Practical advice for teachers psychologist Psychologist: Nygmetullina D.Sh.

Category: for teachers
Date: 2013-10-21 08:10:29
Practical advice for teachers psychologist Psychologist: Nygmetullina D.Sh.
1. Do not forget that before you not sexless child, boy or girl with certain ways of thinking , perception, emotion .     2 . Never compare with each other children , praise them for their successes and achievements .     3 . Teaching boys lean on their high search activity , intelligence .     4 . Educating girls , not only to deal with them the p...

How to plant your child a love of reading

Category: for parents
Date: 2013-10-21 08:09:53
How to plant your child a love of reading
Advises psychologist Nygmetullina D.Sh.      How many have been able to notice that lately reading different books is becoming less and less common. As probably a lot of parents just do not understand why you need to read books to children . But the tradition of reading books aloud to children is impossible to forget . It is also important to instill in your child a love of re...

Tips for parents of first-graders: "Your kid became a schoolboy!" Psychologist: Kasymova NU

Category: for parents
Date: 2013-10-21 08:07:59
Tips for parents of first-graders:
Your kid became a schoolboy !   ( Recommendation for parents of first-graders )           You a great event ! Your child went to first grade . We, the teachers are happy to see it in our school . Sincerely hope that your parent is an easy way and you will not get tired on the way. And we, in turn, do everything that the child from the earliest days of st...

Psychologist advises "How to help a first grader"

Category: for parents
Date: 2013-10-21 08:06:58
Psychologist advises
Psychologist initial link : Kasymova NU   vVash child went to school . But do not assume that you went to school . You have a lot to do without it.   vNe try to see the child a tenth . Be prepared that it will become a disciple after awhile. A desk , backpack , notebooks still not make him a disciple.   vUvazhayte new child's life. Now you do not decide who he sits...

Development of preschoolers and first-graders: What is important to know parents and teachers? Psychologist will tell Kasymova NU

Category: Social Teacher
Date: 2013-10-21 08:03:10
Development of preschoolers and first-graders: What is important to know parents and teachers? Psychologist will tell Kasymova NU
Development of preschoolers and first-graders: What is important to know parents and teachers? Psychologist will tell Kasymova NU. Games first-graders and preschool children choose differently. This is due to the difference in the peculiarities of the development of children of all ages. For example, if the physical development of preschool children aged 4-6 years is proceeding quite balanced...

70th anniversary of the famous Kazakh writer, playwright O.Bokeya.

Category: Library
Date: 2013-10-19 02:19:11
70th anniversary of the famous Kazakh writer, playwright O.Bokeya.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the famous Kazakh writer, playwright O.Bokeya. By this date, the library is framed bookshelf on which are placed works O.Bokeya, articles about him. According to the materials of the exhibition with the students interviewed 8 "B" class.    In addition, students with 7 "and" class interviewed about the work of the well-know...

"Балауса" лагері

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2013-10-18 02:39:34
"Балауса" лагері
Author: School №24

Школьникам о правильном питании

Category: useful links
Date: 2013-10-09 05:59:58
Школьникам о правильном питании
Школьникам о правильном питании 9 октября 2013 года в нашей школе прошла разъяснительная беседа с первоклассниками на тему «Правильное питание – залог здоровья». Еще Гиппократ сказал: «Пусть питание будет твоим здоровьем». И с этим древним мыслителем согласны и современные врачи и ученые. Почему так? Дело в том, что питание – это залог здоровья. Холостяк...

Passport KSU "College of Balkhash"

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-10-09 04:57:38
Passport KSU
passport   KSU " College of Balkhash "       1. Address : Mira 3   2 . The building was built in 1963   3 . Has the status of a school year 09/01/1990   4 . Language of instruction : Kazakh and Russian   5 . Enrolments at the beginning of the 2013-14 academic year - 460       Among them:   t...

September 7 - Health Day!

Category: Department of aesthetic cycle and physical education
Date: 2013-10-03 03:30:57
September 7 - Health Day!
September 7th Day held in the gymnasium health. The weather that day was on the side of those who came early in the morning, together with friends to compete in strength and agility, make for a healthy lifestyle and express their commitment to physical education and sport. After a short line on which a physical education teacher Lewkowicz MA demonstrated its strength, guys went to various compet...

Festive Concert "Әnіm sensіn, Balқash"

Category: Department of aesthetic cycle and physical education
Date: 2013-10-03 03:27:11
Festive Concert
September 20, 2013. Independence Square, a gala concert "Әnіm sensіn, Balқash" to commemorate the Day of the City Balhash.V concert program was attended by students of city schools. They were presented dances and beautiful songs of our countrymen about the motherland and hometown. From high school choir participated pupils of 5-6 classes with the song "My Kazakhstan" bilingua...

Chapter 22 Administrative offenses against public order and morality

Category: Social Teacher
Date: 2013-10-03 03:23:36
Chapter 22 Administrative offenses against public order and morality
Chapter 22   Administrative offenses   encroaching on public order and morality   Article 330 is amended in accordance with ZakonomRK from 20.01.06 , № 123 -III ( enacted on January 1, 2006 ) (see the old . Ed.) ; ZakonomRK from 29.12.10 , № 372 -IV (see the old . ed.) ; ZakonomRK from 22.07.11 , № 479 -IV ( see the old . ed.)   Article 330.Melkoe hooliganism...

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