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Justification and technique of integration of the "Management and Leadership in Training" module in a series of consecutive lessons in 5 and a class (English)

Category: Chair of English Language
Date: 2015-05-16 08:13:14
Justification and technique of integration of the
Tsel:sovershenstvovany practicians based on researches.   Approaches in management and leadership:   * To assume an initiative of practice improvement   * To make strategic decisions with colleagues for modification   * To collect and use the facts in joint activity   * Work in network community for assistance to development of professional knowledge...

Article of the English teacher "my FIRST STEPS of SUCCESS IN CHANGE IN PRACTICE"

Category: for teachers
Date: 2015-05-16 07:59:10
Article of the English teacher
Throughout three-months advanced training courses, I understood that it isn't enough nobility and love the subject, it is necessary to own methods of teaching and ways of transfer of knowledge. Very often in the senior classes at a lesson it is possible to hear "I didn't understand how to solve a problem", and in reply "Open the paragraph and read". Why such occurs? I...

Conference on "Psychological assistance to parents in the preparation of a teenager to UNT."

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2015-05-16 07:32:04
Conference on
16.15.2015 was in secondary school №8 from 10.00 to 11.40 a conference was held with the participation of the parents on the topic of "Psychological assistance to parents at the time a teenager UNT." Psychologists gave advice on how to help your child create a positive working attitude, to explain to him the most effective ways to dispose of his time and energy. Objectives: to discu...
Author: School №8

Результаты внутри школьного тестирования учащихся 11-х классов по ЕНТ

Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2015-05-16 07:23:56
№ Фамилия И.О. Балл 1 Балл2 Балл 3 Балл 4 Балл 5 Сумма 1 Ахмет А.М. Мат.-13 Қаз.-23 Рус-18 И.К.-23 Хим.-23...
Author: School №24

Methodical Council of Young Professionals

Category: To the young specialist
Date: 2015-05-16 05:18:58
Methodical Council of Young Professionals
15/05/2015, at SNR №8 held council of young professionals on the topic "Pedagogikalyқ үrdіske қatysushy zhas mamandardyң negіzgі құzyrettіlіkterіn қalyptastyru." Objective: To improve the pedagogical skills of young professionals, to provide practical assistance to teachers in improving the theoretical knowledge. Young professionals covered methodical work in full. They all worked with...
Author: School №8

"Balhashtsy on the road to victory"

Date: 2015-05-15 10:24:47
In the city competition among the creative teams of school students "Jas shezhіreshі-2015" devoted to 70 - anniversary of the Great Victory on "Balhashtsy on the road to victory" SNR №8 team took second place.
Author: School №8

Art Exhibition "70 years of Victory"

Date: 2015-05-15 09:53:53
Art Exhibition
Victory Day at school №9 teacher technology Abishova NI and TA Razahova organized an exhibition of handicrafts pupils. Well attended by students of 6 "Ә", 9 "Ә", 8 "A" class and primary school pupils.
Author: School №9

Information vctreche veteran labor.

Date: 2015-05-15 09:48:40
Information vctreche veteran labor.
Technology teacher Abishova NI with class 5 "B" class met with veteran Labor Vasilievich Vereshchagin Vadim. From 2002 until retirement he worked as a teacher of technology in secondary school №9 and still engaged in creative activities. May 5 City Museum hosted a presentation of creativity VV Vereshchagin, who made a lot of handicrafts made of wood.
Author: School №9

Drawing contest "May 1 - Unity of Peoples"

Date: 2015-05-15 09:44:59
Drawing contest
April 30 in the courtyard of the school №9 in celebration of May 1 teacher of Fine Arts held a drawing competition on the asphalt. The competition was attended by students of 2-6 grades. As a result, 1st place - 2 "B" class, 2nd place 5 "A" class deposits 3 3 "ә" class.
Author: School №9

9 мамыр күні «Бессмертный полк» атты шеру жиынына Балқаш қалалық гимназия мектеп оқушылары соғыс ардагерлерінің суреттерін қолға алып, «Мәңгілік алауға» барып гүл шоқтарын қойды

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2015-05-14 10:58:42
9 мамыр күні «Бессмертный  полк» атты шеру жиынына Балқаш қалалық гимназия мектеп оқушылары  соғыс ардагерлерінің  суреттерін  қолға алып, «Мәңгілік  алауға» барып гүл шоқтарын қойды
    Балқаш қаласында 9 мамыр күні «Бессмертный  полк» атты шеру жиынына Балқаш қалалық гимназия мектеп оқушылары  соғыс ардагерлерінің  суреттерін  қолға алып, «Мәңгілік  алауға» барып гүл шоқтарын қойды. Ұлы Отан соғысында құрбан болғандарды еске алып,мәңгілік жүрегімізде, еліміз аман-есен болсын,- деп шеруге оқушылар қатыстырылды....

7 мамыр күні – Отан қорғаушылар күніне орай ұлдар эстафеталық жарысы

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2015-05-14 10:48:49
7 мамыр күні – Отан қорғаушылар күніне орай ұлдар эстафеталық  жарысы
      Балқаш қаласында 7 мамыр күні – Отан қорғаушылар күніне орай ұлдар эстафеталық  жарысы  Балқаш қаласының  Ленин көшесінен бастап,Қараменде би көшесіне дейінгі  аралықта эстафеталық жарыс өтті. Осы жарысқа қалалық гимназия мектептің ұлдары қатысты.

06/06/2012 Speech by President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the students of Nazarbayev University

Category: Послания Президента РК
Date: 2015-05-13 09:06:35
Dear teachers and students!   Our university has just started his journey. But it creates its own, high by international standards, the standard of education and research. It formed its own system of education and research values ​​and traditions.   For it now focuses not only Kazakhstan undergraduate community, but our whole system of education. A few years ago when we were ju...
Author: School №10

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