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As part of the implementation of the regional project "Zein" and the week of mathematical literacy

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:16:07
As part of the implementation of the regional project "Zein" and the week of mathematical literacy, English teachers held math minutes "Mathsbeat" in their lessons. Such tasks contribute to the systematization of knowledge, both in mathematics and in English. The guys performed the tasks with interest and presented their works
Author: School №17

Photo contest "Winter fun"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:09:00
Photo contest
Photo contest "Winter fun"   Winter is a wonderful and magical time of the year, which enchants with its beauty and landscapes. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shared their pastime. Winter fun is so great! In winter, I want to skate and sledge, throw snowballs and make snowmen. Our guys showed how much they love winter holidays, and how they know how to have fun! This co...
Author: School №17

Photo contest "Winter fun"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 16:59:50
Photo contest
Photo contest "Winter fun"   Winter is a wonderful and magical time of the year, which enchants with its beauty and landscapes. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shared their pastime. Winter fun is so great! In winter, I want to skate and sledge, throw snowballs and make snowmen. Our guys showed how much they love winter holidays, and how they know how to have fun! This co...
Author: School №17

А lesson of heroism was held under the motto "The heroism of heroes does not fade.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2022-02-16 16:55:52
А lesson of heroism was held under the motto
According to the action plan of the КГУ "School-Lyceum No. 2 named after Abay" on February 16, 2022, organized by the teacher of grade 7 A N.M. Nurlan for students of the 7th grade, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation of Kazakhstan, pilot - On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the attack aircraft Talgat Bigeldinov, a lesson of heroism was held under the mot...
Author: Lyceum №2

Professional tests

Category: Кәсіптік бағдарлау
Date: 2022-02-16 16:52:34
Professional tests
Professional tests   During the holidays, our 9th-11th grade students were invited by the colleges of the city of Balkhash to professional tryouts. The main purpose of professional tests is to help future graduates decide on the choice of profession. Our students have excellent opportunities to try themselves in one or another activity in order to make a confident choice in the future....
Author: School №17


Category: Әуелгі байлық - денсаулық
Date: 2022-02-16 16:44:00
2022 жылдың 16 ақпан күні дене шынықтыру пәнінің мұғалімі З.Ә.Ахмет 8-11 сыныптар арасында волейболдан  жарыс өткізді.  Жарысқа мектеп- лицейіміздің бірнеше сыныптары қатысып, нәтижесінде I орынға 10 – сынып,   II орынға 9 А сыныбы, III орынға  9 В сыныбы ие болды.
Author: Lyceum №2

Extracurricular event "My rights. My responsibilities"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 16:30:56
Extracurricular event
Extracurricular event "My rights. My responsibilities"   As part of the implementation of the regional project "Bala kukygy - Adam kukygy", an extracurricular event for 5th grades was held at our school.In order to educate legal literacy among students, children learned and talked about their responsibilities in an interactive form.The event was held by the history...
Author: School №17

Мet with a veteran of the Afghan war

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2022-02-16 16:23:56
Мet with a veteran of the Afghan war
On February 16, 2022, organized by the teacher of primary military-technical training N.K.Karibay, members of the patriotic and military-sports club "Zhas Sarbaz" met with a veteran of the Afghan war, an internationalist warrior, a retired captain Nurgalieva Lyazzat Mubarakovna. During the meeting, Lyazzat Mubarakovna spoke about the hardships and difficulties of the Afghan war, called...
Author: Lyceum №2

Class hours on the topic "Tobacco and its harm"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 16:11:19
On 22.01.2022, in 5 "a", 7 "A", 8 "B", 9 "A", 9 "B", 10 classes of OSH No. 25 named after Ybyrai Altynsarin, class hours were held on the topic "tobacco and its harm". Goal: – One of the main objectives of the Kazakhstan – 2030 program for the younger generation is to promote a healthy lifestyle, increase the value of hu...
Author: School №25

"Mukhtar Auezov is a great artist" class hour on the topic

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 16:03:42
The seminar "The XXI century -the century of the literate generation!" was held at the KSU OSH No. 25 named after Ybyray Altynsarin.according to the plan of the reader's literacy week "Mukhtar Auezov is a great artist" , a class hour was held on the topic. Purpose: to show students that Mukhtar Auezov is a world-class artist.  
Author: School №25

Alimkhan Ermekov Regional Olympiad

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2022-02-16 16:00:42
Alimkhan Ermekov Regional Olympiad
Dear friends! On January 29, the 1st regional Olympiad named after Alimkhan Ermekov was held at the Lyceum School No. 17. The moderator of the event was the director of the school Alisheva Sh.A. This Olympiad is held with the support of the Department of Education of Balkhash. The solemn line was opened with a congratulatory speech by the head of the education department of Balkhash Agdarbek...
Author: School №17

Class hour "the support of an independent country is an educated generation"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 15:59:01
On 17.01.22, a class hour "Tauelsizdik el tiregi-bilimdi urpak" was held in the KSU OSH No. 25 named after Ybyray Altynsarin during the Reading Literacy Week in 5 "AB" classes.Goal: to increase cognitive activity, learn to formulate your opinion, speak freely, be self-confident.  
Author: School №25

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