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Information on the meeting held for the purpose of crime prevention.

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2017-01-28 08:10:02
Information on the meeting held for the purpose of crime prevention.
   January 17, 2017 in the secondary school №8 a meeting of the Council on Crime Prevention, which was attended by chairman of the board Zhumataev MK, school inspector Zhandyғұlov K. and board members. On the agenda were the issues on the behavior of students, consisting on intra-registered (Manatbek E. Estay Ә. Қuandyқ J.) was listen to the message of the class teacher on the particip...
Author: School №8

"On the dangers of smoking"

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2017-01-28 07:56:49
January 25, 2017 for high school students Educational frequency conversation was held on the theme: "On the dangers of smoking," which was held with the participation of Chairman of the Council Fathers School Zhumataeva Marat Kadyrovich. Purpose: prevention of smoking, avoiding harmful habits, to give information to students about the harmful effects of smoking on all organs in the...
Author: School №8

Information about the college visit for the purpose of career guidance at school

Date: 2017-01-27 08:54:10
Information about the college visit for the purpose of career guidance at school
26/01/2017 Students of 9th class with the older school counselor visited the College "Balkhash service." They visited the offices of the cooks, hairdressers, sewing and other masters.
Author: School №9

Within the framework of the project, "Reading and joy" had a competition on knowledge of proverbs and sayings "1001 makal 101 zhumbak"...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-01-27 08:43:23
Within the framework of the project,
     On 26 January within the framework of the project, "Reading and joy" teachers of primary school Tuleuova A. M.and Dauylbaeva Zh. K. among pupils in grades 3-4 had a competition on knowledge of proverbs and sayings "1001 makal 101 zhumbak". Objective: training of morality, to develop logical thinking, cognitive activity of students; lexicon; create c...

Экзотике ядерных зонтов нет места на Земле!

Date: 2017-01-27 06:57:33
Экзотике ядерных зонтов нет места на Земле!
29 январявесь мир отмечает День мобилизации против угрозы ядерной войны. Создание новых видов ядерного оружия оставляет вопрос ядерной угрозы для всей планеты.  25-26 январяв  рамках  направления  «Экоәлем»  ЕДЮО  «ЖасҰлан» в КГУ «Общеобразовательная средняя школа № 10г.Балхаш» состоялась  экологическая акция «Да...
Author: School №10


Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2017-01-27 05:17:20
В настоящем пособии раскрыты теоретические основы организации оценочной деятельности, показан мировой опыт, в том числе и казахстанских школ по проектированию критериев оценивания учебных достижений и внедрению системы критериального оценивания на всех уровнях средней школы, представлены методические рекомендации, практические примеры, дается описание технологии безотметочного обучения в рамках...

Cognitive competition on the theme "The educational value of word edification of Abai"

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-01-26 08:23:45
Cognitive competition on the theme
    On 25 January, within ten days of the project "Reading in JOY" primary school teacher Dauylbaeva J. K.among 3-4 grade students conducted the cognitive competition on the theme "The educational value of word edification of Abai". Objective: To create world about Abai as the global value of the person, as a sage and thinker. Abay - the cultural heritage not on...

Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...

Date: 2017-01-26 06:00:39
Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...
  January 24 within ten days of the project "Reading in JOY" among pupils of 3-4 classes of primary school teacher TuleuovaA. M.held a literary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash. Objective: To provide students with general information about town,history, stages of development of town. Improving research and creative abilities of students, the development...

Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-01-26 05:50:51
Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...
     January 24 within ten days of the project "Reading in JOY" among pupils of 3-4 classes of primary school teacher TuleuovaA. M.held a literary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash. Objective: To provide students with general information about town,history, stages of development of town. Improving research and creative abilities of students, th...

The address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning redistribution of powers between branches of the power

Category: President's Message to people of Kazakhstan
Date: 2017-01-26 05:45:51
The address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning redistribution of powers between branches of the power   Dear Kazakhstan citizens! I address you on a question, basic for our country. This redistribution of powers between government branches. My order created a special Working group. They worked not bad. I heard the report for work of group. The forthcomin...

80- летию города Балхаш - посвящается!

Date: 2017-01-26 01:56:59
80- летию города Балхаш -  посвящается!
С 4.01 2017 года в школе начались мероприятия, посвященные юбилею города. Составлен план работы по подготовке и проведению юбилея города. В школьной библиотеке оформлена книжная выставка «Нам есть, чем гордиться, нам есть что хранить» В фойе школы оформлен стенд «Менің сүйікті». 9.01 проведена линейка « С юбилеем, родной город!» и часы общения «Балха...
Author: School №10

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