2014 жылдың қорытындысы бойынша мемлекеттік қызмет көрсету жайлы ақпарат

Category: Проводимые мероприятия (гос. услуги)
Date: 2015-01-24 06:30:52
Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 18 қыркүйек 2013 жылғы «Мемлекеттік қызмет реестрін бекіту туралы» № 983 қаулысына,    Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 27 мамыр 2014 жылғы №553 «Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 18 қыркүйек 2013 жылғы «Мемлекеттік қызмет реестрін бекіту туралы» № 983 қаулысына өзгерістер енгізу туралы» №553 қаулысына, және 03 тамы...
Author: Department

Кітап оқитын адам - табысты адам

Category: Video
Date: 2015-01-23 06:03:06
Author: School №8

Сүйікті кітабымызды иллюстрациялаймыз

Category: Video
Date: 2015-01-23 04:20:04
Author: School №8

Seminar within the framework of project on introduction of electronic resources in the National plan of teaching of English.

Category: Chair of English Language
Date: 2015-01-21 06:42:35
Seminar  within the framework of project on introduction of electronic resources in the National plan of teaching of English.
his project began in August, 2014, when 9 teachers from the different cities of republic were chosen in an expert group for the selection of materials, given on the site of Britannic Advice. This resource gives enormous possibilities for teachers at preparation and conducting lesson, because allows effectively to use modern technologies in an aggregate with interesting ideas and developments of...

Through the pages of the school magazine ...(an overview of the magazine, issue № 2)

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2015-01-20 09:23:27
Through the pages of the school magazine ...(an overview of the magazine, issue № 2)
          Журнал толық нұсқасы файлға жүктелген. Полная версия журнала в прикрепленном файле. Full version of the magazine in the attached file.

The participation of high school students in the XI International Olympiad in basic sciences

Category: The chair of the primary link
Date: 2015-01-19 10:04:40
The participation of high school students in the XI International Olympiad in basic sciences
Students entry level city gymnasium took part in the first stage of the XI International Olympiad in basic sciences, showing good results.  

Winter fun

Category: The chair of the primary link
Date: 2015-01-19 09:36:52
Winter fun
January 18, 2015 in spite of the frosty morning, the students of the primary link urban high school came to the school yard to participate in extra-curricular school activity "Winter fun." High-school students not only blinded from snow interesting shapes, but also compete in various games: "Snowballs", "Frost" and "fair maiden" in skating ice slides....

Training passed for the prophylaxis of Self-destructive behaviour "Я выбераю жизнь".

Date: 2015-01-17 10:56:25
Training passed for the prophylaxis  of Self-destructive behaviour
Training passed for the prophylaxis  of Self-destructive behaviour "Я выбераю жизнь".

Training is conducted by parents 8-9 classes the "Good mood"

Date: 2015-01-17 10:55:15
Training is conducted by parents 8-9 classes the
Training is conducted by parents 8-9 classes the "Good mood"

Training is conducted for teachers "Under one roof"

Date: 2015-01-17 10:54:11
Training is conducted for teachers
Training is conducted for teachers "Under one roof"

Was the psychological training conducted "Forward, youth"

Date: 2015-01-17 10:52:43
Was the psychological training conducted
Was the psychological training conducted "Forward, youth" to the devoted search of answers for questions: "Who we"? do we know itself? How to behave in a collective?aim: forming of positive психологческогоclimate in the pedagogical collective

Allschool pupilstook the testto know their attitude to groups.

Date: 2015-01-17 06:43:47
Allschool pupilstook the testto know their attitude to groups. The experiment involved600pupils.The test resultsindicatedthat14pupilsgo to the mosque each week. Class teachershave writtenthesecharacteristicsto these and had a talk pupilswith their parentsand thenit turned outthat only2 pupilsamong 14 go to the mosquewith their parents.

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