«Кітап әлемді бағындырады»

Date: 2018-05-03 09:55:21
28.04.18Ж. Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің іс-тәжірибесін трансформациялау мақсатында мектеп-лицей кітапхана қызметкерлері, кітапхана активтері және "Ағыбай батыр" шаңырақ топтарының ұйымдастыруымен Ерекше форматтағы «Кітап әлемді бағындырады» атты  рухани- ағартушылық акциясы өтті. Акцияға Қазақстан Республикасы «Мәдениет саласы үздігі» К.Ы.Сардарбекова...

The prevention of drug abuse and combat drug trafficking activities.

Date: 2018-05-02 17:17:35
From 23 to 26 April in our school "prevention and fight against drug Addiction in the framework of the action. Purpose:to promote healthy lifestyles and active teenagers Salauat - you way of life , about the dangers of drug abuse and the consequences ,the responsibility of distributors and consumers of drugs that before the law of Informatization. 23 April the school held the line,leaders r...
Author: School №6

"Ulan" military sports games information on the conduct

Category: Әкелер кеңесі
Date: 2018-05-02 17:06:06
On April 25 our school may 7, the eve of the day of defender of the Fatherland among pupils of 8-11 classes. teacher of NVP In Margesin team.D. under the leadership of "Ulan" military sports game.To Havdalah a game is a teacher of physical culture. world.Game fathers Tuleubaev R. Chairman of the Board of the jury.With. Council member G. azimbaev.B. and es-the Deputy head of the Departm...
Author: School №6

Meeting with psychologist on "Children and the Internet»...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2018-05-02 16:45:55
Meeting  with psychologist on
    On May 2, as part of the "Safe Internet" republican campaign, the psychologist of the school Asylkhanova A. A. organized and held a meeting with students of grades 5-7 on the topic "Children and the Internet». The librarian, psychologist, social teacher, teachers of computer science were invited to the meeting. Purpose: to conduct a conversation with studen...

Information about Abay readings

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2018-05-02 08:53:38
Information about Abay readings
April 27, 2018 in the school № 9 passed the Abay readings, in order to implement the program of the Head of State "Ruhani zharyrou." 3 students of our Lyceum took part in this competition.   Apprentice 6B class Sabit Syrym was awarded a Diploma III degree.   Congratulations !!!!
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about the participation of our students in the Presidential online Olympiad in the Kazakh language Gaztest.

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2018-05-02 08:46:22
Information about the participation of our students in the Presidential online Olympiad in the Kazakh language Gaztest.
Pupils of 10 A class became winners of the II Republican online Olympiad A. Baitursynov.   Sovetova Eldana Diploma II stepeni, Bagdaulet Aigerim Diploma of the third degree, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Amirbaeva G.M.   Congratulations to our students !!!!
Author: Lyceum №2

Educational classes "Safe Internet"...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2018-04-30 16:07:25
Educational classes
    Within the framework of the "Safe Internet" campaign on April 27, were held educational classes "Safe Internet" in 5-8 grades. The goal of educational classes is to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior on the Internet, to teach students to critically treat the information distributed in the network, not to place personal information on the networ...

Information on the May 1 - Day of Unity of Kazakhstan people boarding school № 2

Category: "Kazakhstan is the territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-04-30 15:58:21
Information on the May 1 - Day of Unity of Kazakhstan people boarding school № 2
  According to the plan of events, activities were held at Boarding School № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov dedicated to the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the events is the formation of an active civil and moral position of pupils, the replenishment of knowledge of pupils with new information about the unity and friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan, the educatio...

Information on the May 1 - Day of Unity of Kazakhstan people boarding school № 2

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-04-30 15:46:35
Information on the May 1 - Day of Unity of Kazakhstan people boarding school № 2
     According to the plan of events, activities were held at Boarding School № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov dedicated to the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the events is the formation of an active civil and moral position of pupils, the replenishment of knowledge of pupils with new information about the unity and friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan,...

A debate on "The book instead of the Internet"...

Category: library
Date: 2018-04-30 15:22:16
A debate on
  April 29 in the club weekend in the republican campaign was a debate on "The book instead of the Internet". The students were divided into two groups. One group was in favor of the Internet, the second for the Book. Each student also wrote down his ideas on a sheet of paper, which were voiced. Here are some of them: • Aisha Karibay: "I believe that you can get a lo...

A debate on "The book instead of the Internet"...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2018-04-30 15:18:43
 A debate on
     April 29 in the club weekend in the republican campaign was a debate on "The book instead of the Internet". The students were divided into two groups. One group was in favor of the Internet, the second for the Book. Each student also wrote down his ideas on a sheet of paper, which were voiced. Here are some of them: • Aisha Karibay: "I believe that you...

A survey to determine the role of the Internet in the lives of teenagers ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-04-30 15:07:18
A survey to determine the role of the Internet in the lives of teenagers ...
  On April 27 the school psychologist conducted a survey among pupils of grades 5-9 to determine the scope of use of computers, the purpose of using the Internet and the role in the life of teenagers. As a result of a general survey, students often use the Internet at home. Children consider the Internet to be a useful source of information, and 10% of them find it useful for leisure ac...

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