its a game

Category: Department of Natural Science and Mathematics series
Date: 2013-10-30 03:10:18
its a game
Within a decade of talented youth is interesting and entertaining held intellectual marathon "Jeopardy", prepared by the teacher Zhunusbekovoy OV among the students of class B 7.

The outcome of decades of gifted young people.

Category: SPC students
Date: 2013-10-30 02:53:18
The outcome of decades of gifted young people.
The outcome of decades of gifted young people.   To improve the system for identifying and tracking of gifted children and finding new and effective ways of interaction in traditional high school from 10 to 20 October, held a decade of talented youth .   Decade began with the opening ceremony , where students 7th grade students actively encouraged to participate in school li...

Congratulations, dear colleagues!

Category: Поздравления
Date: 2013-10-29 13:02:16
             On behalf of the leadership of the school I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday. Every year , every day you come to these walls , to give knowledge to children . This is a very serious matter to which each of you is extremely serious. I wish that this work brings you joy, that all students with your help g...
Author: School №24

parent Meeting

Category: Доклады директора
Date: 2013-10-29 12:53:53
            The role of parents in the upbringing of a child is irreplaceable . They are the main " planners , designers and builders ," the child's personality . But how well we - parents cope with such a complex and demanding task , as the formation of the human person, very easy to check . The results of this work clearly vi...
Author: School №24

Жолдауға қолдау

Category: Доклады директора
Date: 2013-10-29 12:52:16
             Уақыт бізден кәсіби маманды, адам бойындағы басқа қасиеттер арқылы, оның ішінде еңбекқорлық пен кәсіпқойлық арқылы таңдауды талап етуде. Ал біздің олимпиадашылар нағыз кәсіпқойлық пен еңбекқорлықтың зор үлгісін паш етті.     Елбасы айтып көрсеткеніндей, әлеуметтік мәселелерді кейінге қалдыруға болмайды....
Author: School №24


Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2013-10-28 13:33:14
Author: School №24

"Үздік мектеп психологі"

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2013-10-28 13:29:25
"Үздік мектеп психологі"
Author: School №24

СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ КАЗАХСТАНА: Двадцать шагов к Обществу Всеобщего Труда

Category: The Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2013-10-28 11:01:46
СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ КАЗАХСТАНА: Двадцать шагов к Обществу Всеобщего Труда

Мектепке оқуға дайынбыз! 1 А сыныбы оқушыларын алғашқы күндері бақылау

Category: Kazakh branch
Date: 2013-10-26 03:41:11
Мектепке оқуға дайынбыз! 1 А сыныбы оқушыларын алғашқы күндері бақылау
Мектепке оқуға дайынбыз! 1 А сыныбы оқушыларын алғашқы күндері бақылау 1 қыркүйек! Ура! Біз мектепке барамыз!!! Мектеп табалдырығын алғаш аттаған Жаннұрдың көңіл-күйі қандай екен... Мектепке осылай күнде қуанып баратын боламын! Оқушылармен жеке жұмыстар да басталып кетті. Психологпен бірге жұмыс барысы.     1 А  сыныбы оқушыларымен жүргізілген «Де...

preventive inspection

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2013-10-24 03:26:43
preventive inspection
The school gymnasium plan checkups for scabies, pediculosis. This is preventive checks carried out once a year, along with a representative from the STI clinic. 7 was to identify people with allergies, eczema and alopecia.

Recommendations to parents Po parenting

Category: for parents
Date: 2013-10-21 08:11:59
Recommendations to parents Po parenting
  * Believe in the uniqueness of their child, that your child is the only WSS kind, like no one neighbor's child and not an exact copy of yourself . Therefore should not require the implementation of a given child life program and you achieve your goals . Introduce him to live his life for himself. Allow your child to be himself, with his shortcomings , weaknesses and strengths . Take...

Note to parents "your child - a fifth grader

Category: for parents
Date: 2013-10-21 08:11:11
Note to parents
Psychologist : Nygmetullina D.Sh.       1. The first condition of success school fifth-grader - the unconditional acceptance of the child, despite the setbacks, with whom he has already faced or may face .   2 . Mandatory parents manifestation of interest in school, the class in which a child learns to them every passing day of school . Informal communication with...

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