Congratulatory speech by the head of the school on the Day of Gratitude

Category: Headmaster's speeches
Date: 2018-03-06 12:14:10
Congratulatory speech by the head of the school on the Day of Gratitude
  Dear students, teachers of the school! On the initiative of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev in our national calendar, special dates on March 1 were marked as a Day of Gratitude. We meet the holiday for the third year, becoming more and more imbued with its deep meaning. Its appearance in the life of Kazakhstanis is a natural development of long traditions of friendship, sincere...

Обращение Президента Республики Казахстан Нурсултана Назарбаева к народу «Пять социальных инициатив Президента»

Category: Послания Президента РК
Date: 2018-03-06 08:50:14
«Я убежден: процветающий Казахстан - это, прежде всего, уверенные в себе люди, чувствующие защиту, поддержку и заботу государства и отвечающие ему взаимностью и патриотизмом. Поэтому мы открываем сегодня путь к новым масштабным социальным проектам». Нурсултан НАЗАРБАЕВ, Президент Казахстана.   Құрметті қазақстандықтар! Наурыз айының еліміздің Тәуелсіздік күнтізбе...
Author: School №10

The most popular professions in Kazakhstan

Category: Сareer guidance
Date: 2018-03-05 12:30:57
The most popular professions in Kazakhstan
Author: Lyceum №2

Meeting "We thank with all our heart!"

Category: Кітапхана-ғажайып әлем
Date: 2018-03-05 09:34:53
       On the day of the first spring holiday, the library staff in the school-gymnasium number 7 named. S.Seifullin organized a meeting "Shyn zhurekpen altys aytamiz!". At the event, students of 7 "A" class Zukharnaeva Kamila, Tanirbergen Dilnaz, Abdikarimova Araylym, Askarov Amina, Iklyasbekov Ilyas who actively read the favorite poem in Kazakh and Russi...

"Say Yes to Life"

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2018-03-05 09:13:25
      02.23.2018 school-gymnasium number 7 named after. S.Seifullin was conducted by school psychologists conducted a training course "Say Yes to Life". Under slow music, the training "Night Sky" was conducted. In this training, the students closed their eyes and imagined the night sky. Drew their thoughts on paper with a pencil. In the training "Life Valu...

Meeting of the Weekend Club was devoted to the creative life of the popular French writer Jules Verne...

Category: library
Date: 2018-03-04 20:57:31
Meeting of the Weekend Club was devoted to the creative life of the popular French writer Jules Verne...
      On March 4, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club was devoted to the creative life of the popular French writer Jules Verne. The librarian made a review of the books in the library, and also viewed the book trailer of the writer's works. Jules Verne occupied the journeys and successes of modern science and technology, and the study of natural sciences, physics, ast...

Competition "Zhigit sultani"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-04 20:47:14
     On March 2, in accordance with the plan of the decade of educational events in our school, the competition "Zhigit sultani" was held among the 8-9 grades. Purpose: to teach our guys to be courageous, to bring up oratory, resourcefulness, morality, comprehensively developed personalities. Educate confident in their future brave, honest sons who respect the custom...

A round table discussion was held on the topic "We have a sense of brotherhood"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-04 20:21:46
A round table discussion was held on the topic
      On March 2, at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov within the framework of the action plan held within the framework of the "Day of Gratitude" among the 7-8 grades, a round table discussion was held on the topic "We have a sense of brotherhood", the main goal was to educate students in brotherhood, friendship, good communication.

Train to the city museums

Category: Virtual museum
Date: 2018-03-03 17:36:23
 Train to the city museums
   For those of you who want to optimize the work of our school and library, our schoolm 1-7 class travels to all the libraries and school libraries in the city, the city's museums and school museums, and have gone through the venue.   

2016 - 2017 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің грант игерлері

Category: Alumni Board
Date: 2018-03-03 17:28:25
2016 - 2017 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің грант игерлері

2015 - 2016 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің грант игерлері

Category: Alumni Board
Date: 2018-03-03 17:27:44
2015 - 2016 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің грант игерлері

2014 - 2015 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің грант игерлері

Category: Alumni Board
Date: 2018-03-03 17:26:58
2014 - 2015 оқу жылындағы мектеп бітіруші түлектердің грант игерлері

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