Information on participation in the event in the central the S.Seifullin City Library

Date: 2017-11-24 08:08:18
Information on participation in the event in the central the S.Seifullin City Library
23.11. Central information library of S.Seifullin passed the information hour "Know the history, respect the person". It involved students of 8 "B" class. Tleuhor Aruna, Kargaltayeva Muldir, Asanova Zhansulu were awarded with certificates for active participation.
Author: School №9

Information about the meeting of teachers on the topic "Fight against corruption".

Date: 2017-11-24 07:58:38
Information about the meeting of teachers on the topic
22.11. a meeting of teachers was held on the theme "Fight against corruption". The issues of compliance with the work schedule of the day, safety rules were considered. Also, teachers are not allowed to raise funds for various activities. It was announced to bring to the attention of parents about these issues.
Author: School №9

Ғаламтордағы қауіпті ойындар және оқушылар арасында қол жұмсаудың алдын алу бойынша жүргізілген шаралар туралы мәлімет

Category: Қауіпсіз ғаламтор
Date: 2017-11-24 06:57:10
        Саяқ кенті жалпы білім беретін №6 орта мектебінде 1 және 11 сыныптар аралығында «Ғаламтордағы қауіпті ойындардың және суицидтің алдын алу мақсатында психологтар және сынып жетекшілермен бірлескен шаралар жүргізілді. Оқушыларға ғаламтордағы ақпараттардың барлығы шындыққа жаңаса бермейтіндігі және кейбір ақпараттардың жалған, сонымен қатар...
Author: School №6

19 - қараша темекіге қарсы күрес күніне арналған, «Салауатты өмір салтын қолдаймыз»

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2017-11-24 04:57:19
    Қатысқаны: 30 оқушы   Мақсаты: Денсаулықты сақтаудың басты жолдары-зиянды, жат қылықтардан аулақ болып, салауатты өмір сүру екендігін ұғындыру.   Оқушылар баяндама тыңдап,тақырып бойынша кітапханадағы кітаптармен танысып, темекінің зияны туралы слайдтар көріп тамашалады. Салауатты өмір сүру дегеніміз не? деген сұраққа жауап  беріп, өз ойларымен бөлісті....
Author: School №6

Among pupils of grades 5-7 was held a round table on the topic "Elbasymyz kemenger - koshi tүsu - kemel el".

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2017-11-23 16:13:01
Among pupils of grades 5-7 was held a round table  on the topic
     On November 23, among pupils of grades 5-7 was held a round table  on the topic "Elbasymyz kemenger - koshi tүsu - kemel el". Purpose: to show students information about President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the owner of a diverse talent, an energetic person; propagandizing the image of the president of the country, who leads the country and made our state strong...

Among pupils of grades 5-7 was held a round table on the topic "Elbasymyz kemenger - koshi tүsu - kemel el".

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2017-11-23 16:09:29
Among pupils of grades 5-7 was held a round table  on the topic
  On November 23, among pupils of grades 5-7 was held a round table  on the topic "Elbasymyz kemenger - koshi tүsu - kemel el".  Purpose: to show students information about President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the owner of a diverse talent, an energetic person; propagandizing the image of the president of the country, who leads the country and made our...

Youth supports the idea of modernizing the consciousness!

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2017-11-23 15:14:09
Youth supports the idea of modernizing the consciousness!
     22. 11. 2017 in the boarding school No. 2 named after M.P. Rusakov, the teacher of primary classes Zhetpis B. and Tuleuva A. held a discussion among young specialists on the topic "Youth supports the idea of ​​modernizing the mind". The aim of the above-mentioned event was to familiarize with the objectives of the program on modernization of consciousness and to p...

In the 5th grade held an educational hour "Tug'an elge tag'zym"

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2017-11-23 04:23:44
In the 5th grade held an educational hour
     On October, 4 in the 5th class, was held an educational hour on the topic "Tug'an elge tag'zym". Aim: To increase students' awareness of their homeland, fatherland. Be able to respect the fatherland, develop the ability to provide information about the characteristics of the place of residence of a person, develop a sense of natio...

Lesson plan an English lesson "Days of the Week"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2017-11-23 03:45:42
Lesson plan an English lesson
     At boarding school № 2 within the framework of the subject decade of the public-humanitarian cycle, was held an open lesson in English on the topic "Days of the Week".

мектебіндегі «Латын әліпбиіне көшу барысындағы облыс әкіміні медиа-жоспарында » көрсетілген «1-4 сынып оқушылары арасында» өткізілген суреттер байқауы тақырыбында өткізілген іс-шара бойынша ақпар мен фотоесеп

Category: Рухани Жаңғыру
Date: 2017-11-22 09:27:58
In the secondary school number 25 named. S. Altynsarina On November 24, 2017, a drawing contest was organized among schoolchildren of the 1st and 4th grades on the theme "The New Kazakh Alphabet". The event involved 145 students. The competition was headed by the head of the methodical association of primary classes Tokabayev SS. The best works were awarded to pupils of 4 classes Қal...
Author: School №25

"Bread around the head"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2017-11-22 04:43:15
20.11.2017 in the school №17 named Mayakovsky held a competition "Bread around the head". In this competition our school participated two students Ablay and A. A. Kozhakhmetov was fairly valued work of our children and they were awarded with certificates.

"A healthy balanced diet in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases – a way to longevity"

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-11-22 04:24:14
In General school-boarding General type in connection with the decade on rational nutrition conducted the following work:   1. 14.10.17 the lecture was held among pupils of 1 - PA5 classes on the topic: "Prevention of diabetes", "asthma", "Obesity" include 4-5 classes held show program " Live healthy!"   3. 17.10.17...

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