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Information KSU "College of Balkhash town" about raids 03.28.2014 year

Category: Social Teacher
Date: 2014-04-08 02:44:47
Information KSU
In order to prevent teen homelessness socio- educational service , the gymnasium 03/28/2014 from 21:00 to 23:00 hours raid was conducted near the waterfront of Lake Balkhash and streets Seifullina Lenin and the World. During the raid were stopped and brought to interview 18 adolescents. 11 of them have argued that college students are "Bolashak" them for 18-19 years, BGTK 3 students wh...

"Today is my birthday."

Category: Department of Kazakh language and literature
Date: 2014-04-08 02:33:59
March 17 in the city held a literary salon Gymnasium dedicated to the great poet Mukagali Makatayev titled "Today is my birthday." Literary salon held a teacher of Kazakh language and literature Tіlek Tәubaқabylқyzy with students 9A class.

One country, one book

Category: Library
Date: 2014-04-07 08:06:04
One country, one book
As part of the Republican campaign "One Country-One Book" in the city grammar school library book exhibition dedicated to works of the famous Kazakh writer, journalists S.Muratbekova. Readers are offered books, newspaper and magazine materials.

City debatny tournament "Intellectual Youth Support of Independence"

Date: 2014-04-07 06:30:56
City debatny tournament
04.04.2014 in the Palace of school students the city debatny tournament "Intellectual Youth Support of Independence" was held. No. 8 OSSh team "Өркен" won first place, and the schoolgirl of the 9th class Zhumagali Altynay won a rank "The best speaker". The collective and pupils of school congratulates team "Өркен" on a victory.
Author: School №8

Қалалық «Жас жүргізуші – 2014» байқауы

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2014-04-07 03:05:28

Another medal at the Balkhash ( A great victory Balkhash schoolgirl )

Category: Lessons
Date: 2014-04-07 03:00:14
Another medal at the Balkhash ( A great victory Balkhash schoolgirl )
Another medal at the Balkhash ( A great victory Balkhash schoolgirl ) From 25 to 27 March in the city of Shymkent school held Republican Subject Olympiad poobschestvenno - humanitarian. 10th grade high school pupil Balkhash Uzalina Alina III took place in the Russian language schools of the Kazakh language and was awarded a bronze medal and diploma of the third degree.  Warmly...

Prevention of the introduction of students to destructively cults

Category: Department of Kazakh language and literature
Date: 2014-04-07 02:46:12
Prevention of the introduction of students to destructively cults
Prevention of the introduction of students to destructively cults  Open lesson religovedeniya the theme "Preventing the introduction of students to destructively cults" was prepared and conducted teacher Kalibekova GK In the open class 9 students attended the "A" class.

Облыстық пән олимпиадасы

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2014-04-07 02:40:02

The results of the trial UNT 30.02.2014

Date: 2014-04-05 07:18:16
The results of the trial UNT                                            30.02.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

April 4 in the secondary school №17 was seminar for teachers of the city of Balkhash,

Date: 2014-04-05 07:14:06
April 4 in the secondary school №17 was seminar for teachers of the city of Balkhash,
April 4 in the secondary school №17 was seminar for teachers of the city of Balkhash, organized Karaganda UMC on the theme "Networking area teachers." with our school attended teachers complete the program  the second (main) level Dzhakupova Z.A, Zhumanova G.M. They active participated in the seminar, sharing their ideas.

City debatny tournament "Intellectual Youth Support of Independence"

Date: 2014-04-05 05:36:57
City debatny tournament
04.04.2014 in the Palace of school students the city debatny tournament "Intellectual Youth Support of Independence" was held. No. 8 OSSh team "Өркен" won first place, and the schoolgirl of the 9th class Zhumagali Altynay won a rank "The best speaker". The collective and pupils of school congratulates team "Өркен" on a victory.
Author: School №8

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