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Lesson plan an English lesson "Days of the Week"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-11-27 16:35:44
Lesson plan an English lesson
      On November 23, at the boarding school № 2named after M.Rusakov was held an open lesson in class 2 "A" in English in the framework of the Week of Social Humanitarian Disciplines. The lesson theme is "Days of the Week". The purpose of the lesson is to teach students to call the days of the week and answer questions, determine common verbs and apply the...

"We are different, but we are together" - a lesson in Russian language

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-11-27 16:31:11
        November 22 in boarding school № 2 them. M. Rusakov was held an open lesson in the class 5 "A" in Russian language in the framework of the Week of Social Humanitarian Disciplines. The theme of the lesson is: "We are different, but we are together." The purpose of the lesson is to give students an idea of ​​unpronounceable consonants at the ro...

Open educational hour "Great words of the Kazakh people" ...

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2017-11-27 16:23:48
Open educational hour
       In 7 "Ә" class was held an open educational hour "Great words of the Kazakh people".  The goal: to tell the students about the great personalities of Aiteke, Kazybek, Tole bi of the Kazakh people, whose words are unforgettable and do not lose their relevance and are used up to now. The students got acquainted with the life of...

Open educational hour "Great words of the Kazakh people" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2017-11-27 16:19:46
Open educational hour
     In 7 "Ә" class was held an open educational hour "Great words of the Kazakh people". The goal: to tell the students about the great personalities of Aiteke, Kazybek, Tole bi of the Kazakh people, whose words are unforgettable and do not lose their relevance and are used up to now. The students got acquainted with the life of the great Bi. Learned about t...


Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-11-25 06:16:06
Author: Lyceum №2


Category: Сareer guidance
Date: 2017-11-25 03:30:01
November 25 in the Lyceum a meeting with the students of the Karaganda Economic University took place in the 11th form. During the meeting, the students were given different information about the specialties.
Author: Lyceum №2

Work plan

Category: Сareer guidance
Date: 2017-11-25 03:10:21
The goal: to create an effective system of professional education based on students' interests and demand in the labor market. Аsks:   - organization of work on the choice of a profession based on the needs of medical workers in the region, taking into account the individual psychological features of professional choice;   - development of social partnership in the framew...
Author: Lyceum №2

Ceremony of laying flowers at the monument

Category: Local History Museum
Date: 2017-11-24 19:32:42
Ceremony of laying flowers at the monument
     On November 21, the ceremony of laying flowers for Academician Rusakov's birthday is planned. It was a day of remembrance of the birthday of our academician, who became a model for students, became an unforgettable person. Pupils of the 9th grade and deputy director for the educational process took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to M. R. Rusako...

Information of school №9 about viewing of an online lesson in grades 9-11

Date: 2017-11-24 08:31:32
Information of school №9 about viewing of an online lesson in grades 9-11
23.11. students of grades 9-11 watched and listened to an online lesson on the topic "The beginning of the heating season" in the Karaganda region. Information was provided on the provision of first aid for smoke from premises with stove and gas heating, the use of personal protective equipment.
Author: School №9

Information school № 9 on the conduct of a patriotic lesson in the city museum of local lore

Date: 2017-11-24 08:19:17
Information school № 9 on the conduct of a patriotic lesson in the city museum of local lore
23.11. in the city museum of local lore was held a patriotic lesson. 15 students of the 7th grade took part in it. Specialists of the museum told about the First President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, showed a film about his biography.
Author: School №9

Information on participation in the event in the central the S.Seifullin City Library

Date: 2017-11-24 08:08:18
Information on participation in the event in the central the S.Seifullin City Library
23.11. Central information library of S.Seifullin passed the information hour "Know the history, respect the person". It involved students of 8 "B" class. Tleuhor Aruna, Kargaltayeva Muldir, Asanova Zhansulu were awarded with certificates for active participation.
Author: School №9

Information about the meeting of teachers on the topic "Fight against corruption".

Date: 2017-11-24 07:58:38
Information about the meeting of teachers on the topic
22.11. a meeting of teachers was held on the theme "Fight against corruption". The issues of compliance with the work schedule of the day, safety rules were considered. Also, teachers are not allowed to raise funds for various activities. It was announced to bring to the attention of parents about these issues.
Author: School №9

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