The questionnaire "Determining the level of education" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-03-31 12:27:12
The questionnaire
     In March, in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru" subprograms "Education and Training" direction "Otanym-tagdyrym", according to the plan, a survey was conducted on the level of education among students of the school. Participants: students of grades 5-9 Number of Students: 197 № Class...

"The book is the source of knowledge"...

Category: library
Date: 2018-03-31 12:07:06
  On March 25, in the reading room of the school library with children, an interesting report was made on the role of the book on the topic "The book is the source of knowledge". During the event, the children learned a lot of interesting things about the role of the book, about the benefits of reading, and they shared their knowledge. Children took an active part, the event w...

A lesson-training on the theme "Charity is the path to good"...

Category: "Kazakhstan is the territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-03-31 11:49:23
A lesson-training on the theme
  The psychologist of the school Asylkhanova A.A. in March of this year within the framework of the action "Kazakhstan - the territory of kindness" conducted a lesson-training on the theme "Charity is the path to good" among students of grades 7-9. During the training the students played various games on the subject of the training, the students were asked questions an...

A lesson-training on the theme "Charity is the path to good"...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-03-31 11:47:35
A lesson-training on the theme
  The psychologist of the school Asylkhanova A.A. in March of this year within the framework of the action "Kazakhstan - the territory of kindness" conducted a lesson-training on the theme "Charity is the path to good" among students of grades 7-9. During the training the students played various games on the subject of the training, the students were asked questions an...

A literary-musical evening "Nauryz – mereke, bereke"...

Category: "Kazakhstan is the territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-03-31 11:29:41
A literary-musical evening
  19 March 1-3, 4-6, 7-10 classes took a literary-musical evening "Nauryz – mereke, bereke", which prepared and conducted schoolteachers together with the students. The purpose of the event: to bring together people of different nationalities, to develop students’ interest in national traditions and customs of the peoples of Kazakhstan, formation of students&#...

Psychological training on kindness...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-03-31 11:26:05
Psychological training on kindness...
  In March, within the framework of the action, psychological training on kindness was held. Purpose: to explain the importance of kindness in a person's life. The development of mutual respect. To bring up to do good deeds and deeds. Participants: pupils of grades 4-6. Course of the training: The training began with a circle of joy. Students on the board have placed...

Результаты пробного тестирования ЕНТ за 2017-2018 уч.года КГУ ОСШ№6

Category: Ұлттық бірыңғай тест
Date: 2018-03-30 10:14:47
                          № Дата тестирования Срений балл по математике Срений балл по физике Срений балл по химии Срений балл по географии...
Author: School №6

Результаты пробного тестирования ЕНТ за 2017-2018 года КГУ ОСШ №6

Category: Ұлттық бірыңғай тест
Date: 2018-03-30 10:13:03
  Результаты пробного тестирования ЕНТ за  2017-2018 года  КГУ ОСШ №6           № Дата тестирования Средний  балл ЕНТ 2017 года Сдавали ЕНТ пробное тестрование Общий балл Средний балл пробного общего тестировани...
Author: School №6

Competition «Көңілді көктем»

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2018-03-30 09:36:39
Competition «Көңілді көктем»
On the 28th of March in the KGCP "Dwarf Shkolnikov" went to the contest of artists on the theme "Spring of Spring". At the competition in 6A class Kappasova Adel, where the second place was taken. The manager: Usenova Т.О. Congratulations !
Author: Lyceum №2

"My Favorite City"

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2018-03-30 09:34:32
On March 27 at the photo contest "My Favorite City" pupils of the Lyceum took an active part, where the pupil of the 4th grade Adilbaev Arman received the Diploma for active participation.
Author: Lyceum №2

Competition «Аспанның жаһангерлері»

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2018-03-30 09:32:28
Competition «Аспанның жаһангерлері»
On March 26, a competition for the launching of kites "Aspan Zhangarleri" was organized at the "Palace of Schoolchildren". Students of the 7b class Satibai Erasyl, Esengaliev Alikhan, Jacqui Meirzhan took an active part and were awarded with diplomas.
Author: Lyceum №2

Exhibition of books "One book-one region"

Category: LIBRARY
Date: 2018-03-29 09:07:41
  On March 26, 2013, in the secondary school # 8 within the framework of the "Bir Aimah-bir kitap" action, an exhibition of fairy tale books "Ertegiler Elinde" was held for pupils of 3 classes: "Karlyashasty", "Zhanylysyrdy olzhasy" , "Қаңбақ шал", "Alaman men Zholaman", "Aldar kosem men Shyhaybay", "Kunkey slyu"...

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