The results of the examination sheet Unified National Test

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2015-06-08 09:41:13
The results of the examination sheet Unified National Test
The results of the examination sheet Unified National Test    
Author: School №8

Information on the 12 Days of Activism against "child labor"

Date: 2015-06-08 08:47:47
Information on the 12 Days of Activism against
June 5 at school camps "Balausa" was saturated. The morning began with a ruler, then morning exercises. After breakfast, the children went to watch the documentary "Child labor", which clearly saw as the use of child labor in the bazaars, in a cafe on the beach and we know that the law is zaprescheno.Im were read articles from the law prohibiting the use of child trud.Iskhody...
Author: School №24

The information about the event, "Simvoly- my pride", dedicated June 4 holiday "Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marks

Date: 2015-06-08 08:43:26
The information about the event,
June 4 school camps "Balausa" was declared the day of the "State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan." The morning started with a line of performance of the national anthem. After breakfast event was held "State symbols of Kazakhstan", where children showed their knowledge and skills in this area and have learned a lot about the importance of the state symbols. Th...
Author: School №24

Information on the results of UNT - 2015

Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2015-06-08 07:49:30
UNT of 2015 year     Graduates of our school passed the United National Testing on 05.06.2015 in Balkhash town. The average score on testing – 86, all pupils have passed threshold level, “2” is absent.


Date: 2015-06-08 07:03:40
Author: School №24

«Өлкетану» мұражайына саяхат

Date: 2015-06-08 07:02:48
«Өлкетану» мұражайына саяхат
Маусым айының 3 жұлдызында «Балауса»жазғы демалу лагеріндегі балалар қаладағы  «Өлкетану» мұражайына саяхатқа барды. Онда олар өздерінің туған өлкесі туралы, жануарлар, аңдар , құстардың түрлерімен, қазақ халқының  жиһаз , киім-кешек түрлерімен танысты. Таныстырушы қызметкерлердің арқасында көптеген  мәліметтер  алды. Ұлы Отан соғыс кезінде қолданған қ...
Author: School №24


Date: 2015-06-08 07:01:56
Author: School №24


Date: 2015-06-08 07:01:11
Author: School №24

Excursion to water life-saving station

Category: Summer holiday - 2015
Date: 2015-06-08 06:01:00
Excursion to water life-saving station
Children, vacationers in the school center "Shaala" made fascinating and informative excursion to water life-saving station Children were told about safety rules on water and that can't be done on water. Showed to children saving boats, equipment of rescuers and explained how the equipment of divers what they should face during the work under water is arranged.

Results of ENT-2015

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2015-06-08 04:29:35

Inclusive education in Kazakhstan

Date: 2015-06-05 07:20:43
Inclusive education in Kazakhstan
      Vocational education is part of system of the general education, and the state creates conditions for the persons having a special educational need for the purpose of providing with it of equal opportunities education. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to fundamental international documents in the field of education provides the principle of th...

«Рәміздерім – мақтанышым»

Category: Summer holiday - 2015
Date: 2015-06-05 03:42:31
«Рәміздерім – мақтанышым»
04.06.2015 to year in a city gymnasium in school camp of "Chagall", passed action on the subject "Rm_zder_m — Matanyshy". Children and collective »/c "Shaal" took active part in carrying out celebration of Day of symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Action took place in a type of competition between three groups. Competition consisted of four stages...

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