«Менің құқығым- қоғамдағы беделім»

Category: The branch
Date: 2015-12-03 02:30:00
«Менің құқығым- қоғамдағы беделім»
Modern international community highlights the increasing attention to the issue of human rights. Human rights and their security - the ultimate goal and the main result of a society which is guided by democratic legal values. Formation of generations of people who own legal knowledge, begins at school. Within the city a decade of legal education in the city gymnasium seminar "Menin құқyғym-...

Сompetition "Үздік тәрбиеші"

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2015-12-02 03:49:46
Developing skills and creative abilities of young carers. Expansion of the occupational competence on the basis of combination of practice and theory. Psychological adaptation of collective relations, exchange of experience.

8 наурыз мерекесіне орай мектеп ұжымның әйел қауымын құттықтау

Category: Performances Director
Date: 2015-12-02 03:28:37
8 наурыз мерекесіне орай мектеп ұжымның әйел қауымын құттықтау
Ана – тіршіліктің қайнар көзі, махаббаттың шуақ күні, мейірімнің кәусар бұлағы – Ананы ардақтамайтын халық жоқ. Нәресте өмірінің нәрі –ана сүті. Халықтың рухы, жаны, тарихы, арман үміті болып табылатын тілдің де басқаша емес «ана тіл» деп аталуы тегін емес. Бұл – ұлттың тілі, ғұрып – салты, дәстүрі, тарихы, әдебиеті мен мәдениеті жас ұрпақ бойына ана сүт...

Meeting the creative team "Іzdenіs" on "Preparing students to UNT"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2015-11-28 06:23:05
Meeting the creative team
   November 26, 2015 the regular meeting of the creative team "Іzdenіs" on "Preparing students to UNT." The meeting listened to presentations on topics "Daryndy Bala oқytu-ұstaz Paryz", "Preparing students to UNT." Teachers shared their experience preparing students for the Olympics and the uniform national testing.
Author: School №8

"Алтын күз ертеңгілігі"

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2015-11-28 03:32:52
October 30, 2015 held an event on the theme of "Алтын күз ертеңгілігі". The purpose of this event is to introduce changes to the characteristics of autumn. Education of love and protection of the environment . Develop a close relationship of parents and educators mini center.

Essay in English on the competition "My contribution to the EXPO-2017"

Date: 2015-11-27 11:16:14
Essay in English on the competition
     "Expo 2017- what is it and why do we need?" Many people ask. Expo - is the largest international exhibition, where are demonstrated the latest scientific and technological achievements. For over150 years the most developed countries of the world gather and demonstrate their technological achievements. On 22nd of November, in 2012 in a secret ballot Astana was ch...

Сoaching-session on the theme "Self and mutual evaluation at the lesson

Date: 2015-11-27 07:18:43
Сoaching-session on the theme
November, 11 in the school the teachers of the second (main) level Zhakupova Z.A.and Zhumanova G.M.held a coaching-session on the theme "Self and mutual evaluation at thelesson." 14 teachers attended  the coaching. The aim of the coaching was to help teachers to implement the criteria-based evaluationof the module "evaluationof  learning, evaluationfor learning." Th...

Report of the Finance in 2015

Category: Anticorruption
Date: 2015-11-27 05:27:16
Report of the Finance in 2015
Report of the Finance in 2015   1. Total for the financial year allocated 106 372 thousand. Tenge   2. Among them:   - Payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget of 21788 thousand. Tenge   -on payroll employees 69,713 thousand. tenge   -on the payment of municipal services - 8219 thousand. tenge   - To improve the material a...

Cuba signed the Contract of participation in EXPO-2017

Date: 2015-11-26 05:23:05
Cuba signed the Contract of participation in EXPO-2017
18.11.2015 On November 17 this year the meeting of First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Commissioner of “EXPO-2017” Rapil Zhoshybayev with Extraordinary and Authorized Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, Commissioner of national section of Cuba pavilion in EXPO-2017 Carlos Enrique Valdes de la Concepcion was held in the building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RK. The pa...

President Nursultan Nazarbayev holds meeting on preparation for International Specialized Exhibition EXPO-2017

Date: 2015-11-26 05:19:47
President Nursultan Nazarbayev holds meeting on preparation for International Specialized Exhibition EXPO-2017
17.11.2015 Opening the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed EXPO-2017 has become a national project intended to provide new impetus to the domestic economy and the development of new technologies. The President noted the construction of the exhibition facilities is conducted in full compliance with the schedule. "Only a year and a half remains until the event. All the construction wor...

JSC “Kazkommertsbank” became an official Bank-Partner of EXPO 2017

Date: 2015-11-26 05:16:25
JSC “Kazkommertsbank” became an official Bank-Partner of EXPO 2017
17.11.2015 “Kazkommertsbank” became a global partner of the exhibition with exclusive status of “Official Bank - Partner of EXPO-2017”. NC “Astana EXPO-2017” and JSC “Kazkommertsbank” signed a memorandum of cooperation, and the bank has received exclusive status of “Official bank-partner of the Exhibition”. The memorandum was signed...

LLP “ArLine” became a partner of National Company “Astana EXPO-2017”

Date: 2015-11-26 04:55:00
LLP “ArLine” became a partner of National Company “Astana EXPO-2017”
16.11.2015 JSC “NC “Astana EXPO-2017” has signed a contract with a major international distributor LLP “ArLine” on providing sponsorship for the amount of 50 million tenge. Today, already about 10 large companies are involved as sponsors of the International Exhibition EXPO-2017. These are NCOC consortium, CISCO, “Shell”, “Saint-Gobain”,...

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