«Кішкентай ханзада және кішкентай ханшайым»атты іс-шараның ақпараты.

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2015-04-02 05:41:43
«Кішкентай  ханзада  және кішкентай  ханшайым»атты  іс-шараның ақпараты.
Балқаш қаласында Оқушылар сарайында «Кішкентай  ханзада  және кішкентай  ханшайым»атты іс-шара 26.03.2015жылы сағ.10.00 және 15.00 аралықта байқау өткізілді.Байқауға әр мектептен ханзада мен ханшайымдар қатысты. Кішкентай ханшайымдардың ұлттық киім мен кешкі сән көйлектерін көрсету сайысы көрермендер мен қазылар алқасының қызығушылығын тудырды. Байқаудың қорытындысы бо...

Certificate of thankgiving

Date: 2015-04-02 04:08:18
  Certificate of thankgiving
The organizing committee of the regional competition of computer graphics and design "Ocean of ART" is grateful Amantay Zhannur Kaukerbekovne for the preparation of the student SSH№8 Sagadilda Olzhas, took second place in the category "Art collage."
Author: School №8

City competition of expressive reading among primary classes "Balausa -2015"

Date: 2015-04-02 03:40:26
City competition of expressive reading among primary classes
In the city competition among primary classes "Balausa-2015", "Erlіk - elge Mura, ұrpaққa үlgі" students SSH№8 Abdrasilov Riza, Arnurova Khadija took First place prize.
Author: School №8

City Olympiad of primary school pupils

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2015-04-02 03:38:56
On March 30-31, the city held an intellectual marathon "Balausa-2015" among primary school pupils. Total with our school participated in the marathon 13 students, resulting in 8 students took prizes among the three classes: Asarbaev Bahyt- third place in mathematics Abdrasilov Riza - Third place for knowledge of the world Kamenova Nazerke-I in mathematics Mukhanova Arailym -ІІІ pla...
Author: School №8

Diploma of third degree

Date: 2015-04-01 10:11:33
Diploma of third degree
In the city cognitive competition "Kөshpendіler dәstүrlerі Myung-nanym senіmderі" third degree diploma awarded pupil school №8 Abilgazy Aida.
Author: School №8

city competition

Date: 2015-04-01 09:51:02
 city competition
In the city drawing competition "Ep esіmі-eating esіnde" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, a student of secondary school №8 Satybaldy A. took second place prize. Head Sardarbek LT
Author: School №8

certificate of achievement

Date: 2015-04-01 09:42:20
 certificate of achievement
In the city cognitive competition "Kazakhstan bіrlіgі myzғymas -el" team "Zhuldyz" school №8 won First place prize.
Author: School №8

Students about proper nutrition

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2015-04-01 09:20:53
Students about proper nutrition
For children 7-14 years is optimal 4-5 meals a day.  Breaks between meals should be about 3-4 hours. Consumed with food calories are required to cover the energy consumption of the body. Groups of children Energy needs in kilocalories 7-10 year old 11-13 year old 14-17 year old...

Our achievements

Date: 2015-04-01 02:57:19
Our achievements
A high school student №8 Shorin Ramadan was awarded  in the open championship boxing dedicated to Nowruz holiday, juniors and girls in the weight category of 42 kg., нeld at the "Zhekpe-zhek." Congratulations!
Author: School №8

"Кішкентай ханзада-2015"

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2015-03-31 06:14:20

Decade "Proper nutrition"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2015-03-31 06:08:48
In high school №8 according to the approved plan on nutrition students were carried out various activities with the school nurse, student leaders and social educator. Nurse organized in the dining room area on "Proper nutrition" social teacher with class teachers held a variety of activities: "Menin taңdauym-Densaulyk", "Dұrys tamқtanudyң қaғidalary", "Dұrys t...
Author: School №8

Psychological training for parents

Date: 2015-03-30 07:14:33
Psychological training for parents
The Aim. Enlarge psychological competence about parenting from their parents, to develop acceptable relationship with the child, attraction to cooperation through training and educational work. 1.  Acquaintance with parents. The Aim.To ensure favorable conditions in the grou 2. Work with a group 3.“Throw the ball” exercise The Aim. Determine the relationship between th...

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