General School Parent Assembly

Category: Work with parents
Date: 2018-03-01 16:28:03
General School Parent Assembly
Present: 92 parents. On the agenda: 1. Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "Development of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution"                              &...
Author: School №8

«Алғыс айту күні – мейірімділік, жарқындық мейрамы»

Category: Events dedicated to the celebration of March 1 - gratitude Day
Date: 2018-03-01 16:09:27
«Алғыс айту күні – мейірімділік, жарқындық мейрамы»
03/01/2018 on the day of gratitude in secondary school №5in the 1-3 classes were held mobile games between classes. And also a relay race between «3A»  and  «3Ә»  classes was held. Where children showed their sharpness, agility and mobility. As a result, students of grade «3Ә» won.
Author: School №5

The entertainment program "Journey to the world of friendship and goodness" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-01 16:01:52
The entertainment program
    On February 28, within the framework of the decade for educational work, among the 5th-6th grades, the entertainment program "Journey to the world of friendship and goodness" was held. Purpose: to reveal the value of moral values as "Friend" and "Friendship." Objectives: to explain the importance of friendship, respect and harmony in huma...

Information of school №9 on holding events dedicated to the Day of gratitude

Date: 2018-03-01 15:52:29
Information of school №9 on holding events dedicated to the Day of gratitude
1.03. director of educational work conducted a contest "A thousand thanks to teachers" between the 7 information groups, consisting of students 7-10 grades.
Author: School №9

PROTOCOL №2 MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES "Secondary School №10 of Balkhash town"

Category: Протоколы
Date: 2018-03-01 13:32:24
                                             PROTOCOL №2              MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                 "Secondary School №...

The game was played

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2018-03-01 12:47:34
The game was played
     In the mini-center "Balbobek" school-gymnasium number 7 them. S.Seifullina On February 1, 2018, the game was played, the children received colorless images of a bear, an apple and a flower in a game with a color tone. Each child first revealed what photos there were. The psychologist questioned the child's ability to distinguish the color and color of the cor...

"Approximation to the 5-th."

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2018-03-01 12:35:48
          In the mini-center "Balbobek" school-gymnasium number 7 them. S. Seifullin February 1, 2018 were conducted psychological games "Who so says?", "Who called you", "Approximation to the 5-th." The main goal of the game is to  develop hearing skills for children and to educate themselves.  The game involv...

Class hours, dedicated to March 1 - "Day of gratitude"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-02-28 21:26:58
Class hours, dedicated to March 1 -
     February 28, 2013 in the boarding, school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov in all classes were class hours, dedicated to March 1 - "Day of gratitude". The goal: To acquaint children with a new holiday that has appeared in Kazakhstan; extend the notion of "a day of gratitude to the people". The development of love for the younger, a good attitude, a sense...

Diagnosis "Determining the character on the fingers" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-02-28 20:45:35
     On February 23, 2013 with pupils of the 8th grade, was carried out a diagnosis to determine the character of the fingers. Purpose: to identify the character of a person by fingers and give information about their character. The course: The students shared the positive and negative aspects of their characters. We made an invoice using the method of changing the positions...

Competition of information and propaganda groups "The New Age - Through the Eyes of Youth" ...

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2018-02-28 19:54:58
Competition of information and propaganda groups
     On February 27, the students of boarding school № 2 took part in the city competition of information and propaganda groups "The New Century - Through the Eyes of Youth" organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren within the framework of the "Ruhani zhangyru" program and were awarded with the nomination "For creativity".

Competition of information and propaganda groups "The New Age - Through the Eyes of Youth" ...

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2018-02-28 19:52:38
Competition of information and propaganda groups
      On February 27, the students of boarding school № 2 took part in the city competition of information and propaganda groups "The New Century - Through the Eyes of Youth" organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren within the framework of the "Ruhani zhangyru" program and were awarded with the nomination "For creativity".

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