city competition of expressive reading on the theme of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Мемлекеттік тіл - менің тілім»

Date: 2016-11-25 08:47:36
city competition of expressive reading on the theme of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Мемлекеттік  тіл - менің тілім»
         On November  24city competition of expressive readingheld in  school №9 on the theme«Мемлекеттік  тіл - менің тілім».The event aims: educating pupils  in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland, for his native land. In the competition, pupilshave shown themselves true patriots, to unleash their creativity. As a result...
Author: School №9

On 23 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a lesson on theme «State border. Travelling to different countries» at the middle group «Түймедақ».

Date: 2016-11-25 08:33:00
On 23 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a lesson on theme «State border. Travelling to different countries» at the middle group «Түймедақ».
On 23 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ»within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a lesson on theme «State border. Travelling to different countries»at the middle group «Түймедақ».

Interactive lesson

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-11-25 05:22:57
Interactive lesson
               24.11.2016 students 5x class watched the interactive lesson on the topic "Frostbite. Clinic. First aid. Prevention." This topic is relevant at this time of year. Children forget about safety precautions, getting in different situations. This lesson was given detailed information on prevention of frostb...

Among the pupils of 8-9 classes held a competition on the theme "Independence of language - the future of the country".

Date: 2016-11-25 05:19:46
Among the pupils of 8-9 classes held a competition on the theme
November 24 in the framework of the Month "25 star days" the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature A. T. Esimbekova and L. S. Satybaldina among pupils of 8-9 classes held a competition on the theme "Independence of language - is the future of the country". Objective: To enhance the status of the state language, generate love for the motherland. Respect for the mothe...

Information about Events according to the 25yh anniversary of the Kazakhstan’s Independence in the KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash town"

Date: 2016-11-25 02:33:43
Information about Events according  to the 25yh anniversary of the Kazakhstan’s Independence in the KSU
On the 24th of November at the lyceum was held the intellectual competition among the students of the 5th grade on theme “Independence is the happiness of the nation”. The event opened with the anthem. The event compose of 4 levels. 1st  level – introduction, 2nd level – “Who is smarter?”, 3rd level – “Time of poetry”, 4th level –...
Author: Lyceum №2

Information about Events according to the 25yh anniversary of the Kazakhstan’s Independence in the KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash town"

Date: 2016-11-23 16:00:54
Information about Events according  to the 25yh anniversary of the Kazakhstan’s Independence in the KSU
On the 23rd of  November in the lyceum was informational event on theme “State boarding”. Pupils of the lyceum were introduced the information about boarding of the Republic. Teacher said about board countries with the Kazakhstan. At the event all the pupils discuss the terms boundary line, orography, delimitation. At the end of the event pupils were asked the control questions....
Author: Lyceum №2

Parent meeting

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-11-23 11:52:26
Parent meeting
           November 18, secondary school – boarding General type was the PTA meeting. Was read a report on the theme: "problems of adolescence" and "child Safety on the Internet" was dismantled such issues as personal hygiene and the upcoming New year holiday.


Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-11-23 11:44:39
For the 2016-2017 academic year in the boarding school among students, there has been advocacy for AIDS prevention. According to the work plan 05.10.2016 years in 8th and 9th grades of the school was held with the psychiatrist "Centre for the prevention and control of AIDS in Balkhash town" lecture topic: "HIV infection-a Disease of behavior!". Children explained: AIDS -...


Category: Our achievements
Date: 2016-11-23 11:10:39
Мектебіміздің 7 Б сынып оқушысы Мажит Әділетті Халықаралық "Кенгуру-для всех " интеллектуалды сайысында ІІІ орын алуымен құттықтаймыз!
Author: School №25

Propaganda teams contest the promotion of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Date: 2016-11-23 10:43:40
Propaganda teams contest the promotion of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    November 22 in the framework of "25 star days, symbolizing the 25 immutable foundations of independence" held city competition of propaganda teams for the promotion of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the contest: Education of patriotism, good citizenship, continuity, strengthen the spiritual unity of society. Students boarding school...

«Мемлекеттік шекара»

Date: 2016-11-23 08:56:40
«Мемлекеттік шекара»
   Қараша айының 23 күні «Мемлекеттік шекара» күніне 9-10 сыныптарға АӘД мұғалімі баяндама оқып, бейнебаяндар көрсетті.
Author: School №9

Information theme is Industrial policy of innovation. What gives the people of Kazakhstan?

Date: 2016-11-23 08:48:24
Information theme is Industrial policy of innovation. What gives the people of Kazakhstan?
On November 22, Industrial Policy innovation. What gives the people of Kazakhstan? organized a discussion between 9 A, and  Әclasses.Students actively participated in the event.        
Author: School №9

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