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«Ұлағат» әкелер мектебі жұмысының ақпараты

Date: 2017-03-28 10:09:24
«Ұлағат» әкелер  мектебі  жұмысының ақпараты
2016 оқу жылындағы 24 қыркүйек  күні  сағат 13.00-де «Ұлағат» әкелер кеңесінің отырысы ұйымдастырылды. Отырысқа 28 сыныптың әкелері, мектеп директоры Г. Әби, тәрбие орынбасары Д.Сагимбекова жетекшілері  Қ. Ерубай, Т.Қанат қатысты. «Ұлағат» әкелер кеңесінің жетекшісі Қ. Ерубай «Әкенің бала тәрбиесіндегі ролі» атты баяндамасын оқыды.Тәрбие орынбас...
Author: School №9

Information about the visit to the college for the purpose of vocational guidance work in the school

Date: 2017-03-28 09:16:47
Information about the visit to the college for the purpose of vocational guidance work in the school
On March 28, 2017, 9th grade students from the senior counselor visited Balkhash Medical College.
Author: School №9

A video about Balkhash

Date: 2017-03-27 17:53:05
A video about Balkhash

"Talented teacher-gifted children"

Date: 2017-03-27 13:23:07
In the city competition "Talented Teacher-Gifted Children", the teacher of chemistry of the secondary school # 8 Zhasymbekova Aygerim won the prize place, receiving a referral to participate in the regional contest. Congratulations!
Author: School №8

A script of literary-musical evening "Nauryz – the beginning of the year"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-03-25 18:01:22
A script of literary-musical evening
     The purpose of the event: to bring together people of different nationalities, to develop students’ interest in national traditions and customs of the peoples of Kazakhstan, formation of students' patriotism and tolerance. Instill love for the motherland. To give a complete picture of the celebration of Nauryz.


Category: Official sites of Kazakhstan
Date: 2017-03-25 17:37:21
    The Republican State Enterprise "National Testing Center" of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as NTC) was created in 1992. The mission of the National Testing Centre is the organizational and technological support of the procedures carried out under the National System of Education Quality Assessment. The...


Category: Official sites of Kazakhstan
Date: 2017-03-25 17:20:56
    BILIM - knowledge. It is not only a key concept that gives meaning to our work, it is main value that gives meaning to our lives. "There is no greater wealth than knowledge, and greater poverty than ignorance" - this statement is known to all. However to us, it is more relevant than ever before. We live in an era where "success" of each individu...

Information of school №9 about participation in "Nauryz flush-2017"

Date: 2017-03-24 05:07:18
Information of school №9 about participation in
For the participation in the city competition "Bauersa -2017", timed to the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash and the celebration of Nauryz, the team of teachers of the school number 9 was awarded a diploma of the I degree.
Author: School №9

Information on the celebration of Nauryz -2017 in secondary school №9

Date: 2017-03-20 04:16:52
Information on the celebration of Nauryz -2017 in secondary school №9
18.03. Held a competition "Zhigit sultana" among the 4 th grades. The goal: to expand the knowledge of children about the holiday of Nauryz, to cultivate respect for national customs and rituals. The contest was very interesting, the participants received certificates in various nominations.       18.03. Held a contest of expressive reading among the 5 th grades on the...
Author: School №9

History of EXPO Inventions

Date: 2017-03-19 16:34:15
History of EXPO Inventions
    The World Exhibitions or EXPOs have been held for more than a half century. During this time, their popularity has incredibly grown – the exhibitions are even compared with world championships and Olympic Games. Experts have counted that since the first exhibition in London held in 1851, EXPO has been visited by more than a billion people from around the world. People are a...


Date: 2017-03-18 08:01:19
The diploma is awarded to the player Amirzin Sabina for the occupied third place in the Championship of Karaganda region on basketball among young men and girls of 2002 of the river. And younger.
Author: School №8


Date: 2017-03-18 07:49:15
The diploma is awarded to the player Onal Akzharkyn for the occupied third place in the Championship of Karaganda region on basketball among young men and girls of 2002 of the river. And younger.
Author: School №8

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