11-сынып оқушыларымен Қазақстан Республикасы Төтенше жағдайлар министрлігінің Көкшетау техникалық институты туралы кәсіптік бағдар берілді.

Category: Кәсіби бағдар
Date: 2021-02-26 08:41:09
    17.11.20 күні Zoomплатформасы арқылы Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ЖББ №25 орта мектебінің 11-сынып оқушыларымен Қазақстан Республикасы Төтенше жағдайлар министрлігінің Көкшетау техникалық институты туралы кәсіптік бағдар берілді. Сабақ барысында, бейнематериал көрсетіліп, институттың оқуға түсу шарттары, білім беру бағдарламалары яғни оқытылатын мамандықтар туралы, азаматтарды күндізгі оқ...
Author: School №25

Бектаев Нұржан Шиналиевичтің қатысуымен кәсіптік онлайн- кездесу ұйымдастырылды

Category: Кәсіби бағдар
Date: 2021-02-26 08:39:48
   2021 жылдың қаңтар айының 06-сы күні  кәсіби бағдар беру мақсатында сағат 15.00-де "Қазақмыс" корпорациясының политехникалық колледжінің» директордың тәрбие ісі жөнінен орынбасары Бектаев Нұржан Шиналиевичтің қатысуымен кәсіптік онлайн- кездесу ұйымдастырылды. Кәсіби сынамаға мектебіміздің 9-11 сынып оқушылары қатысты.     
Author: School №25

"Striving for innovation-from primary school»

Date: 2021-02-25 20:22:57
Within the framework of the decade of primary classes from 15.02 to 26.02 on February 25.02.21, primary school teacher Ainur Toleugalievna Kazakbayeva held a workshop on the topic "determining effective methods for developing the language fund of students in primary classes". During the workshop, the primary school teacher shared modern effective methods conducted by students in order...
Author: Lyceum №2

In honor of the 175th anniversary of the outstanding poet Zhambyl Zhabayev, a competition of expressive reading was held among students of grades 2-4...

Category: В честь 175-летия поэта Жамбыла Жабаева
Date: 2021-02-25 19:30:11
In honor of the 175th anniversary of the outstanding poet Zhambyl Zhabayev, a competition of expressive reading was held among students of grades 2-4...
In honor of the 175th anniversary of the outstanding poet, akyn-improviser Zhambyl Zhabayev, a competition of expressive reading was held among students of grades 2-4. Purpose: to instill in students from an early age a love of literature and the development of the purity of the language by memorizing the poet's poems. The students took an active part in the online competition. When reading...

For the day of gratitude, an information stand on the theme "The unity of the people is a great wealth" was arranged ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-25 19:27:35
For the day of gratitude, an information stand on the theme
Gratitude Day is a day of mutual respect for all citizens of our country, who together overcame difficult times and worked tirelessly for the formation of independent Kazakhstan under the leadership of Elbasy in a short time. On February 25, an information stand on the theme "The unity of the nation is great wealth" was arranged in the foyer of the school. The stand contains materials...

A meeting was organized with the manager for the development of small and medium-sized businesses of the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region "Atameken" Balkhash Muntyan Viktor Yuryevich...

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2021-02-25 19:14:23
A meeting was organized with the manager for the development of small and medium-sized businesses of the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region
On February 24, within the framework of the thematic week "Financial World" under the guidance of educator D. Makhmutova, the column "Meeting with a successful person" was held. In an online format, with the participation of students in grades 5-8, a meeting was organized with the manager for the development of small and medium-sized businesses of the branch of the Chamber of...


Category: Акты комиссии по мониторингу качества питания
Date: 2021-02-25 14:06:19


Category: Акты комиссии по мониторингу качества питания
Date: 2021-02-25 14:05:49


Category: Акты комиссии по мониторингу качества питания
Date: 2021-02-25 14:04:54

"Save fire safety!"," Know the rules of behavior on the ice! " information about meeting with parents via the ZOOM platform on compliance with safety measures

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-02-25 13:18:05
In order to train and improve the effectiveness of work on fire prevention, injury prevention in secondary school No. 9, a seminar was held "Let's keep fire safety!", "Know the rules of behavior on ice!" a meeting was held with parents on compliance with safety measures through the ZOOM platform.Senior Engineer of the Department of Emergency Situations, Senior Lieutenant of Civil Protection Erlano...
Author: School №9

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