"Day of the trustee"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2014-10-30 06:32:02
29.10.2014g. the evening on the subject "Kind Heart" devoted to Day of trustees was spent. In school trustees of pupils, without parental support were invited. Psychologists of school Tazhikeeva M. and Abdualiyeva Z. provided training on a subject "How to build the warm house?". At evening there were members of council of fathers. At the end of the evening there was an intere...
Author: School №8

The work plan of the parent committee at the 2014-2015 academic year

Category: Work with parents
Date: 2014-10-30 06:25:25
The work plan of the parent committee at the 2014-2015 academic year
The work plan of the parent committee at the 2014-2015 academic year № Content of work date 1 Election of the chairman of the parent committee   September 2 Adoption of the work plan of the parent committee for the...
Author: School №8


Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2014-10-30 04:00:25
Author: School №24

"Жас құтқарушы" олимпиадасы

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2014-10-30 03:38:05

. Бала тәрбиесінде алғашқы ұстаз — ата-ана.

Category: Доклады директора
Date: 2014-10-29 18:07:14
Халқымыздың сан ғасырдан бергі даналығына құлақ ассақ, «Адамның бақыты — балада» деген екен. Кез келген адам өзі өмір бойы қуып жете алмайтын бақыт деген құдыретті сөздің өлшемі өмірінің жалғасы ұрпағымен келетініне мән бермеуі де мүмкін. Біреу бақытын байлықтан тапқысы келсе, екінші біреуі даңқ пен атақтан, мансап пен қызметтен іздестіреді. Мұның бәрі түсінген адамға қолд...
Author: School №24

Агрессия. Причины агрессии, как сними бороться.

Category: The branch
Date: 2014-10-29 10:07:31
Агрессия. Причины агрессии, как сними бороться.
Агрессия. Причины агрессии, как сними бороться. Проблема детской агрессии стоит очень остро. Сегодня мы сталкиваемся с разгулом агрессии не только в обществе, но и наблюдаем пропаганду агрессии и насилия с экранов телевизоров, дисплеев компьютеров. Возраст проявления агрессии явно помолодел. Ее проявляют не только взрослые и подростки. Агрессию проявляют даже малыши. Практически в каждом...

ACS "Bіlіmal" Monitoring Card

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2014-10-29 09:29:03

City Olympic Games

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2014-10-29 09:21:40
Result the city subject Olympic Games 2013-2014 of academic years of № SNM Subject  Class  Place  Teacher 1 Серік Арайлым Kazakh language 9...
Author: School №8

Intra school Olympic Games

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2014-10-29 09:19:13
5-6.11.13 was passed intra Olympiad The aim of the school subject Olympiad: Stimulate student interest in subjects; Identify students who are interested in this or that subject; Assessment of knowledge and skills acquired by students in the school course; Revitalization of the creative abilities of students; Identify students who may represent their school at the subsequent stages...
Author: School №8

Opportunities ACS "Bіlіmal"

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2014-10-29 09:12:01
Opportunities ACS
Bіlіmal for teacher Using Bіlіmal allows you to:  to have a private office and an electronic mailbox system Bіlіmal;  save time and labor for planning training sessions;  improve the efficiency of interaction with parents;  learn and share experiences with colleagues;  Teachers participate in the rating.  Bіlіmal for Student   ...

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