Information about realization of Complex of measures on preparing of educational organizations to the beginning of 2012-2013 school year.

Category: Speech of leader
Date: 2012-08-24 04:38:14
  Questions of preparing of educational objects to the new school year are placed on constant control of the town Akimat and the department of education. The plan of measures was made in the department of education in the framework of preparation in spring-summer period by the educational institutions for the heating season 2012-2013 school year, for timely receiving the readness act th...
Author: Department

Information about August forum survey of educational workers in Karaganda region

Date: 2012-08-24 04:22:45
  The first leaders of schools and educational workers of Balkhash town in on-line regime were shown the regional pedagogical forum of Karaganda region “The Modernization of educational system is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital” with the participation of regional Akim, guests from far abroad and the representative Ministry of education Sher R.P. on 21.08...
Author: Department

Internet – conference of officials of education in Balkhash town “Modernization of educational system – is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital”

Date: 2012-08-24 03:34:22
Internet – conference of officials of education in Balkhash town “Modernization of educational system – is the main vector of qualitative growth of human capital”
  16/08/2012 in lyceum №2 after Abai the town August Internet-conference took place for workers of education. In the conference took part: ·        Akim of the town Aubakirov N.E. ·     Director of the Institute of qualification increasing of pedagogical workers in Karaganda region Kontaev S.S.; ·   &nb...
Author: Department

Information “About improvement of territories of education objects”

Category: Speech of leader
Date: 2012-08-20 11:25:46
  For meeting on 17.07.2012 In 2011 12430.1 thousand KZT were assigned from the local budget for improvement of school territories according to the plan of actions for 2011-2015 on the realization of Complex plan of the department of education, physical training and sport in Balkash.         In 6 establishments of education schools №1,4,3,15,24, boarding-schoo...
Author: Department

The August conference of pedagogical workers in CO ‘Akbota’

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-08-17 04:17:55
  The August 15  2012 on the basis august conference took place BEFORE "Akbota", subject which "Modernization of the system of the formation - a main vector of the qualitative growing of the human capital". The August conference has opened the main specialist of the division of the formation, physical culture and sport of the city Balhash Bekturganova A.O.  I...
Author: Department

Holiday “Happy birthday, Astana” was conducted in the kindergarten “Bobek”, 05.07.2012

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-07-17 11:58:17
Holiday “Happy birthday, Astana” was conducted in the kindergarten “Bobek”, 05.07.2012
  Children devoted the songs and the verses about Astana, the choreographic composition “Salute Astana!”, the dance “Birds of happiness” for beautiful capital of our Motherland. Fairy-tale heroes came to congratulate the children and gave them their merry dance. Appearing of young sportsmen of the kindergarten was a culmination of the holiday. The demonstrated skil...
Author: Department


Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-06-25 05:37:28
  During 18-21.06.2012 the methodical service of the branch PE “Doshkolnik BMSC” carried out the Competition-show “Improvement and artistic design of walking sector” among pre-school organizations, and also pedagogues of the branch to health-improving season “Summer-2012” within celebrating 75th-anniversary of Balkhash town. Activization of workers&rsqu...
Author: Department

The 5th June is the universal day of conservation of the environment

Date: 2012-06-20 05:30:52
  On the eve of the universal day of preservation of the environment the Ecocentre of the department of education together with Nura-Sarysu Department of ecology conducted the traditional 4th town ecofest “Shagala-2012”. The director of CLR “Kazakhmys smelting” M.I.Aubakirov rendered sponsor help. 15 ecoclubs of the town schools had handed applications for taki...
Author: Department

«Intellectuai Children»

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2012-06-12 06:09:23
«Intellectuai  Children»
On May, 2 2012 “Intellectual Children” game was held at the Lyceum №2 named after Abai. There were three rounds. The goal of the game: to show up gifted children in History of Kazakhstan, in World History and in Law and Society. Gymnasium, Lyceum №2 named after Abai, School Gymnasium №7, schools №8, 15, 16, 18, 25, boarding school №2 took part in the game. The first round: writin...
Author: Department

Information about city competition of school propaganda teams Balkhash "A healthy food – the healthy nation" within a ten-day campaign on improvement organization of a school food.

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2012-06-12 05:55:32
Information about city competition of school propaganda teams Balkhash
  On 20th April  on the basis of secondary school No. 5 passed the second round of city competition of propaganda teams «A healthy food – the healthy nation» in which took active part all schools of the city. The structure of propaganda teams included pupils of 5-9 classes. The aim of competition is promoting of idea of a healthy food among pupils of educational i...
Author: Department

There were representatives from all schools

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2012-06-12 05:47:50
There were representatives from all schools
  The tournament of experts “I am proud of you, my lovely city!” took place at school №17 which was prepared by the school librarians. There were representatives from all Russian and Kazakh schools. Different questions about the history of Balkhash and it’s sightseeing were asked in two languages. Guests could listen to some poems about our town written by the participan...
Author: Department

The Talk-show “Is it easy to be young?!” “The world of professions!”

Category: Out-of-school establishments
Date: 2012-06-12 05:21:33
The Talk-show “Is it easy to be young?!” “The world of professions!”
  The talk-show “Is it easy to be young?!” with the participation of action member of  MO “Murager”, Children’s maslikhat, CYO “Bolashak” was held in the Palace of Pupils,11.04.2012. The aim of the talk-show – to acquaint pupils with professions, to show their positive and negative sides’, to form ability of conducting a discuss...
Author: Department

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