым министрі А.Аймаганбетовтың оқу жылының аяқталуымен құттықтау сөзі

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-27 08:04:16
Білім және ғылым министрі А.Аймаганбетовтың оқу жылының аяқталуымен құттықтау сөзі
Author: Department

Congratulations to G. Agdarbekova, Head of the Balkhash City Education Department, on the end of the school year

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-25 14:50:31
Congratulations to G. Agdarbekova, Head of the Balkhash City Education Department, on the end of the school year
Dear colleagues, parents and students! I would like to congratulate you with the end of the school year! For the Department of Education of Balkhash city, this year was full of various achievements and bright victories, memorable seminars, contests, projects, remarkable Day of School celebrations, school forums and meetings with interesting and outstanding people! All this achievements of th...
Author: Department

Today is may 25, 2020 in all educational organizations of the city, class hours dedicated to the end of the school year were held online for students in grades 1-10

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-25 14:34:59
Today is may 25, 2020 in all educational organizations of the city, class hours dedicated to the end of the school year were held online for students in grades 1-10
Today is may 25, 2020 in all educational organizations of the city, class hours dedicated to the end of the school year were held online for students in grades 1-10. Class teachers prepared greetings for children, summed up the year and reminded them about the rules of behavior in the summer. Interesting and memorable were the class hours for students who completed grades 4 and 9 for them, the...
Author: Department

On 18 May, an online Hour of Decency for 9-11

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-18 14:06:26
On 18 May, an online Hour of Decency for 9-11
On 18 May, an online Hour of Decency for 9-11 grade students was held in all Balhash education institutions as part of the Republic's 'Action'.«Адалдықты мұра еткен Ұлы Абай»
Author: Department

"My friendly family" covering more than 10,000 people were held in all schools of the city.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-15 11:06:02
From 11 to 15 of May, 2020, on-line classroom hours and events under the general name "My friendly family" covering more than 10,000 people were held in all schools of the city. In addition, during the first half of May the city family contest “Eco-Fashion” took place, in which more than 30 young fashionistas and their parents took part, more than 40 Balkhash families took...
Author: Department

On may 13, 2020, according to the plan of the educational and methodological center for education development of the Karaganda region, kindergartens of Balkhash

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-14 08:35:15
On may 13, 2020, according to the plan of the educational and methodological center for education development of the Karaganda region, kindergartens of Balkhash
On may 13, 2020, according to the plan of the educational and methodological center for education development of the Karaganda region, kindergartens of Balkhash took part in the regional webinar and shared their experience with colleagues in the region online. Director of the “Balakay” kindergarten Mukhametzhanova Z.K.spoke on the topic "Best practices: the relevance of the pr...
Author: Department

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