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The 1st of December – the President’s Day

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2012-12-04 10:39:46
The 1st of December – the President’s Day
  On the first of December of 2012 kazakhstanians for the first time will be celebrated the State holiday – The First President’s Day, which was adopted by the Senate of the Parliament of the RK. In schools of town book-illustrative exhibitions “Ult koshbasshysy”, which devoted to the  First President’s Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan  presented...
Author: Department

The day of the first Prezident

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-12-04 10:27:55
The day of the first Prezident
  From 26.11.12y. till 30.11.12y. was week devoted to holiday the day of the first President  of Republic Kazakhstan on the base  PE “Aisulu” in settlement Konyrat. Was conversation about President’s life, organized gallery of pictures and hand-made articles with children’s and relatives’ participation on the theme “Kazakhstan is wide countr...
Author: Department

Preparing to the UNT: problems and the way of their decision”

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2012-12-04 10:11:11
Preparing to the UNT: problems and the way of their decision”
  The seminar-practical training session with teachers on geography on preparing of pupils to the united national testing was conducted on the base of school №16 on 06.11.2012. Seriously conversation on problems of preparing to the UNT-2013, about the way of their decision is conducted. The presentation of teachers’ system, who showing the best results in testing was presented d...
Author: Department

Information about the cognitive on: « My Republic»

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-11-29 05:39:06
Information about the cognitive on: « My Republic»
27.11.12 in the  older group was a cognitive quiz on «My Republic» to consolidate knowledge of  children about Kazakhstan, its people, life and culture. Engaging in completive fun way. Event consisted of III rounds; each round contained a number of issues. Children worked activity, answered questions. The fascinating part of the quiz were Kazakh national games have supporte...
Author: Department

"My Motherland is Kazakhstan"

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-11-28 06:36:35
  27th November, 2012 In  kindergarten of "Ер Төстік" cities of Balkhash in a middle group №7 " Балапан", employment was conducted sanctified to the first president of Kazakhstan  under the name "My Motherland - Kazakhstan". On employments a sliding seat was shown sanctified     to the city  to Balkhash, and also the capital...
Author: Department


Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-11-28 05:15:35
  Оn November, 23, 2012 In kindergarten of "ЕрТөстік" cities of Balkhash were conducted open employment on a physical culture in a speech therapy group №2 " Речевечки", conducted employment instructor on the physical culture of Искакова С.С. Theme of employment it was conducted on the plot of fairy-tale " Kolobok", children in the flow of employment  imi...
Author: Department

The information about spenders regional individual family competition “ little Prince and little Princess – 2012”

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-11-28 05:05:19
The information about spenders regional individual family competition  “ little Prince and little Princess – 2012”
  On November 24. 2012 year in city Karaganda among pre-school organizations was  spend regional individual family competition “ little Prince and little Princess – 2012” where folk part children of mini – center “Inzhu”  hy gereral eduofion  school №9  our mini – center “Inzhu”  has represented elder – a...
Author: Department

Geography - of 2012

Date: 2012-11-26 11:48:27
Geography - of 2012
  The regional subject Olympiad on biology and geography among pupils of 10-11 forms was held in Karaganda on the base of KarGU after E.A.Buketov on the biology-geographical faculty in period from 14 till 21 November and from 16 till 23 November of 2012. 450 pupils of the region took part in the regional Olympiad, pupils of 10-11 forms of schools: №8, 10, 15,16, 17  presented...

Methodical association

Category: Methodical association
Date: 2012-11-26 09:03:06

Urban Olympics

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2012-11-19 09:34:57

«Мен және менің қалам» атты сайыстан мектебіміздің оқушылары ІІ – ші жүлделі орынға ие болды.

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2012-11-16 06:25:59
«Мен және менің қалам» атты сайыстан мектебіміздің оқушылары   ІІ – ші жүлделі орынға ие болды.
  «Мен және менің қалам» атты сайыстан мектебіміздің оқушылары                      ІІ – ші жүлделі орынға ие болды.
Author: School №24

Егер балаңыз өтірік айтса...

Category: Психолог парағы
Date: 2012-11-13 06:03:39
  Егер балаңыз өтірік айтса...   -         Қандайда болмасын балаңызды сол күйінде жақсы көріңіз. -         Балаңызды шыншылдыққа үйрету үшін бірінші өзіңіз шыншыл болыңыз. Бала өтірік айтумен сіз келіспейтініңізді түсінсін, үндемей қалу да өтірік айтқанмен бірдей білсін. -    ...
Author: School №24

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