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Контрольное блюдо за 09.11.2021

Category: School food
Date: 2021-11-09 12:42:26
Контрольное блюдо за 09.11.2021
Контрольное блюдо за 09.11.2021
Author: School №4

Menu on 09.11.2021

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-11-09 10:16:08
Menu on 09.11.2021
Author: School №9

On 20.10.2021, a meeting of the intra-school debate on the topical, political topic "Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030" was held. We have two teams: from the government: 1st Speaker Kusylbekovdos, 2nd Speaker Kasimov Batyrkhan; from the opposition side 1st speake

Category: Debate club
Date: 2021-11-09 09:48:22
On 20.10.2021, a meeting of the intra-school debate on the topical, political topic "Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030" was held. We have two teams: from the government: 1st Speaker Kusylbekovdos, 2nd Speaker Kasimov Batyrkhan; from the opposition side 1st speaker Kurmash Aruzhan, 2nd speaker Ryskeldieva Aigerim. They were able to give a reasoned review and speak out with fiery quotes....

On 30.09.2021, the final stage of the intra-school games of the debate club "Saken Zhastary" took place. The purpose of the game: to introduce children to current problems in society, politics, to develop in children a spark of thought, purity of language

Category: Debate club
Date: 2021-11-09 09:43:18
On 30.09.2021, the final stage of the intra-school games of the debate club "Saken Zhastary" took place. The purpose of the game: to introduce children to current problems in society, politics, to develop in children a spark of thought, purity of language, expressiveness of speech. The president of the IDK "Zhuldyz" of the city of Balkhash Musakazhi Almat Rashitovich a...

On 23.09.2021, a regular meeting of the discussion club "quality education-conscious generation" was held among students of grades 7-11 of our gymnasium school, dedicated to the "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The subtlet

Category: Debate club
Date: 2021-11-09 09:37:20
On 23.09.2021, a regular meeting of the discussion club "quality education-conscious generation" was held among students of grades 7-11 of our gymnasium school, dedicated to the "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The subtleties, formats and rules of the debate were explained to the students, the students showed an exemplary game. Examples...

Information about class hours spent at KSU" School - Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai "

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-11-09 09:29:30
Information about class hours spent at KSU
Information about class hours spent at KSU" School - Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai "  on November 11, 2021 On November 11, 2021, the classroom teachers of KSU "School-Lyceum №. 2 named after Abai" held class hours according to the annual plan. Grades  1 "School of Polite Sciences. Rules of etiquette. Phone conversation, greeting, friendship dialogue"&n...
Author: Lyceum №2

On November 8, 2021, in accordance with the work schedule, the members of the marriage commission conducted a scheduled inspection of the school cafeteria.

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2021-11-08 16:47:02
On November 8, 2021, in accordance with the work schedule, the members of the marriage commission conducted a scheduled inspection of the school cafeteria.
On November 8, 2021, in accordance with the work schedule, the members of the marriage commission conducted a scheduled inspection of the school cafeteria.   During the inspection, it was found that:   1. food quality, cooking technology.   2. the norms of the rules of cleanliness in the dining room are observed.   3. compliance with the terms of storage and c...
Author: School №5

On November 8, 2021, in accordance with the work schedule, the members of the marriage commission conducted a scheduled inspection of the school cafeteria.

Category: Catering for the 2021-2022 academic year
Date: 2021-11-08 16:38:07
On November 8, 2021, in accordance with the work schedule, the members of the marriage commission conducted a scheduled inspection of the school cafeteria.
On November 8, 2021, in accordance with the work schedule, the members of the marriage commission conducted a scheduled inspection of the school cafeteria.   During the inspection, it was found that:   1. food quality, cooking technology.   2. the norms of the rules of cleanliness in the dining room are observed.   3. compliance with the terms of storage and c...
Author: School №5

Information of the class hour

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-11-08 15:15:25
Information of the class hour
On November 08, 2021, classes on the theme "Mangilik kazak zheri - uly dala eli" were held in grades 1-11 of secondary school No. 9. Purpose: fostering patriotic feelings for their native language, customs, traditions, instilling love for their homeland, native land.
Author: School №9

Открытие недели читательской грамотности "Алдар Косе в гостях у детей".

Category: Consultations
Date: 2021-11-08 14:30:05
Открытие недели читательской грамотности
В действующих сегодня государственных документах перед дошкольным образованием поставлена принципиально новая задача: в результате освоения образовательной программы каждый ребёнок должен интересоваться книгами и испытывать потребность в их чтении, быть приобщённым к словесному искусству, о чём будут свидетельствовать развитие его художественного восприятия, эстетического вкуса

Күн тәртібінде құқық бұзушылықтар алдын алу

Category: Азаматтық қорғаныс
Date: 2021-11-08 14:21:37
Жұма 01.11.21ж.күні директор жанындағы отырыста күн тәртібінде құқық бұзушылықтар алдын алу бойынша бойынша сұрақтар қарастырылып,мектеп инспекторы кейбір баптармен таныстырды.Сонымен қатар Республикалық кешкі рейд болатынын тілге тиек етті. Жиналысты мектеп басшысы жалпы демалыс кезінде де қауіпсіздік шараларын ата-анада ,балалар да сақтаған абзал деп айтып кетті

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