training sessions

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-10-18 05:22:13
training sessions
"Model secondary boarding school  October 13 2017 again together with pupils of correctional and developing work. The theme of the training courses "the tale of Lost time". 10 students in the classroom.

«Латын әліпбиіне көшу-әлемдік үдеріске жақындау» тақырыбында өткізілетін танымдық сағат ақпараты

Date: 2017-10-18 05:14:47
«Латын  әліпбиіне көшу-әлемдік үдеріске жақындау» тақырыбында  өткізілетін танымдық сағат ақпараты
«Латын әліпбиіне көшу- әлемдік үдеріске жақындау» тақырыбында мектеп кітапханасында Кәукербек Р.  9-11 сынып оқушылары арасында танымдық сағат өткізілді. Оқушылар Қ.Р. президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаевтың «Рухани жаңғыру: болашаққа бағдар» атты мақаласында көтерілген мәселелердің бірі латын әліпбиіне көшу туралы бейнематериалды тыңдап, сол бойынша өз ойларын ортаға салды. Ла...
Author: School №9

Information of the School No. 9 on holding events timed to October 18 - "Day of Spiritual Consent"

Date: 2017-10-17 16:45:38
Information of the School No. 9 on holding events timed to October 18 -
From 10 to 18 October, the following events were planned and conducted.            10.10. in the assembly hall of the school for students of grades 7-11 a video film "Dangerous Phone" was shown. The head teacher on educational work Sagimbekova DR. warned students about the responsibility for outgoing calls.     ...
Author: School №9

Information School № 9 on the conduct of activities, devoted to the program "Ruhani zhanyrou"

Date: 2017-10-17 16:42:13
Information School № 9 on the conduct of activities, devoted to the program
A solemn line was held at the school, at which the information group made the main provisions of the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "Bolashak ba'dar: ruhan jahyyru". An exhibition of books was issued.            17.10. the class hours on the topic "Kazakhstan gave Eli Eli" were held, a...
Author: School №9

"My Favourite profession"

Date: 2017-10-17 16:32:03
For the purpose of conducting career guidance work on the right choice of profession, the manifestation of interest in the future specialty 14.10. teacher of technology T.Razakhova held a drawing competition "My favorite profession". Representatives from each class defended their work. The best ones are marked with letters of commendation.
Author: School №9

Information about the matinee "Altyn kuz!"

Date: 2017-10-17 16:05:53
Information about the matinee
10/13/2017 A morning performance was held in the preschool group "Altyn koz!" The children sang and danced. Parents and children took an active part.
Author: School №9

Information about the puppet theater of the city of Astana

Date: 2017-10-17 16:00:25
Information about the puppet theater of the city of Astana
03.10.2017 at 11.30 there was a puppet theater, Astana, together with children played, danced. The children were happy.
Author: School №9

Information on the participation of the pre-school group for the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash

Date: 2017-10-17 15:54:16
Information on the participation of the pre-school group for the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash
On the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash on the "Astana" alley, students of the pre-school group participated in sports games, showed their abilities
Author: School №9

Excursion to the museum for first-year students

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2017-10-17 05:31:06
Excursion to the museum for first-year students
October 9, 2017 for the pupils of the 1st class was the presentation of the school museum. Students together with class leaders got acquainted with the museum. This year our school turns 20 years old. For more information, see the attached file.

Information about the psychological training with the members of the Baiterek Fathers Council and the members of the Mothers' School

Category: Mothers School
Date: 2017-10-17 05:15:37
Information about the psychological training with the members of the Baiterek Fathers Council and the members of the Mothers' School
   In October 2017, a meeting for the members of the Council of Fathers "Baiterek" and the School of Mothers was held in the secondary school # 8. At the meeting, the work of last year was analyzed and a work plan for the current academic year was developed. In order to identify the parents' relationship, the relatives were asked questions, the answers were listened to. F...
Author: School №8

Information about the psychological training with the members of the Baiterek Fathers Council and the members of the Mothers' School

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2017-10-17 05:11:08
Information about the psychological training with the members of the Baiterek Fathers Council and the members of the Mothers' School
   In October 2017, a meeting for the members of the Council of Fathers "Baiterek" and the School of Mothers was held in the secondary school # 8. At the meeting, the work of last year was analyzed and a work plan for the current academic year was developed. In order to identify the parents' relationship, the relatives were asked questions, the answers were listened to. F...

Consultation with parents on the topic of Religious extremism

Date: 2017-10-17 04:52:08
Consultation with parents on the topic of Religious extremism
In the general secondary school, the school psychologist consulted parents on the subject of Religious Extremism. Information can be found in the attached file.

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