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Questionnaire "Fight against corruption in school"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-09-28 18:32:05
     September 27th school psychologist conducted a questionnaire among parents. Purpose: To identify parents who have faced corruption in school. Call them to a single fight against corruption. Participants: parents of all classes. Survey progress: Parents filled in questionnaires related to the fight against corruption in the school. According to the results of the quest...

To the 95th anniversary of Sirbai Maulenov ...

Category: library
Date: 2017-09-26 15:32:05
To the 95th anniversary of Sirbai Maulenov ...
      On September 24, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club was dedicated to the 95th anniversary, the participant of the Great Patriotic War, the poet Syrbay Maulenov. Vera Yavnenko read Portrait-talk about the life and work of the poet. The video "Infinite track" was given to the attention.  The song "Soldiers Returned from the War" was listene...

1-11 сыныптар арасында өткізілген жалпы ата-аналар жиналысы туралы ақпарат

Date: 2017-09-26 03:33:42
1-11 сыныптар арасында өткізілген жалпы ата-аналар жиналысы туралы ақпарат
    2017 оқу жылындағы 23 қыркүйек күні «Отбасы мен мектептің ынтымақтастығы» тақырыбымен жалпы ата-аналар жиналысы ұйымдастырылды. Жиналысқа20 мұғалім, 1-11 сыныптан  285ата-ана қатысты.Сөз басында мектеп директоры Г.К. Әби 2017-2018 оқу жылына есеп бере отырып, отбасы және бала тәрбиесі туралы кіріспе сөзін айтып, мектептің жаңа оқу жылына дайындығы және оқушыла...
Author: School №9

hall of Abai

Category: Virtual museum
Date: 2017-09-25 15:09:04
hall of Abai
Author: Lyceum №2

«Мы – за мирный атом!»

Date: 2017-09-25 07:37:58
«Мы – за мирный атом!»
Author: School №10

"Weekend Club"

Category: library
Date: 2017-09-20 17:46:34
     On September 17, a regular meeting took place in the "Weekend Club", where was held an intellectual game dedicated to the city day . On the eve of the 80th anniversary of our native city, an intellectual game called "My Favorite City" was held. It consisted of such sections as: "Essays on History", "Monuments and streets of the city&quo...

Қала күні мерекесінің өткізілуі туралы ақпарат

Date: 2017-09-18 04:48:09
Қала күні мерекесінің  өткізілуі туралы ақпарат
2017 оқу жылдың 13 сәуірінде №9 орта мектебінде қаланың 80 жылдық мерекесіне  орй  іс-шаралар жоспары құрылып, жоспарға сай іс-шаралар өткізілді.  13.04 күні Қала күні мерекесіне арналған «Менің сүйікті қалам» атты стенд, көрме ұйымдастырылды.Мектептің дәлізінде оқушыларға «Балқаш кеше, бүгін» фильмі көрсетілді.             &nb...
Author: School №9

"Family values" training

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-09-14 15:58:01
     In September, the psychologist of the school conducted a training on "Family values" among pupils of grades 7-9. Purpose: Forming students' ideas about family values in modern families. Discussion with students of such concepts as "family", "family values"; teaching students how to interact in the family; fostering love for the family; t...

Information on the Day of the Seven, Provided in school 9

Date: 2017-09-13 03:48:22
Information on the Day of the Seven, Provided in school 9
In the 5th and 11th semesters I have organized and distributed various activities in accordance with the commitment to the responsibility of the affirmation of the affirmation of the affirmation of the divorce. 5.09 Information booth "Family-Happiness". Classes 2-4,5-8 have been organized by the class of paintings "Daughter of the Father", photo gallery "My Family"...
Author: School №9

Parent meeting

Category: Work with parents
Date: 2017-09-12 09:54:45
Parent meeting
   09.09.2017 a general school parental meeting was held in the secondary school. On the agenda were discussed such topical topics as "The transition to the updated content of education", "Compliance with traffic rules." At the meeting, the head of the school ATTokeibekova also held an explanatory conversation about the transition to a five-day week of schooling.
Author: School №8

Parent meeting

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-09-12 04:30:01
Parent meeting
08.09.2017 was the PTA meeting, they discussed the issue of forming lichnochti in a child also known child therapist, A. S. Spivakovskaya and his seven types of parental love. Had been given advice on how to be a good parent, for example:   Three steps to "good parenting"    1.Try to find inner peace and develop positive attitude primarily to his own parents.&nbs...

Psychological diagnostics

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-09-12 03:35:53
Psychological diagnostics
07.09.2017 year in a General educational boarding school conducted psychological diagnosis of the first class, diagnosis was carried out according to the method of Core – Eurasica which detects speech, cognitive development, the ability to perform academic tasks, skills, artistic activities.

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