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Realization of the state program “Road map-2010”, Balkhash town

Date: 2012-05-31 11:42:33
Information about realization of the state program “Road map-2010”,  Balkhash town          For realization of program “Road map” 10 objects of education of Balkhash town are included: school №1, lyceum №2 after Abay, school №5, school-gymnasium №7, school №16, school №17, school №18, school №25, boarding school №2, sport club “Zhek...
Author: Department

The regional, intellectual game «Zerek Bala»

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-22 11:13:42
The regional, intellectual game «Zerek Bala»
  Manyin the world around unknown A lot of interesting things in the world around. But today we hurry along The intellectual game, "ZEREK BALA" The annual, regional, intellectual game « Zerek Bala », has once again gathered clever children, showing all his intellectual abilities and knowledge in the city of Karaganda. Participants of this competition were pupils...
Author: Department

The participants of the city competition of children's «Astana - city of my dream»

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-22 10:54:10
The participants of the city competition of children's «Astana - city of my dream»
Children's fantasy is boundless, and pictures of the kids - just one of the ways of their expression, but, perhaps, the most universal. Are there children, who do not like to draw? The participants of the city competition of children's drawings on the theme: «Astana - city of my dream» were young artists from the kindergarten «Er Төстік» - this Tөleukutova Aizhan,...
Author: Department

This festival, as "Erketay"

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-22 10:49:34
This festival, as
Our mission is to see children's creative spark. Do not let her go out. How? Approval, encouragement, attention, or to organize a Children's Art Festival. This festival, as "Erketay" held in Palace of Culture metallurgists M. Khamzina in the  may 19. Participants in this contest are the trio "Balbobek" from kindergarten "Er Tөstіk." The children develop...
Author: Department

Competition of propaganda teams “With the nature – together, forever!”

Date: 2012-05-22 09:17:41
  The annual competition of propaganda teams “With the nature – together, forever!” was conducted on 15.05.2012 at school №18. Young ecologists from the town gymnasium, schools №1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, boarding-schools №2, 3 took part in it. The aim of the competition: pupils’ acquaintance with environment and measures on its protection, for...
Author: Department

Kindergarten « Rycheyok» in Balkhash

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-18 11:27:05
          In the high school #5 was competition of drawings « Astana-city of my dreams» as part of creative festival « Erketay». It was 17 of may in Balkhash. Kindergarten’s pupil Yoon Nastya was rewarded by charter for active action.
Author: Department

Kazakhstan official websites

Category: Kazakhstan official websites
Date: 2012-05-18 07:37:14
  Kazakhstan official websites www..president.kz – The official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan www..government.kz – The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan www..edu.gov.kz –The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan www..mfa.kz– The Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan www..mod....

The phone numbers by which you can receive the information, which concerns the substitution of vacancies

Category: Кадрлық қамтамасыз ету
Date: 2012-05-15 11:17:19
  № The phone numbers S.F.M. and the position of a responsible person 1 46254 Kitapbaeva Akgul Kadurbekovna 2 45911 Aitzhanova Bakhyt Sundetovna   
Author: Department

Methodical day of teachers of preschool age in Balkhash kindergarten "Ertostik"

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-15 03:26:18
             An important factor influencing to the full development of the child of pre-school age is health.Under the title “We choose health!” 25.04.2012 in pre-school  organizations  “Er Tostik” was a methodical day. The creative collective of teachers demonstrated the opening of classes in valeology on the theme: "...
Author: Department

The kindergarden “ Kunshuak”

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-11 06:39:14
  A joint meeting took place in the kindergarden “ Kunshuak”  under the motto “ A day of wonderful meetings”. The atmosphere of the meeting  was warm, friendly and interesting. The participants of that day gathered  with an aim to define most pressing  problems, to share experiences, to exchange materials,  ideas, suggestions. The par...
Author: Department

Language – bonds of friendship

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-11 05:42:01
  Within the framework of celebrating the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan, TO "Tansholpan" of branch of PE «Preschool child BMSP» Corporations "Kazakhmys " received honoured guests from the far abroad. With gifts on a visit to pupils of a kindergarten on the 7th , of May, there came representatives of the embassy of the Polish national Republic in...
Author: Department

Methodical day of teachers of preschool age in Balkhash kindergarten

Category: Preschool education
Date: 2012-05-11 05:13:08
  Psychological training-range of greetings “Magical transformation”   Total lesson of mathematics in older group. educator- Degtyaryova E.A Methodical day of teachers of preschool age in Balkhash kindergarten «Rucheyok» was opened by 24.04.2012. A theme: Increasing the quality of developing education based on entering the didactic game....
Author: Department

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